That’s a choice people make by waiting until the dungeon is easy to do it. Like doing quests when they’re green instead of yellow or orange. I’ve often talked tanks into doing a dungeon before they thought they were capable of it and more often than not the group can do it. Not fast and not easily but they can be done. If you do them early you can’t rush through them.
I remember this being the way in Vanilla, but that was earlier in the life cycle. Rushing through was quite possible in the 1.12 patch we got, and it’s what a lot of groups did all through my leveling experience. Like I said, my first Deadmines run was pretty awesome, but after that it wasn’t as much fun as I was hoping for.
Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I did have one other awesome dungeon experience. I met up with a tank (I was a healer) and we did a lot of BRD runs together. Full clears that took like 2.5 hours and it was great!
Don’t get me wrong, I actually like to have those shorter dungeons (in retail and classic), but those super long ones are really fun and memorable. The most recent retail experience I had along this vein was when Mechagon was released, before it went to Mythic+. That was also a dungeon that, when it first came out, could take over an hour to complete, so good!
This is the message I want to convey though. These experiences exist in both games simultaneously, and what guides them has nothing to do with how the groups are formed. I hope Blizzard puts more dungeons like Mechagon into retail, and I also hope that we either get some kind of Classic+ that adds long, engaging dungeons, or that the initial experience in TBC (assuming we get that too) is along those lines, though I seem to recall them being a lot shorter in duration. There were some memorable fights though!
I don’t have trouble forming groups on Myzrael. Not a high pop server either. I do often find that it works better if I’m proactive about forming the group.
going to get worse if tbc drops and people jump to tbc.
If you want dungeon finder, go play retail. Easy.
idk if i would have an issue with some sort of board you can post your group to and people can sign up. but i dont wanna be teleported to the dungeon with all teh quests in there and given at the start, not getting to pick my group, etc…
His post made perfect sense to me but you told him to “learn English.”
I asked you to refrain from telling someone else their English is bad when your English is also equally bad.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Never ever purchased any dungeon runs, in Classic. I’ve done plenty of SM, Mara and BRD runs. Usually with the same people because it’s called building strong bonds. At the very least, get a guild.
Herm, I can see why maybe you are having a hard time finding groups, then. Try changing how you approach people.
That doesn’t work. If you have LFD in classic everyone is forced to use it to find groups, because by design it incentives its use with dungeon portals, free bags of loot, bonus xp, etc. It is simply a false narrative to claim that an individual player can choose not to use the tool when they require 4 other players to run a dungeon.
Have you played WoW from WOTLK onward? There are occasionally groups forming without the tool, but once the group is formed, everyone queues with the tool for all the bonuses.
I don’t even care about the social experience that is lost. I care about the fact that no one wants to do quests or optional bosses because it will hurt their XP/hr and make it take longer to get their loot bags. Let’s not even talk about the awful time-gated rewards systems for dungeons they started doing in Cata.
Players in Classic will actually kill rando bosses in BRD because hell, they already put in time and effort to get to the dungeon, might as well kill everything. The loss of this aspect killed WoW dungeons for me, and I for one will always oppose LFD.
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No I don’t want LFD and yes it will affect my gameplay negatively so no.
I won’t use it and neither will you. End of story.
I know what the Dungeon Finder is. That’s why I’m fervently hoping that they implement Wrath Classic. I cannot wait to have Dungeon Finder back. I think the Dungeon Finder is unfairly vilified for “wrecking the community.” Like the OP, I believe that it did a lot more good than harm. The lack of community is due to the insanely high server caps. I haven’t noted that the absence of the Dungeon Finder has done much to improve “the community.” A handful of players still behave like jerks in dungeons, and there is still no repercussion for it because there are always other hapless saps (like me) so desperate to get their run going already that they’ll take on random players without any vetting whatsoever. I’m enjoying Classic in spite of the absence of a Dungeon Finder, not because of it.
Of all the things we discuss here that are not likely to happen the LFD is one that the classic devs listed first as something that will never be a part of classic.
By which they meant Vanilla Classic, which was the only Classic that was even up for consideration at the time. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t do Dungeon Finder for TBC, either. However, if they get around to doing Wrath, Dungeon Finder should come back then.
Dungeon finder is a double-edged sword - and in the case of a cross-realm one, the negatives outweigh the positives IMO.
Easiest way to get Dungeon groups in Vanilla/Classic is play a class/spec in high demand for the content (namely tanks), and/or don’t be afraid to create/lead your own groups.
I’ve run numerous dungeons and never once paid anyone. I’ve run with family/friends. I’ve run with guilds. I’ve run with complete strangers. If I’m in the mood to do a dungeon, I swap to my LFG chat window and watch for something that interests me. BFD needing a tank? Let me swap to my 28 druid. ST needing a healer? My 57 shadow priest can manage that out of shadow form, no sweat. Ooh, a DPS for RFK? Want a hunter or a rogue? I have both at that range.
The only realm on which I had difficulty was the Brazilian one, Sul’Thraze, where there were maybe 200 people on at prime time, and even as a Prot Warrior there was just no one wanting to do a dungeon at-level.
For some people it is done. Not for all of us. My highest three are 50, 51, and 57, but I’ve got alts of almost all ranges that I play.
Plus, I don’t think it would solve the low-level dungeon group search so much as it would make the high-level dungeon group search less personal.