Dual spec please

I reckon you should create a new dual spec thread - this one’s getting stale. Go on, the devs are waiting for you. Surely you have another alt or something?

P.S Again I actually don’t even care about the topic at this point, put dual spec in the game - it’s the entitled bullying attitude that’s getting me triggered.

Yes that should, the people against dual spec are very much just haters.

Make another thread man, there’s not enough threads on this topic. Beg for buffs harder dude.

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Dual spec is not a buff…

Go boy/girl go - keep the begging - new thread though people aren’t reading this one.

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You sound jelly your NE can’t waggle.

Forums are channels for feedback. You’re also completely capable of ignoring these threads and comments if it bothers you that much.

Propaganda is not someone expressing their opinion/belief on an open forum. Propaganda is misconstruing reality and/or fact from public view by manipulation. It’s an extremely loaded term and doesn’t qualify as someone being aggressive about adding dual spec to a game on a forum where feedback is meant to go.

Because much of the objections are either marginal in scope or don’t really exist. I’m not saying people aren’t allowed to feel that way, but as I’ve similarly pointed out before: Adding dual spec at this point in the game would be a convenience. People swap specs all the time by paying gold to do so. Dual spec would rid people of having to consistently run back to capitals and spend gold.

I’ve been in this discussion from the start, and I have changed my opinion at points based on superior arguments. Not you, you have remained unchanged, and better yet, you characterise me and others you disagree with as simply one position - #nochanges.

That’s not a discussion - it’s you trying to get what you want - pathetic. I hope you’re a kid, because it scares me to think you’re an adult.


They’re channels for discussion. If you don’t want other peoples opinions then why not just email Blizzard dude?

You don’t get to have you’re own private discussion forum with the devs, deal with it. They’re not even reading this man.

A recent poast on Eyonix’s FaceJournal suggest Dual Spec will be implemented if this thread reaches 1,000 comments.

Well except I have changed my opinion :slight_smile:

I’ve acknowledged that dual specs impact on raids is a thing, and I’m fine with a solution to that. When people don’t like that and then fall back on #nochanges I call them on it. When people make up fear mongering issues with no basis in reality about dual spec I call them on it.

That’s not my point. You come in here, accuse people of being propagandists simply because they’ve leveled arguments against your own, throw around a bunch of key terms to bring some sort of validity to your own argument, and then claim people don’t want to have a discussion.

To me, the person that doesn’t want to have a discussion is the one getting frustrated that others are calling them on their nonsense.

If people don’t want to have a discussion, why stick around? Could it be because you also don’t want to have a discussion and would rather flame those who disagree with you?

Get off your high horse.

My involvement predates yours. I know the people I’m responding to, and I know their agenda.

If you want a discussion I’m actually cool for that. I think there’s a case for an arena spec. PVP needs to have something to increase participation. A general dual spec won’t solve anything. It will break down niches which are core to the pve tbc game. If you go back and read in the numerous threads on the topic you’ll see these arguments detailed.

But now, I’m bored with that - I’m simply calling out the dubious motives of the people I’m responding too.

Okay, so why engage with them? If they have an agenda, surely coming in here to combat them isn’t going to help any.

Seems to me like you didn’t want a discussion, either.

No she doesn’t. She wants #nochanges, that’s why she won’t acknowledge any compromises made by people who want dual spec.

Rubbish. Another example of you making up BS to suit your petition.

Oh you’re right there. I’ve articulated my position fully and those who engaged with it did - and some actually changed my views. Now my interest is not letting brazen BS go uncountered.

Dual spec is lame now - bring it or don’t its not important. But do we need 10 threads on it? Should we expect to be able to bully developers into giving us buffs we want by spamming the forums?

Okay, so what do you think about simply adding a cool down to dual spec and for that matter requiring being in a city?

There discussion.

I do it about once every two weeks, because they annoy me.

They aren’t core to the TBC game. Maybe to the social dynamic, but nothing substantial. Again, people are actively changing specs to begin with. All this would really do is remove the inconvenience of having to spend gold and waste time going back to a capital city to change it. If dual spec is added, it won’t fundamentally break anything. Saying it would break down “niches core to the TBC game” is just a roundabout way of implying #nochanges.

Nobody is bullying the developer here, though.

And yes, we do need ten threads. We need as many threads as we can get from as many players as possible so that Blizzard can see this is something people want. Being vocal about something is how it gets recognized and seen.

Wow. You must feel like a real hero. Thank you for protecting us from the brazen BS!!!