Dumpster Fire:

Hey, now. I didn’t describe the steps where they threw us into the dumpster while it was burning, pushed us downhill, and into traffic.

as ive said on another topic if this was any worse itd have people running to play Fallout 76

Fallout 76 is running away from people trying to play it to begin with. :confused:

well in all fairness at least in F76 you know its a toxic wasteland when you started WoW just kind of slowly turned into one thanks to the direction the current team is taking it


Obi-Wan voice:

“You were supposed to fix Gnomeregan, not become it, Blizzard!”

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seriously its like the dev team at Blizzard studied all the fun stuff the other MMOs are doing and said hey lets see what happens if we do the exact opposite of that


I did and all you do is Contradict yourself and waste everyone’s time

The Azerite neck will be replaced with another system. Just like the artifact weapons from legion and everything was just fine.

Your OP is filled with misinformation that you’re obviously parroting.
Only point I can see as valid is lack of alt-unfriendlieness, the rest of that is just nonsense from the perspective of a player who hasn’t really done it.

Yes, because, clearly, I have not played this expansion since it started and these aren’t my experiences with it.

That’s the problem. They’re tacking things onto things to replace the things from the other things that they removed - such as talent trees and such that were a core part of the character experience. The prune removed a lot of things that let classes stand on their own.

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But if they were doing all these aweful things to the game in your opinion why would you pay for shadow lands to to play as a different race while being “thrown into a burning dumpster and pushed down a hill”?

8.3 is only the traffic at the end in your analogy.

Your welcome to your opinion.

I will continue to view your opinion as wrong, as WoD was the worst state wow has ever been in.

I agree it was the only expansion i left for almost 4 months and i never do that ever until that horrible mess came and only reason i even came back to it was for the gold thats it lol.

Already unlocked them, wanted a DK tank for the group with my friends who, also, got sick of this. As stated no less than two or three times above.

So, once again. Laughing at my own stupidity here. :V

Also, if you forgot, there was a smaaaaall little period before all of it opened up for us to play in 8.3 - where we got our allied races and preorder bonuses. You know, just before things launched? Got level 120 in under 3 days - before 8.3 dropped the hammer, the mythics went up, things went bonkers, etc.

Then 8.3 comes in like a hammer and BAM. This is going to be my next near-year? Nope.

Thats the beauty of opinions isnt it. Although you incorrectly state yours like its a fact lol.

I’ve yet to find a reason to believe I am wrong. :thinking:

Like I said, your welcome to your opinion, but I’m going to disagree with you on it.

Thats the thing, your neither right nor wrong, its just your opinion, thanks for sharing tho.

Yep. But opinions can be changed by examples, and exchanges of information.

Which is why you know… debating exists. :thinking:

I dont think your going to change anyones subjective experience of BfA vs Wod here with examples. The mere fact that theyre both being put forward as the worst is bad enough (though you know which one was the worst in my opinion :p)