Dungeon Deserter for getting kicked is dumb

Why are we punished with a 30m deserter timer that prevents us from queueing in RDF?
I’m a 5.5k gs DK tank doing gammas. We wiped on trash in azjol nerub because nobody was breaking the web wraps and as soon as I zone back in I’m removed from group. Why do these people that don’t understand the mechanics of the dungeons they’re doing have the power to remove someone?


It seems like you left out the part where you got super toxic and thus you got kicked not to infect other 4 players with your toxicity.


Actually the group was talking about how much they hate trans people and people of color. I told them to stop and that I was a trans-black woman and that what they were saying wasn’t appropriate. They started calling me the t word and the n word shortly afterwards and then after we wiped and i zoned in i was removed.


X for doubt.


Ah, so you got kicked for not using the ignore feature and instead chose to engage with them which then led for a majority of the group to remove you.

So, working as intended.


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The removing part I don’t really care about. It’s the 30m punishment I received for being removed.

Obvious Sunday thread is obvious. :clown_face:


would appreciate it if you stopped posting in my thread if you arent going to provide any insight

30 minutes seems excessive.

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Additionally, if you leave or are kicked from a group before one of the bosses is killed, you will receive the Dungeon Deserter debuff, which will prevent you from using the Dungeon or Raid Finder for 30 minutes.

30 minutes for you to take some time to reflect on what not to do the next time you run a dungeon.

As I said … working as intended.


It’s because people used to coerce others into kicking them so that they could requeue for another chance at a dungeon they liked.

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Why do you keep posting this? This is for modern WoW. Here’s the actual Wrath version:

“Players who are removed from a dungeon group through the Vote Kick system, are uninvited by a group leader from a premade group of five, or leave willingly from a premade group of five, however, will not receive the Dungeon Deserter debuff.”

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lol get rekt

Already made a topic about this a few hours ago: Deserter buff from being kicked from a group?

They’re a knuckle-dragging mouth breather with the reading comprehension of an 8-year old. They’ve replied to my posts like a dozen times, and each time I prove that their point is invalid or stupid or wrong, and they just post the same thing again and again. Makes me think stupidity were a bannable offense, because their stupidity is actually offensive.

It’s just a typical forum troll.
Thinks if he repeats the lie enough people will believe it. Which sadly, often is the case.

Ill take ‘Posts made on Sundays’ for 400 Alex

Typical WoW shenanigans

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