Dungeon Kicking

This internet is the absolute worse. I would rather use dialup.

Is it really quicker? Kicking one person really doesn’t have that much of a impact of 4 peoples lives in reguards of gearing up.

So you finish it quicker the rewards is still going to be the same on each boss. Rather you wait a few or don’t it doesn’t mean your going to get a awesome piece of loot. Your still got to roll the rng dice like everyone else. Random dungeons don’t matter if you kill the boss faster or not.

You can apply this logic to the person that got kicked. Is it really a big deal to queue up again? No.

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  1. yes they do, because the faster you beat them the more you can do in a sitting…
  2. you still didn’t answer the question but tried to side hop answer it because you do not want to.

Answer it. What is more moral? The needs of the 4 or the 1?

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What is more moral? This is a MMO game not some steroid performance race. Nobody needs anything on a video game.

Right so what’s the point of being pissy about getting kicked from a dungeon? Just butch up and move on with your life.


DC’s still happen whether you have a good internet connection or not weeble.

So why bring morality into the game at all, with your “you are a jerk” for NOT waiting for them. Seems pretty hypocritical for you to use morality to judge when you aren’t asked a question you do not want to answer. When asked one then “oh no morality doesn’t matter does it, its just a game”

So same applies to your statement, it is just a game so why should we wait if none of it matters and they can do another group?


The needs of the many does outweigh the needs of the few or one.

But then again does it really make your team perform better just kicking some dc. It depends on the replacement.

ANYONE would do better than a offline person…
even 1 DPS is better than 0 DPS, and infinitely faster…

And if the needs of the many are more as you stated, then WHY should we wait huh? The 4 need to finish the dungeon because they have other things to do too. So replacing the 1 that is the DC is the moral thing there because their need isn’t more than the 4 as you said yourself. Thank you for agreeing with me.

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That’s not broken. That’s working as intended. If the majority of people in the group don’t want to play with you, they don’t have to.


Okay I kick you for wearing a red beard instead of a pink one.

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Sure, you could. I mean, i don’t usually do queueable content. Not to mention I’m a tank, so have fun waiting. But you are perfectly fine kicking whoever you like.

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That’s not how it works. You need two other people that hates red beards.

Only works if the other 3 agree. I don’t I like red beards even if they come from gingers and they have no souls. He is a DK though so doesn’t have one anyways.

Wait why did you que as a tank if i qued as a tank?!?!?!

Yeah, and? Sounds like everything is working just fine. If I want to kick you because I dislike the color of your hair and two other people agree, oh well, working as intended.

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Purrrrrfect way to trollololol the system.

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D/Cs are actually when i find that players are most patient when it comes to the kick button ironicly.

So three random people just so happened to decide to troll the system at the same time?

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