Duelist weapon skins from Shadowlands/Legacy elite sets/enchants

HD? lol
They took the ugliest set from Antorus paladin and recolored it the most ugly red color imaginable

HD as in an upgrade from the 3 polygon / pixel tbc pieces which was the previous option.

Edit: ya that looks awful tbh tho good point LOL.

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Idk what it is about that set. Its just super jarring to look at

Maybe next week.

I think it’s the more maroon scale underneath.

Its just the basic ugly normal version of the set, if it was the mythic, it would’ve been good.
But like, the overly bright red from the foot fade over to some pinkish-red color to the top.

Its attrocious

Forever annoyed I didn’t get that set. I put it off :dracthyr_cry_animated:

The set would have been infinitely better if they did a red black themed judgement set

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I don’t understand why they haven’t yet tbh. They have some of the most iconic solid groundwork to riff on and just didn’t lmao

Like S3 legion pvp elite was spot on for most classes. I don’t think anyone would mind like HD bloodfang / judgement / etc done with the same love and respect.

And by anyone. I mean I think pve players would be upset if they couldn’t get their own version so it’s probably best to lock it behind RSS.

This is better than the ‘‘HD’’ bloodknight set they made

They kinda did the Judgment set 2 times already. Legion first set, and then the last set of Shadowlands

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Whoever made this way back when. This looks a million times better than wows blood knight set

Where are Honorbound and Bloodknight recolor, they look so much better lol

i skipped SL mostly so that’s a new set to my eyes. Nailed it tbh that looks great. Is it pvp or pve?

Oh right human & orc are coming up.


My dwarf wears a mix of it. But lol, I forgot I was doing world bosses. Rip mog.

First one is Mythic from the last raid, and second one is Legion Mythic from the first 2 raid

Yes thats true but why does that matter? They can absolutely make those pieces available today, or make the entire set purchasable for marks of honor. It is most definitely something they can (and should) do.

They can either bring back the entire sets and make them purchasable via conquest, or make them purchasable with marks of honor. Lock them out for people who do not have the appropriate achievs.

That is a pretty simple thing to do, again already done in that way with CM weapons and the armor set from mop. While these did not require currency, you can still buy them today if you have the achievs. That is what it should be like for all pvp elite sets/enchants regardless of the currency they may have required.

Currency is not at all hard to farm, its the achievement that is the goal. The rating that is the goal. Farming honor from comp stomp in shadowlands to unlock all of the duelist weapon colors was so stupid, god forbid you wanna take a break after getting your achievement. There is no reason not to make everything available to those who have the appropriate achievs.

I feel especially bad for those who have the mop achievs to prove they should have the elite sets or enchants but do not.

The MoP PvP enchant and elite gear issue is STILL not fully resolved, 8 years and many tickets and forum posts later… still waiting


For my s9 elite I noticed that they removed the belt from the xmog, you simply just hide belt.

Check if that’s the same for your DK S10

Yeah, this issue comes up every now and then. I’ve seen people mention it on twitter even those with decent sized followings, I’ve seen this exact topic pop up here a few times. It’s one of the more highly requested things for pvp because it just makes sense.

Nobody cares or even knows that you got 5k conquest or whatever, its the achievement that matters.

The way you obtain the elite set/weapons in dragonflight s1 is good, its just given to you and the weapons you buy for marks. In shadowlands you had to grind honor to unlock all of the duelist color variations which is honestly just ridiculous.

If you are going to require that, make it obtainable in the future for those who take a break after getting their duelist/elite achievements. That honor grind is mindless with comp stomp existing, but honor stays capped at 15k. Spent a 60% of the season honor capped at 15k, then when i needed to spend honor on the duelist stuff i needed like 50k or so and didnt have time to sit in comp stomp for 3 hours a day.

Regardless of any of that, it just makes sense to allow people to go back and get their elite enchants/weapons/sets if they have the achievement from that time. There is absolutely no sensible reason for that not to happen. You put in the work, got the rank, the reward should be there for you whenever you decide to grab it. Taking a break after hitting a goal should not be punished

Like kenni said already, the conquest cost was a requirement to get the full mog.

If you didnt get the full mog before a season ended it meant you didnt have the requirements to fully unlock it

Ya but I didn’t think I’d want a 2hander and now I do, so give me the other cosmetics!

I expect it fixed or I’ll call your manager

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