Dual spec please

As I’ve outlined in detail in other related threads (so this is brief) I have an issue with the fact that dual spec dilutes the role play agency. The game is about picking and crafting a character. There is provision for respeccing - a cheap and easy option. But dual spec fully dilutes that sense of identity and breaks that important role play aspect to the game.

I will bend on PVP, it is separate and RP is a less defining factor. It needs action to increase participation. On that basis I support the idea of an arena specialised spec.


There’s more than 10 “petition” threads on this topic by the same people …

This is where you need to back track and read more - niches are core to TBC and its design goals, and there has been detailed (pages) of discussion to establish this.

Try spamming them? At any rate you’re talking to them and not the community. You don’t give a stuff about winning someone like me over, I’m just an obstruction or a free bump to your demand for a buff.

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So that is not an actual game play issue. You just have some weird issue with the idea of dual spec from an RP perspective.

But then how does it make any more sense that I can go to a trainer and he hits me on the head and suddenly I can change specs? Especially since we now out level people who can do that in TBC. How does that make any RP sense? Maybe if it was some elaborate quest chain to change specs that would make sense, but it’s not.

You also refuse to explain how dual spec is a buff…

It’s an mmoRPG - RP elements are a gameplay issue.

Right so answer the entire quote, RP is important, respeccing as is has zero RP.

Oh I do now - but that’s only because you consistently lie when people have written up detail on this and then claim they didn’t. Honestly this is pointless. You are - by your own admission, completely uninterested in a dissenting view. This is a petition and not a discussion, a spammed petition.

Anyways, I’m done for tonight, I have pointed out your overt intellectual dishonesty again this week, I’ll catcha next week.

If you want the actual discussion go back 10000 posts when we weren’t so jaded about your motives.

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Still waiting for you to explain how a fireball gotten with dual spec talents hits harder than a fireball gotten with the same talents from a trainer.

So what’s the solution, then? Please enlighten me. According to you, they don’t even read these forums so how can we spam/bully them if they aren’t reading them?

More importantly, where is this spam you’re referring to? I just took a quick look at the most recent threads on this forum and hardly any of them mention dual spec in the title. In fact, I’m pretty certain this is the only one.

Are we supposed to just let topics and suggestions we want added to the game get buried?

EDIT: After scrolling down a bit further, I DID manage to find two more dual spec threads, one from five days ago and another from 8 days ago. If this is our definition of spam, then you should really be outraged by the amount of threads regarding server transfers and server faction imbalances.

Probably not what we’re doing. But it is satisfying for me that I know Ziryus knows I know he’s a complete fake and a buff beggar.


There should be enough “discussion” in there for you then.

I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be keen to write detailed long arguments for something only to have the person you replied to respond with “you haven’t made any arguments”. Not just once but many times, like ground hog day. Arguments fully ignored. This is common and now months later, I’m done with it - the arguments are all there and fully articulated if you care to look. It’s not on me - you, if you’re interested, go read.

BTW this thread is dead - the discussion is flogged to death and there’s nothing to add. The only people keeping it going are buff petitioners, and idiots like me who reply to them.

What I find satisfying is I’m likely enjoying TBC Classic more than you, because I never had any illusions about #nochanges, and if dual spec does get added which I only place at 50/50 it will only increase my enjoyment of TBC Classic.

Let me ask this, do you enjoy TBC Classic as much as you enjoyed TBC?

Doesn’t really answer my question nor does it address any of the other points I made. For someone who wants to have a discussion, you sure seem keen on ignoring points made against you. Kind of like how you seemingly accused others of doing the same.

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“The community” finds my responses offensive and “inappropriate” - so I guess there’s no discussion for you - welcome to your echo chamber. Happy petition for buffs!

It’s more that your opposition to dual spec is found angry for the sake of being angry.

Not a fair fight is it - you’re happy to lie and I’m not. And you’re happy to report “problematic” but innocuous and legitimate posts for strategic benefit.

Again, this is not a discussion - it’s you and a few others on a campaign trail. Good luck with your massive buff beg.

You know I know you’re a scammer. That’s good enough for me.

W hat lie?


Load of rubbish. And you know it. We’ve been over it. You make stuff up constantly - to suit your campaign.

You know it and I know it. Go ahead and pretend to your “gallery” otherwise. You’re a total liar who will say whatever it takes to get your buff.

Right so present your case that is not #nochanges.

Lol - I know you know. Stop playing the fool. Use the search.

Seriously bye - I’m enabling you’re rubbish now. Maybe report me again? That’s always fun ;p

Hilariously you probably think I actually care. Forum “privileges” are a curse.

Nah man, we had that months ago and you abused it. Now, I just want to call you out. Have dual spec - whatever, issues pretty dead and buried. Don’t care about it. You want the arguments? Use the search, they’re all there. Now the “discussion” it’s just spam.