You think. Dual spec is about gold? For real?
A lot of the people arguing for dual spec are trying to pass it off as “the fix” for the pug tank shortage and have claimed its the gold cost of respecing preventing more pug tanks, while also having stated they have low gold or don’t want to farm for gold to respec regularly. So for some of the louder dual spec supporters, yes the underlying reason they seem to want dual spec is to save gold, but they try to pass it off as the one true fix to pug tank shortages.
Dual spec is about having qol to switch to whatever your team needs.
But lets be honest it’s not like the majority will switch to suit any pug/random needs.
It’s okay if you say “I want DS because I want to have aoe spec and raid spec” not like it’s going to harm the game more than boost to 58 already did
Well, as someone who has always maintained at least two tanks, it has nothing to do with gold. It’s about being able to defend yourself in pvp, farm or do anything else in the game outside of instanced pve without a hassle.
I currently spec out of prot after raids for the week because the specs are useless outside of instanced PvE. This means I’m not a prot specs from Wednesday to Monday and won’t spec back until I have to.
That may be you personally, but others have made their motives clear on why they want dual spec, and try to hide behind the “it will fix tank shortages” lie because they don’t want to “have to” farm gold.
Well I can’t speak for anyone else abd neither can you. I’m for it because of the reason stated. You could make it cost 5k gold and I wouldn’t care. The quality of life improvement would be worth it
Of course I did. I’m usually a shaman.
Is it really cogent to say you gave evidence and followup by admitting that evidence doesn’t exist?
Pretty sure you can’t tank for your alts no matter what class you are.
Actually its more or less because people think the talent tree spec is what makes the class and not the gear.
A paladin going holy spec is moot when they don’t have the gear to back it up. Same as a tank is moot when they have no tank stats. This is how we ended up with dual weilding fury warrior tanks. (And me with my healer paladin as retribution spec)
If you gear for stats properly. Talent spec is just a “leg up” and not a requirement.
Break away from your “Google search best class build” and you’ll discover these things lol.
People back in the day used to complain just like this and its more because they don’t know how the game works. And are baffled when people started posting videos of them doing raids and dungeons unconventionally.
Basically, your opinion doesn’t reflect mine so I’ll try my best to invalidate it with a bunch of rubbish.
Cherry picking quotes. Figures.
Hey, welcome back to the thread. I thought you’d gone when you said you would “see me” in Wrath. But looks like you can’t stay away.
I still have your former response bookmarked.
Still see you haven’t leveled past 22. Don’t worry, you’ll get there someday. Maybe in Wrath?
See, this is your problem. You don’t get sarcasm. I’m wont be playing Wrath, new games that interest me are on the horizon. I was mocking you.
So yes, I’m back, and quite refreshed! I became bored with your circular argument and went to bed. Thanks, for your concern though, I know you missed me.
I hope you do. Please don’t be too disappointed when this xpac ends and they ‘forget’ to test out dual spec.
go ahead and accept it. It doesn’t mean anyone else has to and it doesn’t mean they can change how they are doing stuff now. they barely changed anything in classic. In tbc they said they are more open to some changes. So right there shows that what they did in the past, with classic, is not an indictor of what they are going to do in the future.
This is the exact situation i face. Two straight days of raids in prot spec. then maybe, maybe one day after i might run a heroic or two, but then im respeccing for pvp/grinding and am not tanking again until the next week for raid.
If i had duel spec, yes i would probably do more dungeons inbetween. I mean i know i would. So it does have an effect. But it is not going to solve the problem overall.
It is a change that is good for the game regardless. Even if you take the tanking part out. Duel spec is just one of the best improvements that they ever did. Anyone that does not want duel spec is just going against it so they can shoot someone down. Just like there is always someone that will go against upgraded graphics even if they had an option not to use them. There is not an arguement against it except to the argument that it wasn’t in original tbc and they want original tbc. even that is a weak argument. Because they could chose not to use it.
yes they have, and the reply to that is who cares. Who cares why ppl want duel spec. it is a good change that should happen now. regardless of why someone wants it. Anyone that wants it is because they know it is better. It makes the game better. Thats why ppl want it. Period.
You just proved your opinion on the matter means nothing lol
There’s no dungeon finder in tbcc, if you mean the dungeon finder bulletin board addon then that addon sucks. The only person lying here is your sorry excuses, you do realize people pvp and pve in this game right? you think warriors are just gonna pvp as prot or fury? you think most shamans are gonna be like damn I’m gonna use my pve enhance build in pvp and pretend I’m not gonna get schooled hard?
If you think having DS is just about saving gold then you cant even grasp the simple concept of why it was even put in the game in the first place, in fact here’s a interview from GC
Nethaera : Why are we allowing players to dual spec after all this time?
Ghostcrawler : We really felt like this was a great way to increase the flexibility available to players and encourage them to take part in more aspects of the game. To use just one example, some players like to participate in both raids and Arenas, which is awesome behavior that we want to promote. But, there are some talents which are more useful in one part of the game than another. Currently, players have to pay respec costs and go through the process of setting up the desired talent spec and action bars whenever they switch.The new system makes this a much more logical process, saving on time and cost and allowing players to easily move from one aspect of the game to another.
Oh look a simple concept you and a few others cant grasp.
Nether you or anyone else has proven DS doesn’t make people want to tank at all, ether you back up that claim or its just pure BS and at most is a hyperbole theory. In fact I’ll just debunk that whole sorry excuse of an argument you and others have tried to pull off, oh look I have a warrior who would like to pvp as arms and go prot in pve…oh look there’s a Tank…“DS BrInGS No NEw TAnKs” yea just proved that wrong bucko.
He’s still pretending his “forum character/avatar” with a trash taste of a name makes people actually believe what he has to say.
Imagine someone who has the name Lilkursis tells you a Qol feature is bad for a game or tries to tell you how to do something. It reminds me of the days in League of Legends back in 2010 when you had Junglers who had a name like “MenurMomxoxo” and they are the first to die in a failed gank and they rage at their team for their incompetence.
yes, Im sure it will change a few players minds about tanking. but it wont be enough to make a difference. The few that will change their minds, some of those will just tank for
their friends and guilds.
It doesn’t affect him because he plays hunter. It’s like, hunters don’t need to worry about respeccing. But sure, when people don’t always want to tank, dps or heal in certain classes - it matters to them that it’s becoming retail. What kind of logic is that.
ad hominem