Dungeon Leavers: The solution for blizzard

A lot of people only experience the content through the queue. I know it might seem like an easy fix to suggest “just make your own group, play with friends, etc etc” but having played many games I can tell you there are a lot of people that either don’t feel comfortable making groups or, sad as it is, legitimately don’t have any in-game friends to play with. Removing the queueing system would just be removing that part of the game for a large group of people.

They could just make it so if you WALK into an instance you can get the loot boss-by-boss, but if you queue loot is distributed end of dungeon. Walking in shows you formed a group with an intent, queueing you are signing up to actually finish the dungeon.

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This is actually not a bad idea. I’ll add this to my original post

To be honest, I don’t know how many other people it effects but there is a type of anxiety attached to forming a group. I can’t speak for anyone else because I am diagnosed with literally every anxiety disorder known to man so it can be difficult for me to know others perspectives. But it’s incredibly challenging to form a group, let alone be in one. It’s what slowly pushed me to be more and more solo orientated. Every bad group experience I had just pushed me further and further that direction. Thankfully blizzard has been giving us more tools to be able to do that.


That sucks that you have to deal with that. Hopefully follower dungeons becomes good enough to fit your needs friend.

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You’re not alone in that! I play a lot of Guild Wars 2 and there are a LOT of players in that game that experience the same issue (in part because it attracts a lot of “casual” players, but also because the combat system and APM is a lot more complicated than in wow if you are trying to min/max). My guild leads training runs each week because of it to encourage players to experience the content and learn the fights and, hopefully, make some new friends.

It’s always sad to me when I come back to WoW and come across the very noticeably different game culture here of every man for himself. The selfishness here is staggering compared to other games. It’s an MMO, be nice to each other dawgs.

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To be honest I’d rather people just solved the community issue. Realistically not going to happen though. Yet I would like to do more group content again. Just with all the judgement, and the leaving, and the general bad experience. It’s easy to simply say why bother and just do my own thing.

Gawd, how many of these posts do we have to see appear?

Yes, you have.

I think if you look in certain areas of wow there are a lot of unselfish team people completing content together.

I wish this was possible, but to many different ideas and opinions makes it really difficult/

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city of echoes this happens constantly but heroics are soo ez u can 2 man it to the second boss… when you will have, most likely, a new group by then.

This is a united solution post, rather than a negative post like the others. The point of this post is to bring to light the best solution to make everyone happy, and so far we are on a roll.

Much time wasted on these posts. Blizz knows what the problem is, and what the best solution is (loot after last boss), but they don’t want to solve the problem, and they’re never going to tell us why. I’m certain they also know that a 30 minute deserter debuff will accomplish absolutely nothing - just some misguided PR move on their part.

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Yeah. That’s a problem. Get rid of queues and go back to a game where people had to deal with others as actual people, instead of disposable cogs to be chewed up and thrown away.

That’s why Blizzard needs to devote their attention to re-building the game’s social fabric that they have so callously and short-sightedly destroyed.

And there have many times people have suggested what you have. I have suggested it myself. It’s just repeating the same things that have been said many times and generating the same comments that have been made many times. I sometimes don’t get why there has to be this rolling repeat of the same topics and comments over and over.

Ultimately I say this: if you think you have a good idea, put it in an ingame Suggestion the system provides. It gets the idea directly to them, rather than making a post that may not be seen.

Putting faith in the people that created the problem they need to fix always amused me. If you create a problem, it’s pretty clear you need suggestions to better address the situation. Or would you trust the person that shot their own leg to be able to bandage it?

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I appreciate your input

Yup I have a guild where we do just this! We pug with people as needed, sometimes make new friends, stop playing when we get bored, and then play other games until something new comes out in wow that we’re interested in. You never run out of content if you aren’t married to one game, especially a game where people are so pedantic and annoying lol

I hve also been a part of big communities that help people complete content all the time. they have like 5 raids that run a week, with different leaders and payers. its a community of like 1k people.

To be honest, sometimes I think thats just there and does nothing. Like you hit submit and it just goes into the void. At least on the forum you get some sense something is happening even if its never seen.

Yeah that was Blizzard, not every other aspect of social media we interact with.

It was Blizzard that started incentivizing “screw your friends, play with randoms instead” with bonus bags and stat boosts.

When was the last time Blizzard did anything to help guilds?

(There’s a long list of things they’ve done in the last 10 years to HURT guilds, on the other hand.)

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