Dual spec TBC

To spec is a good feature there’s no denying that people say it takes away from player choice I disagree I think it gives player choice a gives players choice and freedom.

Like it or not If you want to pvp You have to be in a pvp Spak you’re not going to do anything against somebody in a pve Spak if your Doing PVP.

And vice versa On top of that just because door spake exist doesn’t mean you’re not going to level other characters.

Yes if I’m a healer and I have dual spec it lets me quest easier but am I going to farm and do it as fast as dps Class no I am not.

Can a priest farm as Well as a mage or a Warloeck can No they cannot whether you have dual spec or not.

Now does it make a leveling as those classes a lot easier yeah which is fine in my opinion.

And the say something like well just level with a group you’re not always going to have access to a group depending on your time zone in depending on the server situation.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having dual spec in the game one if they really want to do it fine make it a gold sink may get 5K gold.

Either way I still want it in the game it’s a good feature quite honestly I think it should have been in classic.

And the whole argument player choices should mean something well not 3 mean but I had make the argument if you really want them to mean something then you have to take the ability to respec away from players to begin with.

Because I’m sorry 50 gold is annoying no question but it’s not the worst thing in the world so I don’t really consider that I consequence if you mess up.

Let alone how many points are we really talking about unless you play random and click the Box in every which way and not really a build at all.

You’re not gonna mess up so badd were you can’t do anything.

So the argument saying that your choices should have consequences don’t really have that big of consequences to begin with.

Not only that Again we’re not 2007 playerbase were 2021.

People don’t play the game the same way anymore And I don’t think dual spec is going to be what breaks the game.

Quite honestly there is only 11 feature they could possibly implement to truly do that only one.

And that is lfd,lfr.

From wrath As long as they do not put those 2 things in they have not destroyed the main integral part of the game.

Heck I would even almost go as far to say the group finder in legion that they brought the game wouldn’t destroy the king set the very least you still have to talk to people.

Door spec is not going to destroy the game it’s going to give people choice and it’s going to give people a better experience over all.

In fact I would argue that if anything does that even worse it’s going to be faction balance when we see Horde Population jumped by 30%.

I think that’s gonna be much worse then Dual spec.

Shoot, I’d take Dual Spec even if it was a 50g fee every time you switched just for convenience. Keeps the gold sink aspect but allows you to switch easier than going to the trainer, unlearning the talents, then re-clicking everything you want.


Why does everyone think this when it’s mathmatically impossible. 1 ret paladin per raid team does not equal <10% of a servers population.
Also, Blood is not worth asmuch as you seem to think.

You forget how Zealous paladins are, they will bring their friends and guilds with them so its not just 1 paladin or 8 paladins in a raid moving it could be 20 or 40 raid members moving for every paladin.

“hey guys, Since I want to be pretty you need to drop everything you’ve worked for over the last 2 years and roll horde. And it’s a 200 dps increase for me when we get SWP on farm”

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Tldr; just spend your 50 gold, its cheap in tbc


OK 1st off depending on the class That 50 gold can add up really really quick

Depending on how often you are respecting especially if you are doing arena second of all.

It’s not just about the money cost it’s also about player freedom in player choice dual spec offers both of those things.

If my group’s down a healer and we need a little bit of extra healing if I happened be a dual spec of a healer I can give them a hand.

No my gonna top the meters of course I’m not but I can still help out in it might just be old enough to get through whatever we’re doing.

It’s giving players options it’s giving players choice that’s why I wanted in the game pack I think it should have been in classic.

The choice is paying 50gold to dedicate to pvping or not.
There are no gold sinks in wow other than this and mounts.
Classic vanilla is already hyper inflated to wrath levels of gold, if anything we need MORE gold sinks.


Not every single player on every single server is super super wretch if that were the case you wouldn’t have people blitar Li buying gold for their consumables in naxx

50 gold is nothing in tbc, you dont need to be “wretch” to respec every week.
Its not my problem that people dont even want to play the game and would rather just rmt and stay logged out aside from the once a week raid

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How does dual spec affect someone who doesn’t want it in a negative way?

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What makes you think dual spec would make people do that I think you would get people to play more personally.

I know dual spec really intrigues me to want to play more.

If I’m a Warrior for example I have my PVP spec which I can quest in Find.

And I’ve also got my off tanking spec I can get tanking pieces and tank dungeons and what not.

If they will specs not the game that becomes a lot more of a problem and a chore because yes you can get away with it in classic OK.

By in the burning crusade If you were not a tank spec in gear you’re not tanking dungeons.

Well maybe normals But heroics no way it’s not happening The same thing with PVP.

Dual spec opens up player choice and freedom and that’s why I’m for it

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Respeccing is such a non issue in tbc that if you are so concerned with the cost you arent even interested in playing the game.
Respeccing is one of the few things that actively removes gold from the economy and the health of the game demands even more sinks.
We are literally hyperinflated to wrath levels of gold in vanilla wow. It is that bad

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Alright so let me put it in a scenario that makes sense. Lets say I play a shaman and doing a 25 man raid. Without Dual Spec, I would be an Enhancement Shaman. All of a sudden I come up to a boss fight that isn’t exactly friendly to melee. With Dual Spec, I could opt to go Elemental instead. But that is what I see as the problem. Rather than accepting the consequences of your choice, you are then able to avoid it by having that option. Thus your talent choices are diminished in value simply because you can opt to swap with ease. Doesn’t matter if they make it to where you can’t swap while in a raid or dungeon, people will pop out of the instance and change as if that limitation doesn’t exist.


First off. I asked for an example how it will affect someone in a negative way.

You gave a positive application of dual spec.

I see no diminished choice. I’m still choosing what class to play, and how to gear them, and which talent points to use. All my choice.

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But you are ignoring the concept that there is a consequence for being a set spec. Consequences are a factor in defining spec identity. I am against something that easily gets rid of any aspect of spec identity.


And you’re ignoring my challenge to your statement.

I asked how dual spec will negatively affect someone.

Having more tools to apply to the game is a positive.

We have different opinions on the value of spec identity. That isn’t what I’m talking about.

You said it can have a negativity affect other players. I’m asking you how?


How exactly is that a badd thing II don’t think that’s a badd thing I really don’t I think it’s giving your class more utility

Common practice in TBC is that feral druids can be brought as DPS when considering that they can also switch to tanking for certain encounters simply because of the limited roster present. That flexibility is not only defining for the class in TBC, but made possible for the pre-mentioned reason. If you make it to where dual spec exists… then all classes have flexibility. That feral druid is no longer wanted when you can bring a warrior or paladin for tanking/healing in there off specs. You could argue that it gives the druid more options, but something that was specifically defining in TBC can then not exist with this system in place.


I just don’t see it that way I mean yeah OK certain fights are gonna me and meal a friendly but the burning proceed is known for that.

But regardless even if you can switch to do Be an elemental shaman you’re there most of the time for the bus that you provide and on top of that Bloodlust.

But it’s not as if You can go into the raid as a sharman and go from feeling top the meters to DPS in the top the meters.

I think dual spec provides classes with utilities and choices in the ability to adapt to a badd situation.

I don’t see the scenario you described as a badge thing I die really don’t