Dungeon Finder

Are you a dev? No is the answer to that question actually.

So accept this :

Nah, but he is:


Cheers like the crowd :laughing:

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Ugh this is so dumb. Well guess that answers my question to never resub back for classic. A few morons complaining about something that doesnt even effect them can ruin things for the non morons.

A group finder in no way changes the vanilla experience as its still server and community based. So stupid.

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It’s dumb for you.

If you can’t understand why people want to keep this social connection you may not have the “Classic spirit” and not seeing more than what’s convenient for you.

We don’t want a game where we play with “random n°1494” that you’ll never see again for many reason :

  • People are easily replaceable with LFG meaning instead of helping a newcomer or bothering chatting with him a lot of people will prefer kick him & let the tools do the rest
  • With LFG, players aren’t interacting anymore, they don’t need to
  • Since you can easily find a new dungeon, this create a lot of “1 wipe -> leave” behavior

I’m sure the others players here will find propers reasons too.

Yeah, and if someone is cheating like speed hack or 1 shot a raid boss or even buy golds : why is Blizzard bothering banning them ? At some point it doesn’t effect me at all too.
This is why this type of answer is not viable in a MULTIPLAYER game. Because what the others do will affect us, directly or not.



Never seem the priest that ran BFD with me again. Completely ruined my experience. I am legit quitting because of that right now.

I’m not quitting because I dont win AVs, or the trash ranking system, the classes unbalances, gatekeeping in ZG, because I have to wait hours to form a dungeon group to get my pre bis. Nope. I’m quitting because I can’t find a guy that I ran dungeon 1 month ago.

You gotta be f-ing joking.

Helping newcomer?? Do you even play wow classic, son? Where the hel is that rainbow community at? Have you ever ran UBRS? pugged MC? Sponsored MC with pugs? People get yelled all the time. People leave the group all the time. People get kicked all the time. This is normal occurrence. And guess what? It’s always the veteran. It’s always the 15 yo experienced player who whine on forum about the “social aspect of the game”.

I played retail from 1 to 110, and I’ve never, in my entire playthrought, was voted to be kicked out because “I didnt know how to play”. I entered groups where ppl chat. And I entered groups where ppl did not chat. Why the hel do you need the enter the freaking game and talk like a f-ing parrot? Can’t you just chill out and have a quiet gameplay? Are you THAT bothered by it?

Oh, my bad. I forgot Group Finder disabled chat between players.

Hm. That never happens in classic…

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That is up too you, but this game was designed to played in groups with friends, and if you don’t that is optional its not a solo players game really. That is what reatail is for if you want to solo your way to epics.

I agree 100% with this statement. Dungeon Finder makes the game better!

But Classic is not SUPPOSED to be changed “to make it better”. Blizzard already did that, YEARS ago. They changed a ton of things, and added dungeon finder.

Classic WoW is for players who “don’t want Blizzard’s changes”. If you want those changes, play retail. Those are your only 2 choices. A custom game with “only the changes I want” is not an option.

In my opinion, the game has lots of features for solo play.

But it also has things that require a group: dungeons, battlegrounds, raids, successful world pvp, etc.

There’s no use asking for a solo version of the group activities.


You simply can’t see how it affects those who won’t use it. Low level thinking on your part.

Some people I remember struggled to find a group even when everyone was leveling. just saying

Actually, what’s destroying classic is the original design, planned obsolescence and all. The game was never intended to accommodate new players or alts that leveled up sometime later. The result is that newcomers are less likely to reach end game before giving up and going to find another game, and existing players who leave are not replaced.

Because of this the lifespan of the game will be shorter.

You can always grind mobs, OP. But as a warrior, that won’t be fun.

I finished my AV grind (yay) and spent some actual time looking at Puggle. My comments above stand, but I’ll do a quick pros/cons based on my own experiences…


  • Does a reasonably good job of parsing LFG channel text. Most instances are found via appropriate keywords and you can even specify your own matchers to make it more robust if you wish.
  • Extremely responsive! Listings are parsed and displayed immediately, whereas my version of ClassicLFG I had previously struggled.
  • Perfect at cutting out chatter. Look at this screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/0tUS1ki
    This is exactly why I want a group finder… people feel the need to carry on conversations in LFG, or guild recruit, which makes it very hard for me to find groups.


