Dunemaul Alliance Reconnections

Char - Jinxed gnome rogue in Equilibrium

Holy crap! What’s up man?! Are you still in touch with some of the EQ peeps?
Add me when you can. Jinxx#1511

Human Paladin - Dyloot


No Mercy
Sovereign Knights
Less QQ More PewPew

Looking for Mikey (Lightray, Serpa, Findle, Chiod). You know who you are man! Hmu kr4k3n#11331

ive been trying to find zak but no luck, i still talk to monte cant remember his toons name

Opalite - hey! I’m still playing. Moved to the Dalaran server.

Night Elf Druid
Level 120


Pretty sure I remember you Valshaw. I was the guild leader and then handed it over to Sithmaywe when I quit wow for awhile. /waves

The name Sithmaywe sounds familiar :open_mouth:

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Forgot to mention looking specifically for Scars, Furo, Duraz, and Brigi


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Anyone remember a paladin named Zackman? Believe he ran a guild back then called Society of Benevolence


oh god here it goes bad toon names inc. forgive me it was15 years ago
Warrior _Davezkiller
HUnter - Deathsfear

i wish i remember my guild name but i do not . a few toons i used to play alonside with in the guild were KikaBear, Tiamat, Lanseril, HouseofM, Jaceline?,
hitr me up if you are going to play classic, i owuld love to play with you guy again

Played a Dwarf Warrior named Dantehicks.
Can’t remember the guild because I moved around a lot, but it was always a pvp guild.
I think my friends dad played in a raiding guild called Dawn of Serenity. His name was Ardor.

I signed the guild charter for Equilibrium!


I think Scars is on submarines in the Navy… one of the old hunters from back then is.


Someone call Huntermantwo

I played Evilprayer a Human Priest I remember raiding with you and a few others. Travisty a Human mage if i remember correctly was the GM of Equilibrium.

I xferred to the oceanic servers when they came up.

I remember you! I played Getty a human mage. We went from Rubber Duckies >Duckies United > Forged from Stone after Lucy moved servers ;\
I miss Donos story time during raiding. They were the best.

Started as a NE Priest called Ashayo, raided through to the original Naxx. I think the guild was Ministry, but may be mixing it up with a later guild.

Looks like my mage alt is now the guildmaster of Australibrium!

Human Paladin,

hey hey, everyone.


Sup Dunemaul! It’s Bloodiamond - Dwarf Pally - Dawn of Honor. Yo where are Zode and Xanderous? and where are Rotan and Muridan at? Just put in my new app for Kingsguard wish me luck!

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Bry, wassup man? Shadedork here, I was RL roommates with Fryloc (AFK for KFC!) and shared druid leadership in Rubber Duckies with Pykel and Cyndel for a while back in Vanilla and TBC as the Feral one. I was sore as hell when Duckies fell apart, haven’t had anything come close to the gaming experience from back then ever since.
I miss hearing Dono’s smooth, smooth lullaby voice too Getty, lol! I loved the crazy sh*t Ruul would get up to too.
If there are thoughts of picking up where we left off I’m all about getting back into it. Hit me up!

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