Dungeon Kicking culture

please stop the kicking culture in random dungeons. 30min timers a joke for a healer that can pull over 15khps constant. without an issue.

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This is what happens when Blizzard caters to the elites over casuals by adding H+ to the game instead of LFR.


I don’t think there’s a kicking culture.
Though, I think it’s safe to say that there are people that kick for the sake of kicking.

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DPS doing tank DPS and not touching slimes deserve to be kicked.

After today I’m convinced that “kicking culture” complaints are the baddies who blatantly ignore everything in the dungeon and execute their rotations like it was still vanilla.

You deserve to get kicked if you;

  • Ignore slimes
  • Ignore mechanics
  • Have blue PVP gear on
  • Doing Wotlk damage in 359 gear (and I mean Ulduar/ToGC damage)
  • Not getting your ring buff
  • Not using utility spells when asked (Mind Soothe, Sap etc)

Like straight up - just because you can queue it doesn’t mean you’ll be allowed to finish the dungeon. You still need to do the bear minimum - and even then some casuals consider anyone doing the bear minimum as “having no life”.

Blizz hasn’t catered to elitists. If anything, it’s catered to casuals by giving them an opportunity to queue in the first place. If they really catered to elitists, they’d set the minimum ilvl to 378 to gatekeep the queue harder - but they give low geared folks the opportunity to enter the dungeon and do the things I outlined above.

If this is too hard for you, you deserve to get kicked and shouldn’t queue.

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i only kick if ppl act like jerks or if a dps is way too low that i’m trying
dps as much as i can as a healer so we don’t wipe and manage ppls hp
idk how i got more than a warlock as a holy priest but i’m like i can’t be
here all day doing his job and mine so he gots to go lol. didn’t even ss anyone too lol.

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Vengeance says hello.

Not to be that guy but for the future it’s bare. Like you would if you were barely clothed. Bare minimum.

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LFR makes bad players. H+ helps you get better. Don’t you want to be good?

H+ and no LFR promotes toxicity and gatekeeping. Don’t you want everyone to have a chance to play the game?

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No one needs a handout. If youre not good enough to stay in the dungeon then sucks. Get some friends of equal footing and stop expecting a carry.

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That isn’t the issue at all, the issue is when they try to make the said Heroic+ harder to cater to probably a minority of people who want (a challenge) in catch up dungeons for alts.

Infernos were long and maybe boring but they were easy to moderate difficulty which is why the gatekeeping/kicking were to a minimum to my experience, now its back to WOTLK Gamma level Gatekeeping/kicking.

I kick anyone who doesn’t attack slimes or attacks the wrong slimes, anyone who does low dps or queues in blues with ilvl gear in bags, wears full pvp gear or just has zero gems in gear.

I don’t need burdens.

only the worthy shall enter the gates. Improve and reach the expected standard. You are more capable than you think.

My friends all quit Cata, and Grobb has lost 80% of it’s population since Wrath. :disappointed:


Make new friends. You are not entitled to a group of strangers’ time.

what are they up to now that they quit?

Kicking culture isn’t a thing. If you’re getting kicked from a dungeon, there’s a reason.

Clearly there WAS an issue that made them look for you specifically or at you specifically and decide that you needed to go.

Ok so first off, you don’t deserve to be in a group by the virtue of existing. It is an MMORPG. You must play with other players. It is neither fair nor acceptable for you to demand that other people tolerate you because you want to be part of the dungeon.

Second, Twilight Protocol dungeons are NOT exclusive catchup dungeons. They reward potential upgrades even for bis players. Because it is LFR tier gear before LFR releases, it’s mean for players that are already at a certain standard to get gear that is upgrades for them. it’s not meant for free boost green geared players to get free epics.

There’s pugging in raids, there’s inferno, there’s normal heroics. You have several other tiers of content that can be done. If you are not up to par to do the higher tier of content, stop demanding people carry you can call it “gatekeeping” when they don’t want to.

Classic Fresh. They may come back for MoP. I wasn’t interested in going through Vanilla again.

With the nerfs I haven’t found a group I couldn’t carry, kicking people with low dps isn’t about finishing the dungeon now its just about monkey brain press button