  • Listings can only be rendered stale via time. There’s no way to tell if the group is still looking or not. You wouldn’t get this in a chat channel anyway, but this is information that would be nice to have.
  • The implementation struggles with certain identifiers. For example, at least on my server, a Dire Maul North run is often advertised as “dm north”. The addon expects “dme” or “dm:e”. It’s matcher entry appears to be space separated values and not something like comma, or semi colon, separated values. So having a matcher for “dm north” specifically isn’t possible. Oddly, matches for just “north” weren’t showing up at all…

So I think, given the restrictions Blizzard has put in place, this addon does an excellent job. While it’s user interface leaves a lot to be desired, especially when compared to ClassicLFG, Puggle actually seems to work properly for me while ClassicLFG doesn’t. Thank you for your recommendation, I do intend to use this.

Unfortunately, this is not a sufficient alternative to the proper Looking For Group functionality myself, and many others, have come to rely on in WoW from exposure to later versions of the game. For my part, I will continue to advocate for the retail implementation to be ported to Classic, as I personally do not believe the impact it has on players is detrimental to the Classic experience.

However, because I do understand the #nochanges viewpoint, even if I don’t agree, I think that perhaps a reasonable compromise would simply be for Blizzard to revert the restrictions they put in place at the start of Classic. Vanilla actually had comprehensive LFG addons that worked very similarly to the retail version of LFG. I know because I used them. This allows addon authors to provide a solution to those who want it, while those who don’t are free to continue to pursue more traditional methods.

Put simply, if #nochanges was applied in this area, we wouldn’t actually be having this conversation :slight_smile:

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Please understand that a group finder in no way changes the social experience. It certainly doesn’t do this in retail, it didn’t in Vanilla when addons with this functionality were supported, and it wouldn’t in Classic.

The core premise is that a group finder inhibits social interactions because players aren’t forced to type to one another. This is untrue, it is entirely up to the players to engage in social interaction and how they form the group doesn’t seem to make a difference.

In retail, I quite often strike up conversations in my groups and, if the group is good, I’ll add various members to my friends list for future runs. It is my choice to make this engagement and when I do, most people reciprocate. There are times, however, when I just want to chill and do the dungeon without actually talking. Usually in those runs people don’t talk much either.

Having said that, this exact same scenario plays out in Classic, and has since the very beginning. Once you get a group invite, folks tend to just make their way to the dungeon, do it, and part ways.

So at the end of the day, how you form the group has absolutely no impact on social interaction. How you choose to interact with your group once it has been formed absolutely does have an impact!

For folks wanting further interaction beyond this, groups and communities are the next step in WoW social interaction. This is also true for both versions of the game.

Please consider this and review your own experiences in both retail and classic with regards to social interaction in the area of forming groups.

LOL You’re delusional. Consider that truth.

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There’s no downvote on this forum. That’s one of the problems with this forum. But dungeon finder actually wouldn’t be bad for this game so long as it doesn’t come with the cross realm or teleporting that it’s most known for. Originally; all it did was help form a group for you, and that’s how it should have stayed.

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you got it

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Perhaps in theory or in your case.

I think i’m not the only one, but i’m a social lazy. If a game don’t force me to socialize, unfortunatly i won’t.

In Classic i had more chat in dungeon that i had for years in retail. Because there is a lot of timeout : finding mates/travelling to the dungeon/buff/mana regen

I can understand that some players just don’t want to bother at all and just push 1 button then rush the dungeon and that’s why retail is here.

Just a guess, but I’d bet you didn’t put much effort into it. Posting LFG (dungeon) once or twice and then giving up after 5 minutes because it didn’t happen instantly doesn’t really count. You’re most likely doing it wrong.

My point is, this is a you thing, not a version of the game thing. For me, it was actually a pretty comparable experience socially. You do still have to travel to the dungeon in retail, just like you do in Classic, though it is a lot faster with flying mounts.

People also seem to want to rush dungeons in classic just as much as they do in retail. Again, it’s not a version of the game thing, it’s just a player mentality thing. I do lament that the rush meta worked it’s way into classic so quickly. I had like, one super engaging deadmines run and then it was all chain pulls from there on out until I hit 60, and I played at launch.