Dumpster Fire:

Read the thread. I’ve typed it so much I’m getting finger cramps.

I like this. You would think a functioning, reasoning adult mind would see this and go “hey… this may not work.” But no - I would assume money is behind the decision. Gotta be. I digress cause that horse can only be beat so many times. Pile of blood and bone fragments that it is.

It’s Jell-O now.

lol yeah. It sure is. /grabs a spoon


  1. Even if the Revan thing is as good as you say it is, the game still hasn’t managed to hook me all the way to the area I’ve gotten through, and the gameplay doesn’t inspire me to go further.

  2. The Re-origination ray, literally basically destroyed Nya’lothia. It’s been blasted by a titan weapon. It wasn’t N’zoth dying that made things crumble, it was literally the ray of reorigination blasting through the land decimating everything that did that. There’s even the light of the ray and the explosion blasting out of the building as it falls, and all the corruption and landscape around it being dissolved by the beam’s power. So again… not nothing. :roll_eyes:

  3. Made my own groups, I controlled who did and didn’t get into my group, didn’t have to give a single damn about RaiderIO.

  4. I’m an Alchemist, so I’ve been doing this for well over a decade. The only gear I can craft is BOP though.

  5. Med’an you mean? Eh… not the greatest character, not the worst one I’ve ever seen either. The FF14 protagonist has the ability to literally be a Primal God slayer while being completely helpless at the same time. :woman_shrugging:


That’s why I never pre-order anything as a general rule. I only pre-ordered BFA because my friends would play it and I was certain I would play it too regardless of reviews. I didn’t pre-order shadowlands because I still don’t know if I’m going to be around to play the expac. But other than that, I never pre-order.

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This expansion is the biggest dumpster fire in all of WoW. Not wow anymore to be honest. WoW died at 8.3 in 2020. WoW need a Rez any healers able to rez wow?


Sadly, I am probably going to be doing the same… This just really hurts. I pre-ordered Shadowlands, and am liking the patch okay… but, Blizz, I just can’t trust you anymore. This is a dumpster fire of an expansion, you managed to downgrade a 25 year old game, I mean… What? It honestly just feels irresponsible giving you money anymore, and I am honestly thinking of trying FFXIV Online or ESO, and just leaving WoW for good. What has happened to you Blizz… my god, what has happened…?

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it’s hilarious to me that raiders cried for years about casuals getting gear they didn’t “earn” because of tf but now there’s something even worse that is your comeuppance for the entire thing. lololololol

ffxiv starts out fun but doesn’t stay fun. you can level and level and level doing anything but questing but you are forced to do the story line to open up anything worthwhile. so you could be level 40 from doing things other than questing but you still can’t do a dungeon. so keep that in mind. quest or die.

Yeah, I know. I hear it is very story intensive, and also, I level all my characters in WoW that way. Just through story and the occasional dungeon. I love it. Thanks for that, though.

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i’m a quester as well but i imagine that being a deal breaker for some people. especially if they just want to do dungeons to cap and then raid.

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Good lord.


What else do you expect? Your toon hasn’t grown since the end of WoD. No new powers, abilities, talents. Your new levels don’t even matter thanks to content-and-ilevel-scaling-to-player.


The story is one of the best things about FF14.

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Content that only some people like.

If they made everyone do arenas for 4 months just to get to X/Y/Z content they actually prefer the forums would be on fire.

You know this.


i don’t like it as much as i like wows story. and this is coming from someone who has played FF games as my main games for most of my life. 8 and 10 were my favorites though. and why i went playstation over anything else. alas, i mostly play games on the computer now. and FF just doesn’t scratch the MMO itch for me. and my friend gave me a million gil too so i’d be rich as crap for a low level toon if i went back. lol

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is your problem with questing at all (if so why play an rpg) or do you specifically not like this batch of questing?

I was skimming your list and scrolled down to your linked video.

Bleh. I seriously wish he would already go back to playing FF14.

FF14’s story not only is mandatory (You can’t skip anything, at least the last time I played that was the case) but it’s excessively long and tedious on outdated parts that could have easily had a foot notes style storytelling since it’s no longer relevant.

Not to mention the story is all over the place, and all the way up through storm blood, was just not great.

The MC is simultaneously the savior of the world, and excessively weak, while also being a primal god slayer. :roll_eyes: And VERY often suffers from plot-induced stupidity.

Not to mention them completely dropping interesting characters, abandoning them, then just off screen deleting them practically so they don’t have to worry about it.

Haurchefant was only character I’ve remotely cared about, whom dies early Heavensward.