Duelist weapon skins from Shadowlands/Legacy elite sets/enchants

Me too…

I actually just kept the weapons myself. But oh well

He also said he’d want that changed. It doesn’t make any sense and that should be changed. If you got the achievement, the mogs should be purchasable. No offense but it is weird to gatekeep people from rewards they earned, and yes, earned.

You got duelist, that is the achievement. The mogs were unlocked, you just had to farm comp stomp for honor to upgrade every individual weapon after sitting at 15k honor for 5 months. Sorry but that isn’t a requirement that means anything at all, the rating is the only thing that matters and the rating is what allows you to get the mogs.

Nobody said that though. Many people have the achievements that unlock the mogs, they should be buyable today if you have the achievement from that time period. It remains unobtainable, but those who did the difficult thing at the time can still buy the reward. People pretending comp stomp was hard so other people can’t buy the cosmetics even though they hit duelist lmao. Sorry but the system was dumb, especially with the 15k honor cap.

The system in MoP was dumb too. I didn’t get any of those mogs or those achievements, but those who did should be able to get their mogs still.

Got 2200 in MoP? Get your enchant/mogs. It’s really that simple. “Oh no you didn’t farm conquest/honor from random bgs you can’t have it!!!” is a terrible reason for that not to happen.

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Yeah my comment was nothing to do with mop chant lol, I want the duelist 2hander from SL because I only upgraded 1 handers

I wasnt speaking about shadowlands stuff, more about elite set from cata-wod.

Some people never got to finish the full set because they didnt have to conquest to fully buy it

Yeah that absolutely blows though doesn’t it?Both the shadowlands honor upgrading to get the color variation and the cata-WoD sets.

Requiring it at the time makes sense, but don’t you think they could leave those sets in so people could just buy them (with conq/marks of honor/whatever) if they have the achievement? I can’t wrap my head around why that would ever be bad. You hit 2200 right, there is no way anyone can compare farming conquest from random bgs to hitting 2200, so if you got that achieve the set should be buyable.

My point is, earning conquest is the exact same thing it was back then. However hitting 2200 now is vastly different than in cata. One part of this is so much harder than the other.

Anyway, WoW has a ton of fomo already. Not sure why it needs to be doubled up on by removing these sets from people who earned them by getting the achieve. Kind of wild

Ah yeah, gotcha. Yep, that’s the ridiculous part of this.

I was honor capped for 4-5 months while slowly pushing, hit duelist, upgraded all the 1h/shields to duelist but didn’t have time to farm out 35k more honor for the rest. It’s absolutely insane that’s a thing. Could’ve easily done it if the honor cap didn’t exist, but the fact they keep you stuck at 15k honor while you were earning much more throughout the season was so annoying. On top of also having to spend it on gear upgrades.

It was just a terrible system. If you have that duelist achievement, those weapons should be available to you. It really is so simple.

Its not like we’re asking for unobtainable items to become obtainable again for everyone, but I think logically it makes perfect sense to allow people to finish their sets/get missing enchants/etc if they have the achievement from that season.

Yeah, they’ve told me they won’t give me my Cata set because I don’t have proof that I had purchased it.

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What I think was cool is that Shamans for example could buy full conq hunter set and upgrade it to duelist, so as a Shaman I got full elite Shaman and full elite Hunter set. That was good times.

That was an interesting benefit of that system, I personally like class sets to be class sets but I won’t deny that it was cool to do that. I got all of the other sets+most of the weapons, it’s just kind of insane that the honor cap was 15k and you had to upgrade every individual weapon+every individual piece of gear to get the unlock. Kind of insane and very backwards imo but yea that was probably the only decent part of that gearing system

I think that’s a terrible excuse from them honestly. Who cares if you purchased it or not at the time? You got the achiev, you unlocked it, why is walking up to a vendor what stops this from happening? That’s ridiculous to me, it was already unlocked.

That is really why they should just open them all back up to be bought by people who have those achievements from that time period. Not new achievements, but the ones from that time. The achievement/rating is what allows you to purchase the set, if you got that then that’s all that should matter.

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Because blizzard stated every season that those items will be unobtainable and removed from game. Meaning if you didnt buy them when they were current they were removed with vendors.

Yeah and? The point is if someone has the achievement, they should be able to go and get them any time. They become unobtainable because a season is over and that specific rating in that specific season is no longer obtainable, but if you have the achievement from that season you should be able to buy that seasons elite set/weapons/tabard etc any time.

They put in the work, they have the achievement, there is 0 reason to not do that. Exact same thing as challenge modes btw, those were going away at the end of the expansion and yet they are still on a vendor purchasable for anyone who has the achievement from that time.

Blizzard “saying they were going to be removed” is not a valid reason at all. They’re removed so people that didn’t earn them that season can’t buy them, but for people who did they should be able to buy their earned rewards any time. And blizzard says a lot of things, feedback is how you change their minds which is what is provided here.

Obtaining was based on purcashing them from vendor not getting the apperance from acheivement like it is now… If they didnt purcashe it or farm enough conquest then they weren’t actually obtained… That’s why some people have only a few pieces etc.

Earning the honor was part of the work.

No, not really.

I do think that they could’ve better conveyed how the elite weapon appearances worked, though.

Earning honor is not the same thing as getting duelist though. There is no way anyone can say farming comp stomp is what should prevent people who hit duelist from being able to get those rewards from that season now. I think that’s next level gatekeeping tbh and a really silly reason, it’s not like we’re asking for the mogs to become obtainable by anyone, only by people who actually hit that rating and deserved the reward. Doesn’t really matter if honor was a part of it, it’s the part of it that does not matter even a little bit.

And yes, they did not communicate that you could get duelist skins by upgrading weapons to duelist. So people who took a break and hit duelist later couldn’t farm out rewards that unlocked for them by hitting that rating.

Also, the main reason I fight against honor ‘being a requirement’ is because the honor system was bad. Sit capped at 15k for months, then finally you need 50-60k honor to upgrade your gear to duelist and unlock all of the weapon skins? That’s really dumb imo.

True, but upgrading the pieces was one of the requirements. They could’ve just given people the appearances for reaching Duelist, and probably should have, but here we are.

Right well that is why I made this thread in the first place. It was a dumb system, especially with the 15k honor cap.

However I also push for any mogs not just shadowlands mogs to be purchasable by those who have the appropriate achievements. Rating/pushing is 99.9% of the effort, afking in comp stomp will never be a good reason for these weapons to not be purchasable.

Current elite weapons for example are on a vendor where you can see the rating requirement, and they cost marks of honor.

I got em all, what else were we supposed to spend honnor on?

Yeah but they will be removed if you don’t purcashe them even though u got 2.4k…