Dungeon cooldown

got kicked while leveling my alt. For a really dumb reason. was playing monk healer and had a tank who was pulling big and couldn't aggro. so obviously its the healers fault and people kick me. receiving a cooldown of 20 mins <>? I get kicked and receive a cooldown for BS. that slows down my leveling a lot.

like when are devs removing this cd for people who get kicked
11/07/2018 10:45 AMPosted by Kelvias
like when are devs removing this cd for people who get kicked


Working as intended.
11/07/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
11/07/2018 10:45 AMPosted by Kelvias
like when are devs removing this cd for people who get kicked


Working as untended.

working as intended? <>. theres a difference between people getting kicked and people leaving
If you don’t meet certain requirements for that instance, and you are removed from the group, you can get that debuff and it’s working as intended. I’m sorry, there’s really nothing from a CS perspective, that can be done. In the past players would force their group to kick them to avoid an instance they really didn’t want, so the developers added deserter to both being kicked, as well as leaving.
11/07/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
Working as untended.
11/07/2018 10:51 AMPosted by Kelvias
theres a difference between people getting kicked and people leaving

Which the system does not have the ability to differentiate. So it cannot tell. So it's unambiguous. You left. Doesn't matter how you left. Everyone is affected the same.

If you have any suggestions on how to make the perfect (this is the important part, given how many iterations the system has had) system, I'm sure they'd love to know.
11/07/2018 10:51 AMPosted by Kozzae
If you don’t meet certain requirements for that instance, and you are removed from the group, you can get that debuff and it’s working as intended. I’m sorry, there’s really nothing from a CS perspective, that can be done. In the past players would force their group to kick them to avoid an instance they really didn’t want, so the developers added deserter to both being kicked, as well as leaving.

so being removed from a group for unreasonable circumstances calls for a 30 min cd that's <>. its a bandaid for an issue and to be honest being kicked from a dung to get another is dumb anyways what kind of exploit is that? que for a specific dung? its just poor <> design and a real hiderance to the people who are trying to get a dung in before work or lvl up an alt with dungs.
You've been given correct answers, Kelvias - but if you keep using profanity on our forums your ability to use them will be removed.

This may be frustrating, but as pointed out, it is a compromise in how it used to work where groups could be held effectively hostage.

Please don't use profanity on our forums, masked or unmasked, or even if it gets filtered.

Thank you.
11/07/2018 10:56 AMPosted by Ekon
11/07/2018 10:51 AMPosted by Kelvias
theres a difference between people getting kicked and people leaving

Which the system does not have the ability to differentiate. So it cannot tell. So it's unambiguous. You left. Doesn't matter how you left. Everyone is affected the same.

If you have any suggestions on how to make the perfect (this is the important part, given how many iterations the system has had) system, I'm sure they'd love to know.
yeah? so the kick button and the leave button cannot hold different consequences? when you get kicked it should be able to tell, you have been removed from a group is different from leaving a group
Profanity, masked or overt, can get your posting privileges ( operative word there) revoked.

And the system doesn't doesn't determine what is or is not "unreasonable".

You can be kicked for any reason. Or none.

Btw? It's dungeon. Not dung.
11/07/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Kelvias
so being removed from a group for unreasonable circumstances

Every time you leave a dungeon before you meet particular requirements, you get the debuff.

11/07/2018 10:54 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
11/07/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
Working as untended.
11/07/2018 11:03 AMPosted by Kelvias
yeah? so the kick button and the leave button cannot hold different consequences? when you get kicked it should be able to tell, you have been removed from a group is different from leaving a group

You seem to think you're going to argue your point here and win something. You're not.

The system is NOT new. And was initiated for valid reasons. This has been rehashed a million and one times over the years on the forums.

Working as intended.
11/07/2018 11:02 AMPosted by Orlyia
You've been given correct answers, Kelvias - but if you keep using profanity on our forums your ability to use them will be removed.

This may be frustrating, but as pointed out, it is a compromise in how it used to work where groups could be held effectively hostage.

Please don't use profanity on our forums, masked or unmasked, or even if it gets filtered.

Thank you.

you understand im upset and many others have probably been in my shoes. but some stupid exploits in a system caused us to suffer. its just a band aid to a problem. so i get shafted 30mins of my time, should i report people for unreasonably kicking me from a group like what do i do to prevent people from just being like uh i dont like this dude kick.
11/07/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Kelvias
so being removed from a group for unreasonable circumstances

Who decides what are "unreasonable circumstances"?
The game program cannot make that judgment.

The game program just sees that you left (doesn't matter how or why).
That's it.
11/07/2018 11:05 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
11/07/2018 11:03 AMPosted by Kelvias
yeah? so the kick button and the leave button cannot hold different consequences? when you get kicked it should be able to tell, you have been removed from a group is different from leaving a group

You seem to think you're going to argue your point here and win something. You're not.

The system is NOT new. And was initiated for valid reasons. This has been rehashed a million and one times over the years on the forums.

Working as intended.
there should just be a better answer than well that's the way it is. like people could kick me just because of my class or something similar and theres nothing anybody can do about it
11/07/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Kelvias
should i report people for unreasonably kicking me from a group

It's not a violation.

11/07/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Kelvias
like what do i do to prevent people from just being like uh i dont like this dude kick.

11/07/2018 11:03 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
You can be kicked for any reason. Or none.
11/07/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Aarschott
11/07/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Kelvias
so being removed from a group for unreasonable circumstances

Who decides what are "unreasonable circumstances"?
The game program cannot make that judgment.

The game program just sees that you left (doesn't matter how or why).
That's it.

not talking about then system talking about the problem...…. unreasonably kicked and had to face consequences of somebody who abandoned his team
11/07/2018 11:08 AMPosted by Kelvias
11/07/2018 11:05 AMPosted by Thunderwulf

You seem to think you're going to argue your point here and win something. You're not.

The system is NOT new. And was initiated for valid reasons. This has been rehashed a million and one times over the years on the forums.

Working as intended.
there should just be a better answer than well that's the way it is. like people could kick me just because of my class or something similar and theres nothing anybody can do about it

You can be kicked because they don't like your hair.

That's part of the "any reason".

Again. This is not new. This isn't a feedback forum either
11/07/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Kelvias
you understand im upset and many others have probably been in my shoes. but some stupid exploits in a system caused us to suffer. its just a band aid to a problem. so i get shafted 30mins of my time, should i report people for unreasonably kicking me from a group like what do i do to prevent people from just being like uh i dont like this dude kick.

I can understand being upset, but this system is simple majority rules.

Can be for any reason - or no reason, does not come into play at all.

There is a downside for the kickers, they may have to wait quite some time for your replacement, there are also limits to how often that functionality can be done.
1 Like
11/07/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
11/07/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Kelvias
should i report people for unreasonably kicking me from a group

It's not a violation.

11/07/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Kelvias
like what do i do to prevent people from just being like uh i dont like this dude kick.

11/07/2018 11:03 AMPosted by Thunderwulf
You can be kicked for any reason. Or none.

this is the problem im trying to address, getting kicked for no reason and then being punished for it. its not right, and henders