Dungeon and ELITE damages - do it right for god sake

1.12 isn’t going to be an accurate representation of the game for most people who actually played classic, as they would have been end-game at that point. So it’s quite possible people’s memories are 100% correct, but that 1.12 is a very different game. The problem is that the people pointing out 1.12 is being accurately represented now, are generally being obtuse on purpose so they can insult people, then having a massive sook when people treat them like trash, because they seem to think that’s something only they should be allowed to do…


Was it Berenstain Bears or Berenstein Bears?

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I think the discussion has just reached saturation of usefulness. We’ve all shared our data and reasoning, and at this point the beta testers and blues will find something if anything exists.

If this turns out to be an example of a collective false memory (like the Sinbad movie that never existed) then fine. I’ll play Classic and enjoy it – I just want it to be authentic. And if I’ve been practicing on a pserver that turned out to be ridiculously overtuned, then I’m just more prepared :slight_smile:


I think as far as raids go–private servers in the past year have gotten them on the money.

I’d be disappointed to see them even easier, which I think is a much higher probability than them being overtuned compared to private servers.

It’s possible, but people aren’t going to take them at their word that they remember exactly how hard dungeon mobs of all levels from 15 years ago are supposed to hit.

If people want to claim low level dungeons hit much harder pre-1.12, then the burden of proof is on them.

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I can’t remember damage values of things I did 3 weeks ago, how the hell can all these people remember random level 30 damage values from 15 years ago?


You don’t understand, all these Classic WoW memes I saw on Reddit? They said the game was so hard. I would die if I pulled two mobs. Why am I not dying?? The game must be bugged, heh heh heh. I should know. I was rank 14 and cleared Naxxramas by patch 1.9 :wink: so you know I speak from a position of authority because being a Naxx raider who was rank 14 means I should remember how much damage Princess Theradras’ fartstorm move hit for. Blizzard you need to fix the game, because you clearly stealth nerfed all the instances from 1-60 during that two year period and no one noticed except for me (and the other naxx raiders who hit r14 that post on this forum ) please blizzard I don’t want the WoW that was actually happening in 2006 I want a harder version that never truly existed anywhere’s but in my 8 year old mind when I saw my older brother pull 5 murlocs at once but I still want it /authentic/ you know because I was there :wink:


Remember when Warlocks could solo an entire BG by themselves? Remember when people thought that being OP meant you could win 1v10? They had great memory. They certainly never forgot what the other 9 people on their team were doing during every single WSG they ever partook in. And my flawless memory cannot be denied. I am undeniable.

Could they have nerfed things in 1.12? It was at the end of the vanilla cycle.

Are you sure you weren’t being crushed on your Warrior?

You mean the level 40 weapon that isn’t really supposed to be acquired till lvl 37-39?

You mean the guys that are handed BiS loot by their followers wherever possible?

They basically outgeared the instance heavily. Theres another post in here by one of the blues that shows that dungeon damage is the EXACT same as it was in 1.12.

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LOL… that is so not true… The difference between bad gear and BiS is way more than a few stam points.

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You do realise asmon was doing close 30% more damage alone with that weapon? McConnell is also heavily geared.
And it’s not only the gear, the people in that dungeon are “good” players, alot better than most of the classic wow population.


Reduce fight length by 30% and what happens? You reduce fight damage by that much.
Increase healer mana + throughput significantly and what happens? large hits appear insignificant.
Increase armor and stamina substantially? Way less damage taken.

I don’t think you understand how this game works.


Dude, I don’t think he understands how math works. He’s just not getting how absurd it is to compare bad gear to BiS. That’s not including things like spec, consumables, etc.