Dungeon cooldown

11/07/2018 11:10 AMPosted by Kelvias
unreasonably kicked

No such thing.

"any reason".

Again. Not new. Again. Years. Again, been rehashed a miilion and one times already.

Again, working as intended.
11/07/2018 11:03 AMPosted by Kelvias
yeah? so the kick button and the leave button cannot hold different consequences? when you get kicked it should be able to tell, you have been removed from a group is different from leaving a group
That's just it, Kelvias. You have just described one the exact reasons why the system is the way it is: players used to hold groups hostage so that they would be kicked instead of leaving, thereby avoiding the debuff.
11/07/2018 11:11 AMPosted by Kelvias
this is the problem im trying to address

Not here you're not.

This is a support forum, not a developmental feedback one. Here we explain how things work.

/waits for "I'm a customer, support me"
11/07/2018 11:10 AMPosted by Kelvias
not talking about then system talking about the problem...…. unreasonably kicked and had to face consequences of somebody who abandoned his team

The "problem" you are talking about is a player to player problem.
The game program cannot know the thoughts of the players.
What you see as "unreasonable" others may not see it so.
That is a player opinion.
But again, the game program cannot know the thoughts or opinions of the players.
11/07/2018 11:08 AMPosted by Kelvias
11/07/2018 11:05 AMPosted by Thunderwulf

You seem to think you're going to argue your point here and win something. You're not.

The system is NOT new. And was initiated for valid reasons. This has been rehashed a million and one times over the years on the forums.

Working as intended.
there should just be a better answer than well that's the way it is. like people could kick me just because of my class or something similar and theres nothing anybody can do about it

So get a job at Blizzard if you have a better answer, I'm sure they would love to have one. Also you are just finding out about this? It has been a thing for well over five years now. The system isn't new, the system isn't perfect... but the system is the best way currently to be fair to everyone. The majority of the group didn't want to run with you, you don't get to dictate what the majority has to do.
My bad all, I realize I'm talking to a wall. People who think that it's okay for people to kick people for dumb reasons and getting punished for nothing to is working as intended. I guess it's just another handicap to people who actually want to lvl. <> this feedback wants me to keep playing wow and lvling new characters can't wait till tomorrow when I get kicked out a group for being a monk again.
11/07/2018 11:20 AMPosted by Kelvias
My bad all, I realize I'm talking to a wall. People who think that it's okay for people to kick people for dumb reasons and getting punished for nothing to is working as intended. I guess it's just another handicap to people who actually want to lvl. Thank you all for making me want to punch a baby, this feedback wants me to keep playing wow and lvling new characters can't wait till tomorrow when I get kicked out a group for being a monk again.

This is not a feedback forum.

This is not a discussion forum.

This is not a complaints forum.

This is not a a suggestions forum.

This is a player to player, Blizzard moderated, assistance forum where we answer questions in regards to game play issues, account issues, and policy questions. Directing players to the proper venue to address their concerns when and where applicable.
My bad all, I realize I'm talking to a wall. People who think that it's okay for people to kick people for dumb reasons and getting punished for nothing to is working as intended. I guess it's just another handicap to people who actually want to lvl. <>, this feedback wants me to keep playing wow and lvling new characters can't wait till tomorrow when I get kicked out a group for being a monk again.

So you should be forced to play with people just because? A MAJORITY of people in the dungeon didn't want you in it, this wasn't just one person kicking you out. It's a video game you will live. And yes some people don't want to run with specific class and spec combos because they don't feel that they are adequate, that has been a thing for the entire history of WoW. It used to be that they just wouldn't invite you and you couldn't run dungeons at all though.
Bottom line is that a group of players decided they didn't want to play with you for whatever reason or for no reason at all. Either way, blizzard isn't going to force them to play with you and they are not going to investigate every kick vote when it happens to determine the cause.
11/07/2018 10:45 AMPosted by Kelvias
got kicked while leveling my alt. For a really dumb reason. was playing monk healer and had a tank who was pulling big and couldn't aggro. so obviously its the healers fault and people kick me. receiving a cooldown of 20 mins <>? I get kicked and receive a cooldown for BS. that slows down my leveling a lot.

like when are devs removing this cd for people who get kicked

While I doubt we're getting the whole story, the customer support forum isn't for feedback, and while I don't read this forum often, I doubt this is an issue they can help you with. Best bet is to go to GD and offer your feedback and maybe come up with a possible solution that's not only workable but fair to everyone involved
My bad all, I realize I'm talking to a wall. People who think that it's okay for people to kick people for dumb reasons and getting punished for nothing to is working as intended. I guess it's just another handicap to people who actually want to lvl. Thank you all for making me want to punch a baby, this feedback wants me to keep playing wow and lvling new characters can't wait till tomorrow when I get kicked out a group for being a monk again.
Frustration is understandable, but the fact remains that the current system is the result of many trials and errors. It exists as it is because players found worse ways to abuse its previous iterations.

That's why Bliz openly admits that it's not perfect; it's simply least of many evils.

