#DualSpec No not giving up

You literally just explained my point, tanks/healers already aren’t tanking if they don’t want to. You aren’t forcing them to do so by not giving them dual spec.

Right but there is potential for an increased need for tanks/healers with dual spec due to all the tanks/healers that are currently not running dungeons/heroics that decide to start running dungeons/heroics as dps spec.

If that number outweighs the DPS players that are swapping to tank/healers for dungeons/heroics then it actually makes the tank/healer shortage worse.


Except the incentive to tank/heal vs dps is the same, shorter queue times.

Oh and there’s also nothing stopping those tanks/healers from simply joining as dps now and being just another bad dpser.

That’s definitely true, there’s potential for it to go either way.

By that logic there’s also nothing stopping certain classes of DPSers from simply joining as tank/healer now and being just another bad tank/heal.

I agree there’s potential for it to go either way. That’s exactly what I was trying to do is point out that the effect of dual-spec wouldn’t be as clear-cut one-way (“More tanks/heals!!”) as a lot of people seem to think).

Given how people obviously seem to prefer playing DPS over tank/heal, I think dual-spec is likely to go the way of adding DPS to the pool to the point of canceling out, if not exceed, the tanks/heals that dual-spec will add to the pool. Isn’t that what we actually see in retail?

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Except the higher scrutiny tanks/heals are under and that them performing well is generally much more important for a successful run. You know part of the reason for the tank/healer shortage in the first place.

Sure. No argument there.

But this is getting away from my original point, which is the same thing that Geneharrison is saying: Dual-spec is not going to be a one-way effect of adding tanks/heals to the pool. It could go either way–It could also add more DPS to the pool. So it very well might not do as much to improve the tank/heal shortage as people may think. That’s really all I’m saying.

I agree that dual-spec WILL add more to column A (tank/heal). I also think dual-spec will add more to column B (newborn DPS that were previously specced tank/heal). Which column is going to be higher? Who knows? But if retail is any indication, I’m thinking column B…

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did you play wotlk? dual spec didn’t help tank shortages, it never has.

Most tanks and healers who want dual spec want it so they can farm and quest without it being so slow and painful.

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A response that’s in the year 2021 not the year 2007 That’s not the same thing it’s completely different right now a player bases completely different.

I think we’ve established that more times than I can count

Tank shortages exist simply because there aren’t a ton of people who want to tank. Dual spec wouldn’t change that. I have a Druid. I have zero interest in tanking. Don’t care if I could do it on the fly. Just don’t want to. I am even in favor of dual spec but it wouldn’t solve the tank shortage. Not like there’s a whole community of players sittin around thinking “oooo. I want to tank so bad. If we only had dual spec…”

And I’m certainly not dissing tanks. I have much respect for people who do it. Just pointing out that it’s obviously not a popular role in TBC and just having the ability to respec as a tank certainly is no guarantee that players would suddenly want to do so.


That is true for some people. The problem I see in your post is you think everyone is like you. People are different, for example. I have a Druid. I’d like to heal with her. But I don’t find it fun to quest or farm in a resto spec so I chose a dps spec and I can’t afford to respec for dungeons.

There are some people who would tank or heal if there was dual spec and that would make it easier for other players to find groups.

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It’s OK 1st I’ve never said that dual speck was going to end the tank shortage but you have to admit it would help it you are correct you may not want to tank.

But that’s not the case for everybody Is there are people that do have an offspace that just that 100 gold price tag to do something different holds them back.

It’s that idea Is that I have to get a secondary gear set and I have to pay a 100 gold every single time I want to try something new like it or not that discourageous people.

It’s the same argument I would make about pvp Because the barrier to entry is so high it discourages people a lot more Is the same reason a lot of people still say that.

Is the honor gear should be reducing cost yeah We do have the problem well if you’re done with battlegrounds then you’re done well the other problem is just as true.

If The work you put in isn’t worth the reward then people just aren’t going to do it it’s kind of the same reason we don’t see a lot of people do heroics because that difficulty isn’t worth the reward.

That’s what I’m trying to say

Well said.


The dual spec won’t come until WoTLK as accordingly, the same way the change to the AV horde cave didn’t change until it originally did either which was TBC and I believe there was even more commotion to that situation. People will relentlessly complain about it, but this seems like another prolonged issue that simply won’t happen, people have been complaining about it from the start of TBC and we are currently half way into the expansion. There is a pattern here and that is that people will be complaining until WoTLK when it does come.


This is a very good point.

The complaints over horde spawn in AV was relentless throughout the entire classic experience, and all people wanted for them was to make it exactly the way they eventually made it in TBC, a future expansion that was seen to have dramatically improved the AV situation.

It never happened though. Blizzard heard the cries, the AV win ratio for alliance was objectively dog water, they had all the data and potential to improve the experience that they could possibly need, and they still didn’t do it. My guess why?

“That’s how it was”.

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Correct, an argument blizzard has explicitly said doesn’t apply to TBC Classic.

And yet they’ve since used it as justification for in-action on certain items of concern from the community.

Gotta say, you aren’t in the advantageous position atm.

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Weird it’s almost like blizzard’s position isn’t consistent and since they haven’t addressed dual spec specifically we have no idea how they feel about it.