Why don’t we kick the panda warrior instead? They are over here trying to moralize us? I vote kick Yoshu. Need 2 more.
I’m hitting yes.
Need one more! Cmon vote kick the low ilevel furry warrior that wants to evangelize us!
I vote kick the biggest, toughest looking character in the group right when I join. It’s like prison, you have to make a statement.
Unfortunately that’s usually the tank so I usually play myself and have to wait for another to join.
It is called manners and being considerate to other people. If a player indeed does not come back after a while then yes kick. But it is only considerate to give them a few minutes. We can easily progress thru dungeons with only 4 nowadays unless it is mythic so there is no reason not to give a player a chance to reconnect.
Look another person wanting us to go with their version of morality.Maybe go form a party with the panda
don’t pre-judge. You don’t know my situation anymore than I know yours. I might have a few hours a week to play these days, at best.
Your time is so precious you’re fine with wasting other peoples time for something out of their control? Without even so much as the consideration that they could come back in a few seconds?
It’s OK to come to terms with the fact that you are simply not a very charitable person, so yeah, my point still stands.
Did you know in some countries its considered bad manners to offer your right hand to shake? Did you know in others its considered bad to offer your left? Did you know if you don’t eat something it is considered insulting?
Moral being manners are subjective and you cannot use yours against others.
So are you saying the needs of that one superseded the needs of the 4? If i vote kick and 2 others agree, then it is apparent at least 3 do not want to wait…so we have the majority and those needs outweigh the one.
like I said, most people don’t read the VTK text. So yeah, if you initiate it, you’re the jerk. They’re only jerks by proxy, but have plausible deniability.
You don’t know that and I think only people that get kicked a bunch believes this.
I agree. They are probably dbags in group, get kicked for either doing stuff they shouldn’t or DCing alot and just get mad when they get kicked
This is a video game about playing together with friends and guildies not a performance race where one second means everything in losing and winning. Your +5 minutes =/= a epic drop from a boss. But play however you want man. You want a race then play wow as one.
Don’t be so impatient then. Why do you feel the need to zoom when you could just rerun the dungeon instead of expecting everyone else to wait for you. Slow down.
They have no idea how long you are going to be gone, should they wait 5 minutes to replace you ?
Bad idea because I can make myself disconnect - people would use that to troll others.
I have tested this idea on a few occasions while helping a friend level in BFA dungeons. Folks don’t read, they don’t care, or maybe they just think it is funny.
I initiated kicks on said friend with absurd reasons like “I like peanut butter” and they usually passed.
Not a large sample size, of course.
In the end it was put to a vote and the majority agreed to kick you. Are they being jerks? Yeah, they are, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was indeed voted on.
Sorry Tolarion that this happened to you. Good viewpoints here. Mine is that I like the spontaneous challenge of trying to complete content in a non-standard way (I.e. four person vs five). I’m usually tanking the dungeon, so I have zero qualms waiting a couple of minutes while we continue to dominate whatever heathen creature infest that unholy dungeon.
I digress…
I’m fortunate to have collected relatively good gear to be able to accommodate one or more dc’s. If after a couple of minutes they don’t return, I’ll ask the group or comment to the effect “looks like we’ll remove and grab another, unless you folks don’t mind playing as a quartet.” If they wanna keep going and see if the individual(s) return, we’ll keep pressing forward.
Overall, I hope you were able to complete your dungeon in a separate escapade - if I missed this already, my apologies.
Or maybe they just thought your friend was bad enough to deserve to get kicked.
I have seen legit vote kicks fails because you get a couple of people who decide everyone deserves a chance and that people should wait 5-10 minutes for someone to log back in.