Dungeon Kicking culture

This entire thread has been WILD


Its not the plane, its the pilot.

You been watching top gun?

not if they dont know what they are doing.

not if they dont know what they are doing

I do that if I can. But as much as I’d like to take credit for apathy’s meltdown in all fairness I just can’t. Dude lost it all on his own.


There is no just thing as “dungeon kicking culture”, there is no “culture”.

When you group up for a dungeon you are essentially an “at-will” employee and there is a chance you will be dropped without notice, just like a RL job. It doesn’t matter weather or not it’s your fault or not, being kicked is going to happen sooner or later. It going to happen because a clash of personalities or playstyles, they don’t like your spec, or some gear dropped that they didn’t want you lotting, or gear/skill sucks, the results are the same.

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Just came back to grind for a raid alt in a random dungeon. Never been kicked from a rando in the 20 years I’ve played until today. I never even knew about the 30min debuff until now. I’m perfectly capable of owning up to mistakes, but this was deliberate. No communication, nothing.

Pvp 14 1 post alt.


Says the lvl 10 with over 13k posts . My guess is you just troll forums .

13k posts because i have used this character to post on the forums since origional cata when i learned realm/name changing nukes your post history and ruins notifications to anyone replying to your posts from before you realm/name changed.

I have shown my main many times with people simply asking.

As an example in classic i origionally started on smolderweb. And was forced to transfer off when they decided to nuke the realm. If i was posting from my main from then, all history and notifications would have been messed up. So this just makes it easier in my opinion.

Partly, he also likes to lie about what his main’s achievements but it’s been detectived.

And what lie did i supposedly make?

What item level was your alt and were you in full pvp gear?

Still waiting for you to tell me what lie i supposedly made.

Oh you know which ones :stuck_out_tongue:

I would have thought you wouldn’t want that embarrassment made public again.

Except i never lied. :roll_eyes: