I do get your perspective to be fair. In the scheme of things it literally is positive overall. But I am arguing against that because it takes away from things that I could say are defining for the spirit of TBC. Duel spec did not exist in TBC and adding it into TBC is a major change and not just “some changes”. The scope in which we make changes in TBC should envelop what exists in TBC with the goal of keeping the game challenging. Duel Spec goes against that concept. It is convenient and with given scenarios, makes the game easier.
That alliance ret could be friends with a lot of people in their guild, or an officer, or a GM, just a possibility hmmm? and thus him going horde means entire guilds go horde. your math doesn’t take into account the social impact. the proof is in what already happened 10 years ago, your argument goes against evidence that already exists.
You have a little bit of a point here is the thing I don’t think dual spec goes against the core concept of the burning Crusade.
Just because you have dual spec doesn’t mean that you’re all of a sudden going to go from not being all the soul dungeons to solo dungeons.
Each class still has its strengths and weaknesses no matter what specs you have access to.
Does it make you a little bit more tool Box IA little bed but I would make an argument it’s not such a big amount where you go from being OK to.
Crazy powerful I mean if we’re going to go by that stand swelled and shut in as LS be nerved preemptively I mean we know it’s broken.
And we know hunters are broken too but that doesn’t mean it should be fakes because it’s a core part it’s the same argument with drums do I think it should be changed yes I don’t think they should be nerf though.
Because it’s a core part However you can make the same argument say well just because it was in the game doesn’t mean it was good.
Speaking from someone that played back then I would have been overjoyed if they had brought dual spec in the game it would have made things so much better.
For both PVE and PVP Why could not a lot more things are away more spec specific and especially with pre nerf bosses I think all it would do is say OK.
I would just add a player frustration I think dual specs just a better feature to have in the game and I think it does fall and I category of something that should be changed.
It’s not like we’re talking about Raid finder or dungeon finder here.
You still have to talk to people you still need people to do group quests and you still need people to do raids and dungeons especially heroics.
In my opinion that’s the core concept of the burning crusade.
I would LOVE duel specs! I really hope they add it !!
You and me both And a whole lot of other people just go cheap that train going.
My concern about dual spec stems from seeing it introduced in WotLK. It was only like 1k gold, so everyone got it. And then basically everyone needed every piece of gear. If we start TBC with dual spec available, you won’t be able to pug a dungeon run w/o seeing “needing for off spec” - taking gear away from people’s main specs.
If Blizz does decide to add it for TBC, I hope it wouldn’t be available until lvl 70, and/or behind a much higher paywall, like 10k gold and/or (since a lot of people mostly want it for PvP) only be usable in battlegrounds or arenas (not 100% sure how they would accomplish that).
The thing about this quote is that they can just do it at the trainer if they are focusing on PvP. But you are correct about other aspects that Dual Spec brings. Its too big of a change and people are focusing on only what they see as positive rather than considering the repercussions of its existence. A big factor that lead to Dual Spec being created in WotLK had to do with people complaining about respec costs back in TBC which is basically trivial to use now. It didn’t exist in TBC, so having it exist changes the core of the game.
I’ll come to your server and u can give me your extra gold.
What happened 10 years ago? A solid chunk of the alliance paladin pop dropped the faction? Yeah I remember that.
I also remember that alot of the re-rollers didn’t drag entire guilds with them until paid faction changes were a thing.
I’ve seen guilds base their starting choices off a few peoples faction choice, I’ve never seen an entire guild drop 2 years progress just because one person wants to play a race/spec combo.
I get it you’re trying to make a point, and yes I’m sure it has happened somewhere, But it being such a common thing that it sways faction balance by more than a single figure percentage frequently is just hyperbole.
People re-roll factions based on the entire factions racials relative strength vs the others weakness.
I will Grant you that is a fair argument but here’s my staying with that is that not really going to happen anyway and as far it coming in the game I don’t think it should be 1K gold.
I think it should be 5 Cancel my other counter argument to that would be what’s the difference between somebody asking be this specter off spec or somebody saying we want an sls warlock.
I mean there’s just Not only that during big does become a lot of it better because there is stuff to do outside of raids and dungeons as well.
You’ve got lots of a rep grinds and reputation were words and PVP rewards as well which are a little bit more accessible yes I Want dual spec in the game.
But I don’t think it should be priced at 1K gold I do think it should be something you have to work for and that’s coming from someone that’s never seen over a 1000 gold on the character.
Just because I want it And the game doesn’t mean I don’t think People shouldn’t have to earn it
WotLK represented a major shift in the original games philosophy, outside of the ability to dual spec.
It doesn’t make sense to wait for easy mode AOE tanking, healing, dps, fully automated LFD and all the other changes that came with that expac just to be able to change your abilities to fit the situation needed without taking a major punishment.
Please wow gods add dual spec. I give PP toch
Nonsense. Druids still are most optimal OT when it comes to DPS when not tanking. Prot Warrior can’t go Arms mid fight to push higher dps numbers. That is where a Feral Druid brings it’s flexibility. Mid fight role swapping.
Not to mention most raid teams have one Feral. Possibly two. That’s it. Just like most raid teams will have one or two Warriors. Life gonna be rough all around once we have 25 man raids.
Dual spec will allow for the feral to go Balance or Resto to help fill in spots as needed if they so choose.
I approve my own message. (not an alt, just coincidence)
make your own gold.
It’s very easy in TBC, the cap doesn’t change and it’s already manageable especially so with this hyperinflation.
Even easier in TBC. PvP is something to invest in no different than PvE.
If you’re serious about it you spend to be in spec. It’s still a very small sink, but one of the few gold sinks in the game. Large one time purchases like mounts and etc make even less of an impact
Wasn’t in the game, so no.
you can play retail if you want.
Really no reason for them not to have it. It gives players the option to be flexible in both pve/pvp. Heck, can even change your pve spec to be different while keeping your pvp spec. No down side to this. Still would need to cough up a respec cost on the dual spec feature. I’ve done it MANY TIMES in wrath. Had to cough up gold on my Paladin to heal, tank, and dps. It makes it easier. no real down side to it. Just less gold being spent imo, especially with how people play the AH game in wow classic economy. I do not expect TBC to be “cheap” also.
For one it changes raids. Most raids are not going to have people porting and swapping spec for any fight. TBC has so many fights with different tanks that it changes that idea allowing those swaps to be far easier for the pull than you would do for the raid. When you add that in you start to adjust design elements for the fights more so around the Type of class (Tank DPS Healer) than the Classes and what they offer. Something that happened in Wrath.
So? pserver data changed how classic work, why should you care if this was added? Especially other things they plan on doing, like both factions getting the same seals. A lv 58 boost with decent gear, etc. But this is the last straw? Don’t make me laugh.