Yeah it could be that by 1.12 they were ready to nerf the Deadmines. I hope they still have the patrol coming from behind, though. Don’t think any other dungeon has ever had that.
Can I reply “Potato”, to keep them at the level from Vanilla?
@Earnil I think i was mistaken about the actual dungeons being nerfed, think it was just the classes being buffed that made the dungeon difficulty seem nerfed. Dungeons were actually somewhat challenging at the release. Everyone is saying “let’s keep it how classic originally was” but if they are thinking 1.12 is how it originally was then they are actually saying “let’s start at the end of wow.”
what that means is that you don’t get to enjoy the full and challenging experience and that you’ll be buying BC before you know it. That’s ok though cause I want BC.
It wasnt this easy.
the 1.12 patch is a nerfed version of Vanilla WoW.
I say reinstate the original pre-nerf difficulty.
Yes from me.
Well it is not, if you want the per-nerfed Vanilla.
The Dungeons probably need some adjustment to account for simply better internet and computers. Early 2000s vs. 2019 is just not the same.
I want the Dungeons to feel as authentic as possible. If that means adjustments than I am all for it. But no adding in crap, I just mean things like fire should tick faster since people can move faster today.
Some who only have been watching streams seem to think the difficulty is way too easy. Keep in mind your watching many professional WOW players. Your experience may not be like theirs when the game comes out.
I’ll take it either way only because i want BC. I think people would actually enjoy the game more if they started from the beginning though rather than starting from the end. The challenge is what actually got me into the game
When we all get around to running those same dungeons, we will not be in absolutely BIS gear for our level - we will be in whatever happen to drop for us in the leveling process. They will be harder for us at that moment than those streamers are experiencing now with their gear. Bliz has stated the numbers are correct, so I give them the benefit of the doubt. And some of the players may not be as experienced in those dungeons making those runs take longer.
the numbers are correct from 1.12. but that is starting at the end of the game progression where classes were buffed,. not the same experience as when it first released
I guess another thing is, if they are easier, that means they can be run at lower levels. I remember there being a pretty wide variety of what levels were feasible to run a given dungeon at.
good point. i think the class buffs from 1.12 also made the raids easier though like Molten Core etc at least from what i was reading. they’re wanting to lead this into BC i bet. works for me.
I think when my hunter hit 60, he was still wearing some leather pants from Gnomeregan.
during 1.12?
Nah, he hit 60 in about April 2005. I then found out that nobody would take a hunter in groups and started a priest. By 1.12 the priest had been my main for a year and was in BWL. The hunter… uhh… I think he had upgraded those Gnomer pants, but not by much.
Good times, good times.
nice. when i got to 60 i pvp’d to high warlord on my rogue, had to stay up for three days straight at the end to get it cause i was competing with chinese and characters who had multiple people using their accounts. didn’t get into the raiding until way later
People need to also realize that these are mainly top players while basically their whole groups are engineers with bombs/sappers/mortars that’s about 200-500 aoe damage per person. Also everyone is in Bis gear so they have significantly higher mana and HP pools than your average people.
We get what we get… and the way it was in WoW 1.12
From what I can gather from streams, the instance are fun. It doesn’t really matter if people find them easy or difficult.
Well it does, when considering the longevity of the game.
Agreed. I didn’t read the pinned post about the content being released slowly either, so having it be 1.12 easy mode throughout the whole thing is pretty disappointing.
No, I think if you ranked dungeons on a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, modern WoW LFD would be a 1 and the average Classic dungeon will probably be like a 5. That was my point. They won’t be all that difficult but it will still be a big step up from modern LFD. At appropriate level, wearing quest greens, you’ll need someone with a heal button healing and some sort of a tank, and dps with a pulse, and you’ll have to pull one group at a time and be careful of getting adds. And in the higher level dungeons you’ll need a real tank and some form of cc, and dps will need to focus fire, or there will be a lot of wipes.