#DualSpec No not giving up

And dual spec won’t make people want to tank. Those who want to tank are already doing it.

I was and I was fine with the queues. I sat in the BGs queues in Classic so I expected queues and when they happened I was 100% ok with them. I would fly around and herb/get engi nodes and World PVP. Then I’d do one of the 3 BGs I queued for and typically the next BG would pop 5 minutes later and I’d do that and just queue again. It was a lot of fun with actual variety and I made a lot of gold and enjoyed the random World PVP.

Then they put the same faction BGs in. I was opposed because IMO they would wreck server and faction balance plus I didn’t and still do not like playing FvF In a game that’s based on horde vs alliance. I made a lot of horde players mad speaking against FvF and calling people would when they claimed that 12 BG minute queues made them unable to play the game since that was was a lie.

Anyway the BGs are no fun any more because everyone gives up in 5 minutes and no longer tries as there is zero incentive to not go next. I don’t subject myself to them and most of the people that wanted HvH don’t play BGs either. Mostly what we have now is very boring PVE servers and unfun battlegrounds and almost everyone I saw who fought for them does nothing other than raid logging (and does not ever PVP anymore) so who knows why they cared in the first place. For the few who just wanted their easier arena gear or whatever I guess it’s good for them and good for them only.

That’s all I’ll say about it in this in a duel spec thread but this is a response to your question. I’m not debating duel spec because I don’t care either way.

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This right here is why dual spec won’t help the tank shortage. Those who want to tank are already doing so.

Dual spec will add either a second raiding spec or a pvp spec for 99% of the players that use it. It won’t make a noticeable dent in the tank shortage.

Just admit you want dual spec for increasing pvp participation. You have a better chance of getting it added with honest and logical reasoning, then the emotion grabbing you have been doing with your “but think of the children” fallacy.

And currently with those incentives that influence choice there I’d a tank shortage, dual spec doesn’t change those incentives, it just makes it easier to change.

Of the current incentives are resulting in a tank shortage, dual spec, which doesn’t change those incentives, won’t fix it.

Stop using the emotion grabbing fallacy.

It’s not a fallacy. I’m evidence of at least one person who started to heal when dual spec was added. If you bothered to read what people post you’d know that. I’ve posted several times that I specced dps on my druid in original and didn’t heal with it until dual spec was added. And there are many others that posted similar things.

And one of my friends back in wrath went from a tank Feral druid to a pvp Feral druid because of dual spec and stopped playing pve outside of raid logging.

Your +1 gets canceled our by someone else’s -1. You refuse to even ad re ess this fact though and keep holding onto your emotion grabbing.

You’ve been posting in these threads from the beginning and never mentioned this until now despite my often posting about my druid directly to you. You’ve never posted this in response to my claim before. You’re a known liar here and are just latching onto etc’s argument because it sounds good to you. You have zero honesty, integrity, and honor. I don’t believe a word you post here.

“I don’t like what you said so you must be a liar”

Nice argument you have there.

I didn’t mention it before because I have seen how you react to my posts, and I was tired of arguing with you. Did you not notice I took a break? It wasn’t a forced forum vacation I was just tired of arguing with emotion grabbing idiots.


Are you intentionally trying to troll? Because you spelt Dual right in the thread but not in your message.

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Players: "Ok in the spirit of some changes, can we have duel-spec?

Blizzard: “Ok here, have nerfed content!”

I barely notice you’re here. I never notice when you’re not.

Just give us duel spec… it doesn’t hurt your tbc experience in any way


You’re right Because Is wanting people to be able to do PVP with their PVP spec And PVE with their PVE spec.

You’ve discovered my master plan To give people the freedom Is to be able to play the game Is with the correct speck so they don’t get completely destroyed in PVP.

And then once my master plan is complete Everybody gets to play with the spec they want And not have to pay a 100 gold per respect any more mahmahmahmahahahahaha.

Because that’s clearly not an obvious fact that I haven’t completely stated literally a million times OK and now all of a sun it’s an agenda?


Except when my guild forces me to get and use it, or I have to fund a new guild.

On top of that it goes directly against the design goal intents of tbc. We have evidence of this from a blue post from back then.

Then it sounds like you already aren’t the same page with your guild and should find another one more in line with your play style regardless of dual spec.

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The requirement of my guild for dual spec only happens if dual spec is added. So adding dual spec for someone who doesn’t want it, does effect me.

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If your guild has such control freaks for leadership they would force you to get dual spec for no reason and that’s not the kind of thing you’re into dual spec is not the issue between you and your guild.

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Again, you argue based on what? How do you even know people will even play heroics? Do they need it?

Most likely they will play on their alts.

You don’t have proof, you just assume.

Everything you assume is RIGHT and will 100% happen.
Everything people question about what you assume is 100% wrong and will never happen.

Do you see how dumb it sounds?

It is not a strawman argument. It is true. It happened in the past, it didn’t resolve the tank shortage (it was never a healing problem).

Again, if you didn’t play back then, I completely understand your hope that Dual Spec introduced in TBC would fix these problems, but reality is: it never did.

My argument is pure and simple:

Lazy people, want more changes just to make the game easier for them.
I want the game to not favor lazy people.


I don’t assume. I know exactly what I did and what I will do this time around. I had a druid in Vanilla, original BC, and Wrath. I specced it dps in Vanilla and BC because doing anything but healing dungeons in a resto spec wasn’t fun for me. When dual spec was added I made a resto spec and healed in dungeons and used the dps spec for questing and farming. I’m doing the same thing in classic. I’m just leveling my druid in a dps spec to 70 then mothballing it until dual spec is added. There are many who have posted similar stories here.

You understand nothing. You have got to be the most brain dead person posting here. No one has suggested that adding dual spec would fix or resolve the problem. In fact several people in favor of adding dual spec have clearly stated it would not fix the problem. All anyone is claiming is that it will increase the number of tanks and healers and make the wait times less severe. All anyone is claiming is that it will increase the number of tanks and healers and make the wait times less severe. All anyone is claiming is that it will increase the number of tanks and healers and make the wait times less severe. All anyone is claiming is that it will increase the number of tanks and healers and make the wait times less severe.

Dual spec is not a permanent fix for the shortage of tanks and healers. Dual spec is not a permanent fix for the shortage of tanks and healers. All it would do is increase the number of tanks and healers and make the wait times less severe. All it would do is increase the number of tanks and healers and make the wait times less severe. All it would do is increase the number of tanks and healers and make the wait times less severe.

Do you get it now? Has it finally sunk in?
