No its broken cause it is abused. People can kick for any reason.
Don’t like there hair -Kick-
Don’t like there mog -kick-
Hate there race -kick-
Your dps is too low -kick-
Your dps is high -kick-
Told a lame joke -kick-
Told funny joke -kick-
Didn’t tell a joke -kick-
You have a dog -kick-
You have a cat -kick-
Your a dog -kick-
Your a cat -kick-
Your on a certain server -kick-
Your not on a server -kick-
Your a panda -kick-
Your not a panda -kick-
Your name is bad -kick-
Your name is good -kick-
Your hat is on backwards -kick-
Your hat is on right -kick-
Your upside down -kick-
Your right side up -kick-
waiting around forever for people does nothing for us, so why should we?
waiting on randoms is boring and wastes our time.
we didn’t know them and no way of knowing if they are coming back.
apparently there are a large amount of people that agree with the sentimentality.
So yeah, you can be moral all you want, but DC people will kick your butt normally. Life of the game, since especially in dungeon finder, DPS can be replaced in a second.
Well lets look at it this way shall we. We do everything in game for reward right? We don’t do it for the shiggles. So what incentive do we have to waste 2(or more) minutes of our free time (not all of us get all day to play because we have actual responsibilities so we play in our down time, hard of a concept it seems for you) vs kicking him and getting an instant replacement and going on, thus speeding along the finish? Karma doesn’t actually guarantee you get back what you put in. It is nice to think but there is no guarantee it will. So its much like praying.
Yet another reason why it’s hard to want to make new friends ingame nowadays. A large percentage of the playerbase is gaming like they are hopped up on speed. It’s supposed to be a fun time, not a rush to finish up your homework.
Says who? Most people aren’t running ques for the journey. They are running dungeons for gear to do better stuff…LFR, DF, all that, not the fun experience of WoW. Note glad it is also the worst way to gear up these days with catch up gear lol.
If you can’t wait a few minutes then whats the point in playing I have to wait 30+ to get into a dungeon to begin with. Having extra long wait times in dps makes me want to wait for the person to return then having to wait for vote kick to take effect then wait another 10+ to get someone else.
There’d have to be diminishing returns for this or else people would abuse it to also be jerks. “I’m so sorry that I DC’d ten times in a row and you had to wait a total of 20 minutes for me!”
You don’t wait a long time to replace a DPS. With all the DPS in que, if you replaced one, it would be instantaneous replacement, not 10 minutes. As a tank I can say you guys are just like lightbulbs. There are many in a box, and quick to replace. Also easy to turn on but thats another story.
So that’s what people are in wow now -lightbulbs-? So if one stops working its gogogogo get another one quick. Even though the bulb is not burned out but could have a loose wire in socket that blinks on and off from time to time.
Do i know them? Do I have any reason to know them? They just sat there pew pewing and then disconnected. I have no reason to think it was a DC, they could have logged out to troll, etc You make an assumption that they are or not and make a call. Otherwise, it is a waste of YOUR time because of THEM. Not our fault they DCed so why should we prolong the dungeon because of their issue? Without you trying to use your morality, which only applys to you because that is a subjective thing, again what reward is there to wait? Do you wait on your light to come back on when it popped off because you really really like that light bulb and want it to continue working?
But lets go to morality huh? What is more moral? Waiting on one person and wasting 4 peoples times, 4 people that have 4 lives that they have other things to do to, or kick 1 and instantly replace that 1 so that everyone else finishes a dungeon quicker?
You make it sound not completing the dungeon is a going to cause some event that is going to destroy lives. Whats a few extra minutes to you? Is that replacement really going to put you that much ahead in the item level scoreboard?