Dual spec please

Nah, we need to pointlessly gatekeep people from doing the content they want (like arenas, raids, or even switching spec to jump into a heroic dungeon) behind a pointless gold grind that then just ends up in a gold sink.

People totally won’t just log off instead and not play, leading to cascading effects where people couldn’t find tanks or healers for attunements throughout most of the tier and then just quit themselves.

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Oh ok got it. You are against any changes that weren’t in original tbc regardless if it would improve the game. I am of the opinion blizz should make minor quality of life changes (like dual spec) to try to improve the game and keep the already dwindling player base still playing the game.

Dual spec is introduced to make it easier to swap between pvp and pve.

An entirely new pvp game mode is added in tbc in arenas.

It makes complete logical sense for dual spec to be introduced in tbc so this new game mode is easier to swap to. Especially considering that pvp participation has been in the toilet.

That quote is blizz admitting they were wrong about dual spec.

What a bad take.

It’s more like:

looks at Blizzard marketing of TBCC

"faithful recreation"

looks at dual spec

“that ain’t it chief”.

You’re trying to make it something a lot more complicated and not to mention the passive aggressive personal attacks…

Right now the game is the way we like it, and we’d like it to stay that way.

Stop trying to make our game less like what we were promised, there’s already been enough damage done.


You were promised a game with “some changes.” They added things right from the start and said there would be more added. They even asked for feed back from the players as to what changes they would like to see in the game. The video from the BC devs has been linked in these threads many times.

You were never promised #nchanges for TBC Classic, in fact blizzard specifically said changes were on the table for TBC Classic. And they’ve implemented a number of changes in TBC Classic.

That argument went out the window a long time ago with the 10 million terrible changes people like you thought should be in the game regardless, which you got your way about

“Only MY changes truly reflect the spirit of the game and align with the 2007 devs’ vision! No one else gets it but me and no else is allowed their changes!”

Get out of here, you self-righteous moron. It’s thanks to people like you that players like me are sitting in a dead region with no queues, ridiculous faction imbalance, content gated out the wazoo, a broken honor grind and a stuffed arena ladder.

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You are assuming we wanted the changes…

Understanding why blizzard made them isn’t the same thing as wanting them.

“Right now the game is the way we like it, and we’d like it to stay that way.”

Your guys words, not mine buddy

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I was also promised a faithful recreation.

Dual spec makes it unfaithful.


I didn’t say they promised that. I said they promised a faithful recreation. Dual spec makes it unfaithful.

Just because changes have happened doesn’t mean I wanted them lol.

Are you sure I’m the one you should be mad at? I’m but a player who has zero power to influence what Blizz does and doesn’t add to their classic game.

Maybe you should direct your frustration towards the actual people who can solve your problem. And try less flaming…I hear Blizzard isn’t receptive to that. At the end of the day they’re the ones who’ve decided to not add dual spec.


I didn’t see that but if it was said than it’s as defined by the devs, not you. To the devs Faithful recreation means changes to drums, pally seals, changes to arena, HvH bg’s, and more.

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Which is entirely your subjective opinion not an actual objective position.

And considering blizzard has already been willing to make more significant changes not a very good opinion.

Its like arguing with a fundamentalist.

You tell someone dual specs weren’t in original TBC and they’ll tell you thats completely subjective because it was a mistake they fixed in an entirely different expansion and thats why its completely objective to suggest duals specs are an integral part of TBC and need to go in ASAP.

Change the topic a little and we got one group showing a dinosaur bone to someone who thinks the planet and universe are only 6000 years old. Ziryus in particular is the flat earther of this debate tho for sure. Embarrassing.

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Which literally noone has denied.

What confuses you about blizzard not considering that in and of itself not a compelling argument?

You might want to get a compelling argument before expecting compelling arguments. And as anyone who has to engage with you on the regular knows, compelling arguments are not something you’re capable of so when they are given to you - you dont know what youre looking at.

The mere fact that original TBC didnt have dual specs completely obliterates your position and negates every single thing every DS try hard has typed on the matter. All of it. (And thats just the tip of the iceberg, it only gets worse when asked to substantiate or otherwise prove/legtimize the entitlement.)

You just refuse to believe it for reasons I could care less about. Your shortcomings are not my problem.

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What part of blizzard doesn’t care about #nochanges in TBC Classic don’t you understand?

Where are dual specs? Why are they not here? You tell me.


It’s literally on the front page of the main website for TBCC.

Burning Crusade Classic is a faithful recreation of the original release of World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade®.

I consider dual spec to be far beyond in ramifications compared to any other things they changed…many months ago.

So far, seems Blizzard agrees.


People could easily have said the same before blizzard added HvH bg’s.

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HvH bg’s got nothing to say on the matter of dual specs. Its own thing, the two are not related. Irrelevant. That’s you interpreting data to fit your narrative, not the other way around.

If you’re right, where are dual specs? Zir begged out of this one so Ill ask you. Why are dual specs not here?

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Using what happened in the past as fact to win an argument is very cheap.
You should argue the pros and cons of a feature, not what happened. There are many reasons why X didn’t happen in year Y. SAying X didn’t happen so that X is bad doesn’t hold much weight.

DS wasn’t available in the old TBC which is a fact, but it doesn’t invalidate any discussion or reasoning calling for DS. It could be due to the lack of developers’ time in 2008.

Using the current setting right now as ‘fact’ is also cringy. At any point in time, Blizzard can change the configuration of the game, nothing is set in stone as the game is not finished. DS is not ‘here’ and we are asking for it. Unless Blizzard makes a statement denying DS specifically, the discussion will flow.