#DualSpec No not giving up

OK one If If you’re a play philosophy’s are that different from the Guild you’re in And it’s a quality of life feature.

Is that causes you to want to leave your Guild there’s bigger issues there I am sorry Secondly I don’t really think It’s going to be a big of issue as far as the design philosophy’s go.

I keep repeating myself on this this is tbcc not tbc They’ve already gone against those technically but why because it was for the better interests of the game.

Is on top of that we’ve seen numerous times proof Is that the Debs do make mistakes in their philosophies look at Toronto is phosophies look at drums and Joe crafting and enchanting.

I’m pretty sure they didn’t intend world buffs to be used in raids Yet that’s what happened Same faction battlegrounds probably wasn’t intended either but they It was needed.

Is at certain points the game needs to adapt with the player base and the needs of the game just because it goes against a philosophy that was set back in 2007.

doesn’t mean Is that same design philosophy applies here and now we’re a very different player base we were in 2007 the proof can be seen anywhere.

Is on top of that at this point I would say this because apparently the biggest concern as well you can respect in dungeons and rates OK fine how about this.

you can’t respect in dungeons and raids Or arena You can do it in the outside world And battlegrounds solved.

If that’s really your biggest concern Quite frankly I don’t care if people have to go outside of raids to respect.

I don’t think it’s gonna be that big of a deal but quite frankly this is the biggest contention point of it and it gets us dual spec sure make it so we can’t respect in dungeons and raids.

there solved Is this way this gets rid of the way it can be abused because quite frankly if it really is a hardcore pushing Guild how many people are really going to want to go all the way outside of the raid race back and come back in.

Is probably not your hardcore guilds if they’re pushing because that’s going to cost way too much time.

Is so there that would be the easiest solution just make it till we can’t respect Is in dungeons and raids how’s that sound.

Well, you are at the bargaining stage of loss, soon you will be at acceptance. But by then wotlkc should be out anyway.

Dual spec not being in tbc wasn’t a mistake, it was a clear design choice back then, and seeing that tbcc is trying to repeat the experience of tbc, those design intent goals of tbc should be respected to the degree that unless it’s fixing an actual game issue, a change shouldn’t be made. And not wanting to spend gold isn’t a game issue.


I think he is using a program he speaks into which generates texts… might be wrong though.

I get that you already mentioned you don’t do heroics because you have 400+ badges, and you refuse to do so because you don’t need it and would only do it if a guildie might need it. But that statement of helping a guildie is also like a can of worms since you possibly might pick out who you want to help or not.

But there are players like you, who are just sitting underneath Adal with AFK tag on doing nothing. While hoping you’d have some worthy conversations with, while posting in here saying, “ha ha haha you guys are lazy, people don’t need to do runs if they cant put effort,” but realize you got nothing to do besides raid at this point.

I honestly don’t care about dual spec being in or not at this point, but I do want some changes happen to at least be more flexible for heroics to be easier.

Like the stupid damn landmines.

Wow The fact that you’re trying to associate this with the 7 phases of grief is actually humorous to me.

Second I’ve set up before and I’ll say it again until I see a blue post or wath Comes out I’m going to keep saying #DuelSpeck.

And again I’ll also say a design philosophy in 2007 it’s 2021 Certain things should be changed Is to accommodate the player base.

like same faction battle grounds and the profession changes they did this Is to accommodate the player base because it was over all better.

And again If what you’re worried about is the biggest problem is people respecting and dungeon I’ll respect you in dungeons and raids I’m completely fine with them saying OK you can’t respect indulgence in raids only in the outside world great.

I would be completely fine with that I want people to have freedom reasonable freedom dual spec gives you reasonable freedom.

Yep, lets please not forger the really important topic that has yet to receive any kind of response/comment from Blizzard. The topic has been out kong enough, I think it is time Blizzard give us an answer. Doesnt matter if its a Yes or a No, just end the subjet once and for all.

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They did reply on this topic though.

Dual spec was something they didn’t want in tbc.

Not seeing any blue post as it relates to TBC Classic and dual spec.

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Tbcc is based on tbc.

So blue posts for tbc are relevant.

Yep and and what posts from TBC Classic address dual spec?

So you just agreed that blue posts about tbc, are relevant, then asked for a blue post from tbcc.

So dual spec is on the table as #nochanges doesn’t apply.

Again, stop trying to pass my argument as no changes, that’s not my argument.

NY argument is the design INTENT (not the actual design itself but the intent behind the design) should be respected.

And we see a clear intent of the design to not have any form of multi spec in tbc. Which is what dual spec is. This means the intent of the design was NO to dual spec and adding dual spec goes against the core design intent behind what is tbc, which tbcc is attempting to emulate.

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I’m simply asking when has blizzard address dual spec in the TBC Classic.

So a post in the the 2019+ range.

There is none?

They haven’t with t6 looming on the horizon.

And they won’t.



Playing alts, or living the life for that matter.

I have a lot to do, just don’t need to do heroics on my main, therefore one less tank in the pool.

See why the whole argument for Dual Spec is a failure? Tanks don’t tank because there is nothing in there for them.

That is why Tanks are “selling” tanking services for blues/greens or payout.

That is why Call to Arms was the solution to tank shortage, because Tanks would get something for tanking the dungeon to others that needed them.

You can argue as much as you can.
But you can’t change history.


Only difference in history is the population really.

I don’t think dual spec will help the tank/healer shortage as much as people think. Like people do realize that dual spec would be available for tanks and healers too, right? So, sure, you could get some, maybe even a lot of DPS players who might go tank/heal if they had dual spec. On the other hand you could also get just as many if not more tanks and healers who are like, hey I have dual spec now, I can actually play DPS! In fact I think the latter is more likely since obviously more people prefer to play DPS versus tanking/healing.

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That’s not how it works, lack of dual spec obviously isn’t forcing tanks and healers to do so if they aren’t in the mood. They simply don’t play at all. All lack of dual spec does is make it harder for people who would be willing to tank/heal to actually do so.

That doesn’t go against my point at all. Sure they’re not playing now so they are not adding to the pool of available tank/healers, I get that. What I’m saying is if they get dual spec and decide they now want to play and they now want to play as DPS, then they are adding to the pool of DPS competing for tanks/healers. This might cancel out or even exceed the number of tanks/healers added to the pool by the DPS taking advantage of dual spec to play tank/healer.

I’m a holy paladin and I don’t heal heroics nowadays unless to help guildies. But if dual spec is released I might try ret. Whereas now I don’t bother, because I don’t want to respec and respec back just to try it. I’m not that special or unique so I’m sure there are more out there like me.

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