Dumpster Fire:

You mean the mass effect games where the ending literally came down to, no matter what, what choice of fireworks you wanted when everything went bad and wiped stuff out?

Kotor 1 and 2 was a good game, but it really didn’t have any meaningful choices, outside if you wanted to be good or evil.

Ooh, or the most recent dragon age, where… in the end nothing changes…? Oh… everything still the same no matter what choices you make… hmm…

Exactly what I want to? Plenty of things to do, or do you mean raiding / pvp? Do you think that’s the only thing to do in the game? :thinking:

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Uh I did day 1 on them coming out. Tell me how I’m wrong about mass effects great final. How people got so upset they literally added a new ending to please the playerbase. Andromeda had horrible to no polish. Dragon age ending made it seem like you became a god that saved the realm dragon age two ending implied finding the orginal main guy. The Choices from both had little to no effect on the 3rd and dont even talk about the issues with importing the story from the previous two. Did you play them?

What is your definition of casual? I guess when you’re a loner (me) the same opportunities don’t come up.

Good job as a casual though….

Blizzdrone tries to attack a bioware level story while playing WoW and their non existent choices, the ironing xD

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yeah when they talk this is what THEY hear

but to anyone listening this is what WE hear

You didnt read anything, also as I’ve said before you are clearly a massive blizzard fan you bought shadowlands and race changed your dk to a panda so you paid money onto of money to a company you seem to hate so much, everything you complain about has no bearing since you still Stick around to pay for it. Also if you say you pay with gold you are still putting the effort if not more to play this game.

you mean getting into the game for 5 mins to relist items and log out? cuz that is what i ve been doing for almost a month now.

Converted by 1.8m gold that I had saved for when I was playing as well as mass selling everything I had prepared for 8.3 and now I am done, gonna use that balance to get something out of it myself :3

And just refunded shadowlands :3

Are you expecting this forum to believe that you’ve been refunded for Shadowlands, and they allowed you to keep your Pandarian DK?

I’ve seen some of your posts before, and people calling you out for trolling, but this is seriously a terrible hill to die on, troll or not.


Blizzard’s worst design decision is the Scorched Feet madness. Everything else is trash too, but let’s face the facts here, people.

Thank you, Ion.

A blown up car can be rebuilt (as long as nobody died) that’s my idealistic side talking though.

There’s a lot of people on this thread who don’t raid, M+, or even pvp talking about viability. Like, what do you need to be viable for?

Just an honest question. I agree that this expansion has been pretty crap.

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There isn’t one because they are capital intensive and aren’t full of flashiness to shareholders. They all inevitably end up in maintenance because gamers are fickle.

Due to the capital investment needed to start and grow a mmo, there will never be another wow. Shareholders want permanent upward trends and they go off MAU growth above all else. Stick the same money in a mobile game and you will have constant player churn and mau growth out the wazoo.

You do realize that all they do is simply lock your character until you purchased shadowlands again right?
It is the same thing they do when people refund an expansion after they used a boost, but hey, bliizdrones wouldn’t know that since they don’t refund the ‘great’ blizz products, lmao


Increasing the heart to 80 was the final straw for me. I played 9 out of 10 days probably and wasnt even maxed before the increase. Balance of gear is the worst ever in the games history. Classes arent fun. Bad story, horde lose sylvanas saurfang and king r. Alliance lose zip.

Thanks for the info.

And yeah when you do that they lockdown because it is a feature being refunded. I am surprised more people do not know about this.

See you later, Branflakes

Le Quacks.

I am more of a Frosted Flake, thanks.

Yeah there was no reason to increase the grind on the heart. Then they introduced a soft cap and claim that there is no grind left. Sometimes I wonder with all this misinformation if anyone believes anything said coming from blizz HQ.

One hand doesn’t know what the other’s is doing, it seems.