The amount of my times I’ve seen my friends kick someone because they’re standing there spam telling this individual to do this very thing, and 3, 5 minutes later of the jaja standing there looking dumbfounded, they then kick him.
Happens like frequent enough for me to notice without paying attention too much to their streams. These people get kicked then come here whining lmao.
I’d love to know your thoughts on the rest of my post
Call me old fashioned and/or wrong, but I dont consider content that can be completeld with a party full of green gear and no glyphs doing 10kdps, and a healer spamming lightning bolt, “carryable content”
Or they’re my friends were just in discord screen sharing so we each have something to look at when the thing on our primary monitor isn’t holding our attention, like flight paths, waiting on people to run to a place, etc.
Why would I be staring at their stream while I’m also currently playing my own thing at the exact same moment.
Like don’t be a moron on me now Fey. I know you’re better than this.
Edit: Idk why people are so obsessed with my toons name. It’s not a representation of how I feel 24/7. By that logic then you’re a delusional troon who believes they’re a fey. It’s stupid so lets not actually.
He tried to tell everyone he was better, then when people clowned him he told them to prove they were better, then when we did he ducked and never put out any receipts.
And then he tried to claim that he thinks he’s good because he tanked a ud strat lmfao
As… A tank class? I mean, yeah, every tank that has tanked UD strat has indeed tanked UD strat lol
Or does he mean something cringe like Shaman or Paladin (joking theyre fine instance tanks especially the dead ones), because that’s not impressive, sounds like the dps and healer carried.
Like idk its fine to be bad, really most people don’t care, just another face in the crowd, but don’t try to flex by putting others down when you aint got receipts to prove that you are better.
I mean, there are levels to it. Carrying doesn’t really mean that it couldn’t be cleared without the one doing the carrying. It just means the one doing the carrying did most of the work. If someone over-geared comes in to a normal heroic and melts things to the point the rest of the group is barely doing anything, that person is carrying because the rest have minimal to actually do and are kinda just following.
An extreme, but RFC can be cleared without even a standard group, but you can be carried by a level 85 to make getting gear drops/quest completion faster.
I can see it in that sense, but at the same time, said person is a tool if they act elitest for enabling the clearing of easy content “faster” lol
Edit: I guess my brain has been rewired by seeing ppl act elitest in actually really hard content, to the point where I legit “LOL’d” the first time I saw it in a runed RDF.
Yea I agree with that. But you need to understand that their number is bigger than yours, so they have more internets than you ;). Not sure why people look down on having to carry, outside of having to carry due to the players being actually bad. I love it because my numbers are maximumer and I get some form of a thanks from time to time.
These people arent carrying. In fact they are just showing their laziness. Sounds more like they want everyone else to be better geared and performers than they are so they can be carried with what they require.
Im not fully gemmed, not fully enchanted, no flask, no food, no potions. Ive just gotten to 370 and im usually at the top of the list. I seen a holy pally in a mix match of gear at the end of an Hour of Twilight and there wasnt any hiccups.
The same people that are being sweaty now are the same people that were being sweaty and anti RDF in the first place that realistically showed how elitist and toxic they are to the overall game.
I guess my whole point is this:
There is absolutly sweaty content in WoW…Cata Classic Rune RDFs are not it, so its cringe if someone acts that way
Edit: The entire reason I started playing cata classic last week, was to take a break from the “head on a swivil, 150 apm” playstyle of retail, and play a far more laid back experince (which cata classic rune twilights are). I actually found them too laid back, and barly take the buff anymore to try and give them a bit of effort reqirement