Dumpster Fire:

the story in FF doesn’t feel, to me, as good as wows does. i didn’t play any of the rts wc games before either. i just jumped into vanilla late and liked the game so i stayed. i’ve taken breaks here and there though as i don’t always agree with the devs direction of things (like argus being no flight -.-) but imo it’s the best MMO i’ve played. and if i’m playing an MMO instead of a single player game it’ll be wow.

the dumpster fire analogy is getting old. 8.3 is a good patch with a not so good ending cinematic

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I hate the trivial, mundane and highly repetitive nature of dailies and world quests. That is not what I come to the game for and has never been why I come to the game.

I have stomached it only on certain things like the Mag’har rep for the tabard, or the mounts I wanted specifically. I don’t even have the mounts from the reps I got in BFA because I don’t want them. It was all a waste of my time outside of having the crafting recipes done and pathfinder.

This was a bad direction for the game to go in. Clearly someone like me who came to WoW for dungeons, some battlegrounds, some arena who hates dailies isn’t going to appreciate having to do dailies (and world quests) to get the stuff done I care about.

wow is an rpg. if you don’t like to quest maybe try a game where you don’t have to?

Good lord.


It’s cute that they think they can refuse to give people their money back.


Didn’t have to until WoD. This is a relatively new thing, and even then, I could buy rep tokens with gold in WoD to skip most of the dailies.

Blizzard has taken dailies from something that was completely opt-in and put most anything they know people will want behind rep/daily grinds. (I.e. flying, races, essences, etc.)


You know why they had to do that though right?
Because of this

And people not doing this



That’s where you fail. You are expecting to get ahead thru grinding. Modern WoW wont make you get ahead just by mere grinding. I prefer the current system right now. I can miss my grind without worrying someone would leave me behind becoz I missed my grind.

Your grinding mechanics you want is a Dumpster Fire for me. They can all burn in the past. That’s why I gave up my max’d out toon in Classic last December although I grinded the whole thing thru Naxx40 in Vanilla with my Vanilla Warrior.

Wall of text crits for over 9000. You have died.

How can the game be fun if you have money to buy everything before you even play? LOL

Don’t worry they will res in shodowlands since they already bought it :joy:

In my opinion, which is all that counts, I can assure you WoD was a towering masterpiece, crafted by master engineers… compared to BfA.


Blizzard forcefully combines numbered lists. I tried to double space between points.

Forums went: Nope.

Un subbed but pre ordered shadowlands.

Nothing to see here but a Pepega looking for attention

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Pretty big nut there.

what is considered poor?

Didn’t read further in the thread.

Nothing to see here, but someone without reading comprehension.

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yeah and the grand canyon is merely a ditch