If it could be done better, Bliz would, but so far there hasn't been any better ideas. Any new ideas must eliminate issues, not introduce more. For example, your suggestion of distinguishing between leaving and kicking. It was like that once and it caused more issues than exists now.
11/07/2018 11:23 AMPosted by Mourningg
My bad all, I realize I'm talking to a wall. People who think that it's okay for people to kick people for dumb reasons and getting punished for nothing to is working as intended. I guess it's just another handicap to people who actually want to lvl. <>, this feedback wants me to keep playing wow and lvling new characters can't wait till tomorrow when I get kicked out a group for being a monk again.

So you should be forced to play with people just because? A MAJORITY of people in the dungeon didn't want you in it, this wasn't just one person kicking you out. It's a video game you will live. And yes some people don't want to run with specific class and spec combos because they don't feel that they are adequate, that has been a thing for the entire history of WoW. It used to be that they just wouldn't invite you and you couldn't run dungeons at all though.

A lvl 30 dung is a cakewalk. It's simple and easy. Thank you for comming here and providing your feedback. Noted, makes tons Sense and is reasonable. Thank you for taking your time to read explain its a video game cause man I didn't know that. Also didn't know I couldn't have fun. But I guess since it's my fault for rolling that class I guess I can wait 30 mins everytime a que pops for me seems fair
11/07/2018 11:23 AMPosted by Mourningg

So you should be forced to play with people just because? A MAJORITY of people in the dungeon didn't want you in it, this wasn't just one person kicking you out. It's a video game you will live. And yes some people don't want to run with specific class and spec combos because they don't feel that they are adequate, that has been a thing for the entire history of WoW. It used to be that they just wouldn't invite you and you couldn't run dungeons at all though.

A lvl 30 dung is a cakewalk. It's simple and easy. Thank you for comming here and providing your feedback. Noted, makes tons Sense and is reasonable. Thank you for taking your time to read explain its a video game cause man I didn't know that. Also didn't know I couldn't have fun. But I guess since it's my fault for rolling that class I guess I can wait 30 mins everytime a que pops for me seems fair

Then make your own group.

Again, not an issue for this forum.

This is a game. You're stressing way to much over this. I wish we were allowed to do ascii's like back in the day

/table flip
11/07/2018 11:29 AMPosted by Kelvias
seems fair

As we have explained to you numerous times, it is not fair. It is simply the least of every evil that has come before it.

The system has already been the same exact way you want it to be now. It was abused by players holding groups hostage until they were kicked. As mentioned, if you can come up with the perfect system, they would love to know.
11/07/2018 11:27 AMPosted by Raspir
11/07/2018 10:45 AMPosted by Kelvias
got kicked while leveling my alt. For a really dumb reason. was playing monk healer and had a tank who was pulling big and couldn't aggro. so obviously its the healers fault and people kick me. receiving a cooldown of 20 mins <>? I get kicked and receive a cooldown for BS. that slows down my leveling a lot.

like when are devs removing this cd for people who get kicked

While I doubt we're getting the whole story, the customer support forum isn't for feedback, and while I don't read this forum often, I doubt this is an issue they can help you with. Best bet is to go to GD and offer your feedback and maybe come up with a possible solution that's not only workable but fair to everyone involved

Thank you, actually best answer I got. Everyone else has wants to be passive aggressive. Yes it's pretty much the whole story, tank didn't want to wait for mana while I drank, rushed ahead while I was was reviving, then couldn't hold aggro and blamed me for not healing him when everybody was dying. Then got kicked from another group at lvl 31 cause I was a monk... Just been a pain an hour of wasted time.
11/07/2018 11:34 AMPosted by Kelvias
Thank you, actually best answer I got. Everyone else has wants to be passive aggressive.


11/07/2018 11:34 AMPosted by Kelvias
tank didn't want to wait for mana while I drank, rushed ahead while I was was reviving, then couldn't hold aggro and blamed me for not healing him when everybody was dying. Then got kicked from another group at lvl 31 cause I was a monk.

Doesn't matter.

11/07/2018 11:34 AMPosted by Kelvias
Just been a pain an hour of wasted time.

Yes, you have been.
Kelvas, I can feel your pain. I really can. My monk just hit 111 and I can tell you, the mana struggle from level 20 to about level 60 or 70 is tough. I went through a LOT of water getting mana back even after some regular pulls.

Rest assured, from one mistweaver to another, it really does get better. Now it's really rare that I need to sit to drink in a dungeon and only usually happens when there's an accidental pull.

The really good news is that Mistweaver monks are awesome healers and you'll find in future dungeons that tanks absolutely love you :)
11/07/2018 11:34 AMPosted by Kelvias
Thank you, actually best answer I got. Everyone else has wants to be passive aggressive. Yes it's pretty much the whole story, tank didn't want to wait for mana while I drank, rushed ahead while I was was reviving, then couldn't hold aggro and blamed me for not healing him when everybody was dying. Then got kicked from another group at lvl 31 cause I was a monk... Just been a pain an hour of wasted time.

This is a player created issue. Getting kicked sucks but it happens and is especially frustrating when you have limited time, but this isn't the forum to be venting frustrations and giving feedback. IIRC the CS support agents can't or don't have the ability to pass things on to the developers