I have to agree with you. I think twitch culture, and fansites are more to blame then anything else. Fansites create this idea that you -have- to do certain specs, or certain behaviors to play the game, from there twitch players promoted this idea even further some even going as far as degrading those who didn’t follow those ideas. For the sake of content. This slowly transitioned into the game and now its kinda just stuck there. Being a jerk is funny, caring about yourself is the most important thing, and group content is just there to be your tool because nobody else matters.
Intel chips are programed to turn off if you leave a dungeon before it is completed
Last expansion they gave guilds back master loot.
Except they didn’t, of course.
To be honest regarding the twitch comment, I haven’t actually seen that to be true. I know twitch is a big place and there are possibly pockets I’m not aware of, but I watch a lot of the “try hard/sweaty” streamers and they are actually very helpful and encouraging, and almost always say “Unless you are trying for the 0.01% of keys then you can play what you want” unless a spec is in shambles.
Fansites I can’t speak to as I can’t think of one that I ever visit, but generally speaking these issues have always seemed to stem from the playerbase as a whole. We have a lot of different types of people playing this game and we can either find our tribes or go it alone, that appears to be the wow way of life lol
I like helping to raise people up and, shocker, possibly learn from them in the process. But I am perhaps a relic of MMO past and am not a great example of your modern day mmo player. Thankfully I’ve found and continue to find a group of peeps that I surround myself with and we enjoy ourselves despite all that.
If blizzard is in the position where they have to enforce punishments for people leaving, maybe they should figure out what is wrong with their design that makes people leave that much.
Yeah, i mean they are better now but not when the issue was first created. Some of them still openly admit about how bad they was back in the earlier days of WoW. It was a slow corruption from the start. People used to laugh about crashing servers, or thought it was funny to ninja loot on their streams and so on and so forth. They took pride in it back then. Problem with creating a culture like that, it’s easy to create but hard to break.
I remember some years ago I thought it would be a good idea if we could dismount early from a flightpath if we needed to get off earlier. I never put it up on the forum anywhere and couldnt recall seeing any posts on the idea, so I put it in an ingame suggestions.
Now, I’m not claiming my suggestion triggered this to happen, but I like to think that it contributed to the other input, or even perhaps clicked with them when they were working on flightpaths at the time.
So I think its worth doing since it takes a few seconds and costs nothing.
Yeah, I just think the feature could use some improvements. Sadly the improvement would cost them money so it can’t be done. But a simple system where if the idea isn’t used a automated system states your ideas was received and reviewed would be good, but also have a personal touch where someone communicates with you directly if they use your suggestions would be good too idk. The way it is now, it just feels empty. For a social game the interactions with staff has been really abyssmal starting at around MoP. I miss WoTLK and prior staff involvement.
Yeah I think we might just disagree on this point; not that those things AREN’T annoying and bad for the game, but the source. That sounds like a human nature thing and not a WoW-encouraged thing. We can’t have a dev babysitting every instance to make sure loot is distributed fairly, that falls on the playerbase themselves, and I can guarantee you that all the ninja looters of the past were not streamers with an audience egging them on hah
People are just ducks.
It was, and blizzard made changes after a few weeks to get people to stop doing it.
This has been a recurring problem almost every expansion and honestly it really is time that the way we earn loot, especially in normal/heroic dungeons, got updated to stop players doing things like leaving after the boss that drops the item they want is dead.
It would be best to encourage good behaviors rather than punishing bad ones, but punishments are easier for most people to imagine so we get those more often.
I’m not saying they was all streamers. I think you are underestimating the power of media though. They call them influencers for a reason. When people watch activities, it increases the odds they themselves will do that activity. Did the problem exist with or without streamers yes. Would it exist and spread at the speed at which it did without them? Most likely not.
I like this a lot. It is time we update and encourage good behavior. Couldn’t of said it better myself
Eliminate queues, re-focus the game back on social play. Done.
its generating a lot of talks when the solution is very simple and short.
put the loot at the end.
i can take a 8 minutes deserter debuff chilling and fishing OR stick around for 8 minutes of useless heroic… it becomes tempting… especially if the group isnt going at a great pace.
Oh trust I work in marketing, I know the power of media haha
I think you’re referring to tier lists, which I agree are just silly fodder and hold little relevance. They are based on things that are factual, but realistically looking at m+ and raids for years on end you can see any non-meta spec involved in some way. Priest this tier for example is seen to be very low since they can’t handle most of the dispels that will need to be handled, can’t interrupt in a high interrupt season, and their cc is whack. Probably do good in raid though.
But there are always outliers for people who are just good at their class and work to prove it. I myself was diehard windwalker during Ny’alotha when we were seen as trash and I did the most damage on our Mythic Carapace, thanks RNG + corruptions lol
Just further evidence that Blizzard should just get rid of matchmaking systems like LFG and LFR.
Behavior like this was pretty rare before those systems.
The game is still social. Queueable content is accessible and not a bad thing. The two can live together in the same universe.
It’s also never relevant to end game but should be a viable game mode for people who participate in it. The quality of the gameplay experience for someone trying to gear/level in a dungeon when someone queues in as tank for a stupid pre season bis trinket only to leave after is drops is just clearly stupid. It’s not your game mode, you’ve made that clear, and it’s not mine either personally but when it’s literally the only thing in the game to do right now it does stand out.
Until the people who are addicted to queues demand changes that impact the non-queue parts of the game. Which happens way too often.
we can get that changed.