Dual spec TBC

If you are going to give Seal of Blood to both factions, why not add something like dual spec into TBC Classic? I know a lot of ppl want it.


please add dual spec.

I wanted this in classic. its better than having to respec all the time. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Blizzard.


Its the slippery slope, it will have to wait till WotLK


no its not. you put dual spec in. boom done.


Slippery slope is slippery. They gave us an inch, now we want a mile?


i wouldnt call giving both factions seal of blood an inch. I’d say it’s pretty massive.

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Considering some of the stuff people are demanding now, yes.

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Respecing is nothing with tbc gold.
If anything the game doesnt have enough gold sinks


Just as much a convenience as a gold sink. Being able to swap specs on the fly, even if it’s 2 locked specs, makes being a flexible player so much easier. Whether it’s for swapping for PvE to PvP, or between roles for raid/dungeon groups I would love to have Dual Spec back in some form.

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World buffs gone.
Drums Changed
Seals cross faction
End of xpac patch… meaning most systems will be nerfed (like heroics at honnored rep most likely) and the massive balance post launch when they removed 360 degree cleaves and sweeping strikes on the elites in heroics which would 1 shot melee.

Just like vanilla was super watered down easy mode (with modern knowledge/information sharing/addons and sophistication of the player base), tbc will also be faceroll compared to modern difficult content.

Edit: also layerhoping making a return.


No to Dual Spec. I have said it in other threads, but what some people find as a convenience for certain things will end up affecting others in negative ways. I don’t want a situation where somebody can just respec inside of an instance without a second thought. Use your trainers to respec for PvP or gold farming when not doing PvE content. There is no need for people to have two specs inside of PvE content.


I area sir I hear you please give us dual spec Blizzard #DualSpec in tbc


Id rather they do the opposite and make respecing harder. Only once per season can you respec. That way you have to choose between pvp, pve, hybrid, or meme.

Choices should have meaning. Being able to do it all goes against mmo philosophy.


All we can do is keep posting things like this because the more blizzard see it A more likely it’s going to go in


Seal changes were made to preserve faction balance. Imagine the QQ when Alliance population drops to >10% on every server because Seal of Blood is far superior.

Wanting dual spec is pure laziness, and does not preserve a fundamental aspect of the game. Want convenience/ease? go play retail.


Only if Dual Spec carries an exorbitant price tag of at least 5,000G.

If you only want to pay 1,000G for Dual Spec, wait for WoTLK Classic.


Dual spec is a major feature in wotlk. If they are willing to do wrath they aren’t going to take a major feature from it to put it in BC.

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You do know we are getting pre nerf Heroics and Raids yeah?


No dual spec. It’s a required gold sink that is constant and static throughout the game. Removing that is bad, it’s a much needed gold sink.

Especially considering all you people with your illegitimate gold.


There is plenty of reason to want to have dual spec for PvE. As a mage I’d want to play both arcane and fire depending on the day. Any hybrid class that wants to heal or dps. A tank that wants to tank or dps. People that want to raid and PvP…I don’t get how allowing dual spec would affect anyone in any way. Anyone can respec whenever they want now…but it’s an unnecessary gold sink with no upsides.

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