Dungeon Kicking culture

You are correct, but people are acting as if just regular Wrath heroics were sweaty content. “I go over the top with my preparations for heroics so everyone else should do the same.” is not a mindset that is for classic stuff.

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Its not only in dungeons it happens in wintergrasp to all you need do is say something like they will never update it , or to play wintergrasp like it was got to play wrath and bang you get kicked . I can see it is afk but I was not I was actively giving horde honor . I am glad I only got 12 days left in this game its gone so far down hill I think they will never save it .

All of my character names take me a long time to come up with and are very deliberately chosen to match aspects of my real life personality, feywaif more than most. I’ve always seen myself as something of a fey waif.

I’d say about a third of my posts are jokes. I tend to get a fair amount of likes on my joke posts so some people appreciate them. Yes, it was a very cliched joke, I usually try for a bit more creativity. But while you can hate my sense of humor if one of us is a moron it would be someone who didn’t get that my post was a joke.

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So don’t project that on me then because this is just a duo name with Empathy, who was my UD rogue specific for pvp during TBC, and this toon was supposed to be my pve toon. I thought it was funny to have an undead rogue named empathy and this toon just followed suit.

I didn’t read it as a joke, didn’t really feel like a set up into a joke, and just felt like a condescending observation based solely on a single character’s name while ignoring anything of substance from my post.

Fey I don’t want to beef with you again. Legit. We beefed, we made up, still disagreed from time to time but I do not dislike you.

You say it was a joke, and I am now apologizing to you for my response. You’re far from the first to use my characters name as a means to disregard what I posted (not saying you did this specific instance), and no one else prior ever meant it was a joke, only as an insult, so I took yours the exact same way. You didn’t mean it like that and my response to you was unwarranted.

Just tired of any variation of “hehe your toon named apathy so you shouldnt care hehe” its old and tired and only has been used to dismiss anything I say.

Sorry, I don’t really consider anything done here important enough to remember. If we had some discussion in the past, benign or antagonistic, I don’t recall it. I mostly live in the moment here and in the moment I was bored so I went for the obvious joke. No harm intended.

That’s fair. I remember people who annoy me and you hit that nerve hard early.

So I also remember when we slowly stopped beefing. It’s been a minute though.

I believe you, it’s why I apologized. Not something I do often, especially on here.

It’s just, I’m not trying to be mean with this sentence, but your joke has the same vibe as “stay dry” or “stay warm” to someone outside in the rain or cold. It’s overused, annoying, and in my character’s name specific context, has exclusively been used against me as a negative. In context as well, you’re also trying to make a joke about how I don’t care about my friends activities.

It’s kinda hard to find the humor in it.

After that person spent post after post calling me stupid and a moron, dont apologize to them. I can almost guarantee they werent joking. Best just to do what I did and put them on ignore.

bc blizzard is garbage when it comes to ilvl reqs for some reason that 353 or whatever is too low so those ppl are gonna usually be booted.

it was low in wraths ver too same thing happened and they’ve learned nothing. they don’t know how to even out the ilvls with the these “new” m+ style dungeons and im pretty sure they dont play or test a thing lol

tho it’s much easier to gear now so ppl shouldnt have too hard of a time getting to at least 365 which i feel is good enough.

Yeah, so it is but if you’re gonna call yourself apathy you have to expect people to make the obvious joke. And if you decide to call people moron when they make the overused obvious joke you’re gonna get into fights. I usually push back a lot harder when someone decides to start a fight by calling me a moron over an innocent joke. I’ll continue to contend that when I get into fights here it’s because someone else started it.


No one has ever said it as a joke. I already said this.

No, it wasn’t obvious. Your joke’s premise entirely revolves around my name and then saying that because of my name, I don’t care about my friends activities. That was your single sentence “joke”. There was no set up. There was no additional context to lead to it. Your joke is literally “Your name is apathy so you would say f your friends anyways hahahaha” like thats a joke? An obvious joke? Come on now.

If you want, I’ll just double back being mad because your defense over this instead of just going “yeah bad joke” and both of us moving on is actually tilting.

No. You did. By making a bad “joke” and now you’re just really trying to defend said bad joke, the same joke where your basically just trying to say, once again don’t care about my friends.

Its just a bad joke. Let it go and we can both move on, but keep defending and I’ll gladly just swing on every person I see.

Trying to gear my Frost DK - He’s 380 but, I have 2x 359 weapons so, my damaged gets screwed.

Just pulled 20-25k in a Twilight and got booted after 2nd boss for “low DPS”.

…Can’t improve without the chance to get better weapons…Cool bro.

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/shrug whatever. That’s the whole and only premise of the joke. If I don’t like a joke I just move on unless it’s extremely offensive. I think you’re way over sensitive. If we had a aggro debate before it’s likely because of the same aggressive response you’re exhibiting this time over nothing. I’ve really said all I need to when I posted

If people hate you just look at your post and you should be able to understand why.

I feel great to get you to reveal so clearly who you really are.

This exchange certainly didn’t come across as apathetic. :grimacing:


353 is enough. Its peoples gameplay that sucks. 365 ilvl requirement isnt going to fix people not doing things like interrupt.

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don’t agree but ok lol anyway idk what happened in this thread but it turned into a circus lmao like ever even happened

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So people magically get good because they get molten front gear?

Why arent the ranged interrupting Total Obedience and I have to run over there on my DK to interrupt? Is 365 magically going to make people go “OHHHH I have an interrupt?!” no they are going to continue on with what they have been doing.

Again 353 is enough for these things. More than enough realistically.

I told you to just ignore them. They goad people into doing the thing you just did. Fey should be banned just as you are though so there is that.

nah they’ll survive longer and bit more dps so… we can survive. tho p much a lot of ppl are geared enough so i don’t have that issue much these days but starting out felt rough

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This level of emotional collapse over a joke is almost fascinating. I’d suggest talking to a specialist—there are professionals who can help unpack why a harmless comment sent you into full meltdown mode.

Just a friendly suggestion. Wishing you all the healing and self-awareness the universe can possibly provide.