Dumb endings that you think will happen

Would he have to put on her old battle bikini instead of a helm?





I’m not gonna lie, if at some point Nathanos decides to retire to the Marris Stead with his blighthounds, personally I think that there’d be a satisfying feeling of full circleness closure in it given that’s where everything started with him. Of course, that’s if the writing of said retirement scenario isn’t messed up somehow.


Sylvanas will lure the honor crew and the Alliance into a trap as they march into Orgrimmar and decide to plague the city. While she and die hard loyalists flee to elsewhere Jaina will nobility sacrifice herself by teleporting everyone else out of Orgrimmar and she alone dies to the plague.

Jaina is forever remembered as the savior of the Horde due to saving Orgrimmar and everyone groups together to kill Sylvanas in order to avenge Jaina.

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Baine will be new warchief. The best friend of alliance king and a traitor.

It will happen and i will not be part of that “horde”.


Also at the very end dreadlords show up abd join the alliance

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A giant statue of Jaina Proudmoore will be built in the heart of Orgrimmar.

“Dedicated to Jaina Proudmoore - A human whose potential for peace saved the Horde from itself.”


any ending involving the night elves forgiving teldrassil is dumb.
Tyrande and maiev not going in a killing spree or not destroying something from the horde is dumb.
the alliance not being allowed to have revenge AGAIN will be ultra dumb.
That is worst case scenario for me. UNLESS n’zoth or something like that actually wins.

that and kerrigan 2.0
that sylvanas was “planning it all” and playing 20d chess is both dumb and infuriating.


still better option than killing her as horde and joining rebelion of traitors conspiring with alliance dogs

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You may be surprised, but i am not horde.

you’re an alliance dog, but sylvanas can’t be just boss of one side.

well if a raid boss is what worries you they could just swap npcs like they did for the first 3 dazarlazor bosses.
kerrigan is dumb,you know it, i know it.

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That’s also doesn’t make sense, cause Saurfang and Baine will want to kill Sylvanas. And alliance have no one that important to actually kill while also having enough loyalists to protect Sylvanas

Crazy thing would be to clash Sylvanas and Tyrande and let players decide who to support. But that can’t happen in raid environment

Also kill both.

Anduin is an old god pawn and has secretly been working with Sylvanas so her Val’kyr can retrieve Varian’s soul from the shadowlands and put it into a new body to revive him.

  • He knew the attack on undercity would fail, and his actions were merely an act to kill the other leaders, but Jaina interfered, so he had to put on an act with Sylvanas in front of the Alleria and Genn.
  • He has been using this war to get his troops killed, on purpose, so Sylvanas can get more dead bodies.
  • He didn’t want to send his armies to retake darkshore because he was conspiring with Sylvanas and/or the twilight cultists there to free that giant faceless one.
  • He admitted that the armies distracting the Horde in Nazmir were on a suicide mission. He wanted them to die so Sylvanas would have fresh bodies.
  • The battle of dazar’alor was his plan to get Jaina killed for interfering with undercity. He knew the king wouldn’t surrender, and that his death would secure the Zandalari trolls for Sylvanas.
  • When Jaina managed to survive, he decided to send her and the Kul Tiran army into Sylvanas’ trap in 8.2.
  • The Thrall/Saurfang stuff is all part of the plan to expose any traitors to Sylvanas. Cairne was brainwashed after his arrest. Once he is freed, he will contact Anduin and give him the identities of the traitors who helped him escape. Then Anduin will pass that information to Sylvanas.

The Valks and/or N’Zoth will revive Varian, but he will come back… wrong. Then Anduin will go insane and become the final raid boss of BFA.


“Come my loyal champion play along with these traitors and kill me” its dumb enough to happen

He comes back voiced by Gilbert Gottfried


He said come back wrong, not better than ever.


So adam sandler


One last prediction:

BfA was never intended to be a coherent narrative with a satisfying conclusion, but rather a blunt instrument used to destabilize/shake up established norms in the Alliance/Horde paradigm.

At the end of this expansion, and for the reveal of the new one, they’ll freeze the Alliance/Horde champion in statis of some kind as they desperately to to fight off the Void’s onslaught onto Azeroth. The champion fails regardless similar to the “evacuate 1000 civilians in Darnassus” quest.

The PC is awakened/freed many years later and has to salvage this mess----including a greatly different Alliance and Horde from what they left.

Long ago in a distant land, I, N’zoth, the shapeshifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil. But, a foolish hero wielding a the Heart of Azeroth stepped forth to opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future where my evil is law. Now, the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is N’zoth.

Oh and the Night Elves were genocided again off screen during the timeskip.


Gotta get back, back to the past, samurai puppys


While I think a mop-wod 2.0 is extremely likely ending with her escaping to northrend to raise scourge and do something old goddy with saronite, I think that is too obvious, even for blizzard.

I think they’ll try to pull a sylvannas-the-mastermind on us. She seemingly presents us to n’zoth but only after magni reveals his corruption does she spring into action, foil his plan, and reveal that she had known about it all along and that the manipulation was somehow needed, despite the massively costly and bloody war she put everyone through. Recognizing that she’s right, everyone forgives her, vol’jin’s vision is proven accurate, and she humbly steps down as warchief handing it to one of the (in her hypothetical words) truest members of the horde, saurfang or baine.

Queue wrath 2.0 where magni has retreated to northrend to do something old goddy with saronite.