Dungeon Deserter Debuff

Why do I get a Dungeon Deserter Debuff from being kicked from a group for game not responding and/or disconnection?
Why is there no Disconnect/Game Crash protection against that?

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Because the game doesn’t know why you was disconnected, just that you was. And because you get the debuff when kicked is because tanks/healers would not do their job and demand to be kick to avoid the debuff.


I would suspect that doing so would just cause people to just purposely create a disconnect to avoid any penalties.

If you would like to see this changed you are welcome to make a suggestion on the appropriate forum or the in game feedback option


This is exactly why. Back in the day, the debuff was only applied if a player made the decision to leave the instance. People quickly realized that if they could provoke the group to vote them out, or power cycle their router, and they could re-queue immediately without penalty. Because of this, the system was adjusted to apply the debuff regardless of the circumstance; the only relevant factor is that you left the dungeon.

You can certainly suggest it be changed, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting.


Why would that be a problem? Just kick the tank or healer. A group in progress goes to the front of the queue anyway. :man_shrugging:


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Because some tanks and healers would look at it as an opportunity to hold group hostages if they didn’t get a vote-kick, which would waste a lot of players time when they do it, as they have done in the past before Blizzard had to apply the debuff to being kicked out of the dungeon.


But the group could just do the vote kick. They’d only be holding themselves hostage.

That’s the point.

Back then the tanks and healers who were kicked received no penalty after not performing their roles in a run.

The debuff penalty was implemented for this reason. While the rest of the party can remove such tanks or healers and get on with things once a new tank/healer join, the ones who tried to hold the group hostage by refusing to play - resulting in them getting kicked are penalised for their actions.

It was a big issue back in the day before the penalty was introduced, particularly as a DPS who’d wait 10, 15, 30 minutes or so for a queue to pop - only to encounter a tank/healer who didn’t want to run that dungeon. Other dps in the group just got fed up waiting and bailed too.


Then have to sit there and wait for another tank. Meanwhile, the tank they just kicked gets another group immediately.

That’s why the debuff exists - tanks would force the vote so they could abandon an instance they didn’t want and the abandoned group would be stuck waiting who knows how long for a replacement tank.

As I said, don’t hold your breath waiting for this to be undone.


I think Teufelgott explained it well,

But let me go into full detail:

Lets just say every Tank or Healer wanted to avoided one of the new heroics, lets say, The Rookery. Every tank and healer could just keep on asking to be kicked out, and the problem repeats if another tank or healer joins, they could see the dungeon, then keep requesting, and therefore, the cycle repeats.

You may not see it as a problem, but that is a problem a lot of people would see.

Plus, there is a timer in between times to when to initiate a vote-kick, and tanks and/or healers can also use that timer to hold the group to wait as well, preventing dungeons from being completed because people want to hold up the groups from moving forwards.


But they’d automatically be at the front of the queue. So maybe 30 seconds? A minute? Even 2 minutes? I’m not seeing the problem. Why would you allow someone to delay you for longer than it would take to just vote kick and re-queue?

I’m with you there. The decision is final; I just think it was a very misguided decision.


Not back then though.


Pooh, this is not the place for suggestions or feedback, and people have explained it to you. You may not see it as a problem, but a lot of people do, including the development who had to add it to those being kicked.


Tell me you don’t play a DPS class without telling me you don’t play a DPS class.

Or, more accurately, 15 minutes, maybe 30. As long as an hour in some cases. Imagine wasting an entire play session waiting, then the new member sees an instance in progress and bails, now you get to wait some more.


Nobody said it was every tank or healer.

It was happening often enough for Blizzard to take notice to feedback/complaints about and implement what we have now.

No it was a very real issue. You may not agree but Blizzard certainly did.


Seriously, it is time to stop. This thread has now been turned into a debate over the vote-kick system where any discussion about the game should be kept to the appropriate forums. This is a player help desk, not general discussion!


Yeah, back in the days of oculus, you’d see people load in, realize where they were and just drop group. You’d fill and it would happen again, and again, and again.

And suddenly, you’d been dps sitting in the dungeon for an hour, gone through 3 tanks and 2 healers and still couldn’t do a dungeon, but the tanks and healers had insta queued into something else and done 2 dungeons.

It was a real problem, this is a real solution.


Edit late, forgot the latest hotfix pointed out.

Since you really haven’t subscribed in a while, it’s likely you missed on a few game changes. But yes, even if you’re kicked you do get the debuff.

I personally would recommend fact checking Google for anecdotal evidence you may require. Some of it may exist in the forum that was retired before Discourse took it’s place, but I at least can assure you it was an issue.


Of course, there are hundreds of other posts about it from the time, but that was a recent one from Vrak pointing out why the Kick debuff exists.

As everyone here said, tanks and healers knew they got instant queues because of their highly desired role. If they got a Random Dungeon they did not want, they acted very poorly until the group kicked them. It got to be so much of an issue they added the debuff to kicks.

Just like they recently responded to player feedback about people leaving a dungeon group after a specific boss they wanted. They added a Deserter debuff for it.