To be fair, all of the mechanics are in the dungeon journal so honeslty there’s no real excuse for not knowing fight mechanics. Now knowing on paper and exucution are two seperate things but the knowledge is there in-game.
Not saying that all tanks should be reading the dungeon journal for every boss as the mechanics are pretty obvious and follow a common pattern for the most part and would just take a cursory explanation to understand.
Why would I cry, based on your posts my experience with RDF is 100% better than yours, probably because I do so much damage the other dps being low doesn’t bother me.
Another “everyone that doesn’t agree with me is a troll” post, how original
Inferno means nothing since it’s just hp and damage increase, the twilight oozes is simple, it would fall into the cursory explanation and even then if the DPS is decent the tank doesn’t need to do anything about the oozes for most part.
My wife and I were in a group with a couple of ignoramuses last night who kept saying “LOL shut up Pagle player” every time we suggested they stop standing in AEs or pulling too many groups. There are some legit silly people playing this game, not that that’s anything new.
If they care about not wasting their party’s time they should, especially the ones that have never seen the fights at all and play such a key role. The fate of the other 4 is typically determined by the tank. Not always of course but more often than not it’s up to the tank not to be stupid the first time round unless they need someone to explain their job when it’s already written down in the journal.
I’ve seen tanks do some really stupid things that would be easily avoided, most of those players didn’t ask about the fights they don’t know and fake it till they make it. Even with players there to give them short-form most people just zug zug and win by overpowering the mechanics.
I’m defiantly for the dungeon kicking culture on a few points… I do forewarn my experience is very biased to one server… which we all FEAR…cough
*If we are all geared (378/384s+) and purple BoEs drop and someone… just one person… needs and their obviously not going to equip (classic ninja)… thats a kick…
*Starting arguments for the sake of it… thats a kick…
*Bringing politics into dungeon (leave it in your server world chat)… thats a kick…
various obvious reasons
What I dont agree with…
*People who are new to twilights or stuff… Speak up, lets not kick but teach
*People who have RL going on… Mention in grp chat… RL trumps game…
*The servers are unstable and we all know people are D/Cing… thats rude to kick…
Much appreciation for those who coach rather than kick. It’s been more than a decade since I played Cata on live servers, and I don’t remember a lot of stuff. Takes 30 seconds to tell me what mechanics to watch out for.
I queued into a 3 person group full of Benediction Vanq token (DK Tank, Feral Druid, Mage) users and was kicked on my mage after the first boss. No discussion, just a swift kick. I guess they didn’t want to compete with another dps.
If you are kicking for competition, get better dice.
Couldn’t be more incorrect. Feel free to go ask the blues on the CS side. They’ve already stated multiple times over the years that kicking someone is not reportable. Mass kicking is not reportable. If you zoned in and got kicked the second you could and the reason was “transmog sucks” then that’s completely fine and ok, and your report will do absolutely nothing.
Seriously. Go ask the blues, they’ll tell you you’re wrong to your face.
You are only right in the sense that blizzard set an arbitrary number because that number in theory should be the minimum needed to meet the numbers the content will throw at you. At no point does that number ever represent mechanical skill, or give a blizzard stamp of approval that the player the automated system grouped you with is now unkickable because “He met the minimum ilvl ”
Your ability to finish instances is based entirely on how the rest of the players like you. If they feel you’re a burden, get kicked, sucks to suck, it’s their power and their right.
Edit: strat is enterable at like 48. Just because you can enter Strat at 48 doesn’t mean you should. Same concept here. Just because you met the minimum does not mean you should.
Are you sure that its just “elitists” kicking you for fun rather then thinking the other way around where they could be kicking you for an entirely different reason that is not kicking you for fun of it or competition for gear?
As you said that you are constantly kicked and there would be some people (including myself) would be led to believe that there are issues that you are causing that is making the run rough then it really needs to be and as you mentioned these are Hour of Twilight dungeons you are talking about and you would have to screw up big time in those dungeons and there is something seriously wrong, one point I would like to add is that on Sylvanas, 15-20k single target dps might be a little sketch and you would want to prioritize one add, if you are off doing your own thing and killing an add by yourself while the other 4 is killing the same add, then wipe because a missing dps, you get tolk to help them kill the add they prioritize and you still go off doing your own thing then your holding the group back at that point and it justifies a kick.
The only way you could prove that you are getting troll kicked to dispel this stuff is that you would tell what you are doing in those dungeons that you were kicked from, not talking about dps here, like what are you doing in those dungeons, were you doing mechanics? were you just doing the dungeon normally? are you not toxic? if your doing everything normally then it sucks, I got kicked once when getting dk tank some gear while he has the gear to tank them and was just doing the dungeon normally, it sucks but not going to make a thread to rework or remove vote to kick because some minority likes to kick people for the fun of it or because its competition for loot you and the other person is after.
im fine with carrying and be silent about it but i dont have time to coach clueless players who dont know basic stuff like:
-new boosted healers join with green gear and do 3k hps
-ppl who refuse to touch globes
-you place the buff npc in front of them but they cant find their mouse to click and take buff
Thats the thing that tickles me with Cata Classic. There is literally no such thing as a carry in cata classic RDF. Just because you are doing 3 times the DPS as someone else, doesn’t mean you are carrying them in the crazy easy content that are random dungeons in classic.
I ended up in a twilight last night where every single DPS was under 10k, and guess what, we cleared it no problem…
Carry implies without said person over performing, it wouldnt get done…
Do you have any idea how many twilight groups ive healed this week of full fresh MoP boosts, where my top spell cast was lightning bolt. Stop using the term “carry” and “RDF” in classic in the same paragraph lol