The “devs back in 2007” are key in helping Blizzard maintain authenticity, and TBCC is meant to be an authentic recreation of TBC.
Blizzard has cited the original design philosophy for other issues that they actually talk about, what do you think would make dual spec any different if they actually decided to say something on the subject?
Doesn’t matter what your opinion is on how well a job they’re doing, they said they want to keep it authentic, and have specifically talked about how they’re hesitant to change things if what is being talked about is already authentic.
Dual spec is not authentic.
I like flexible speccing, I could see a lot of benefit from having it, but it’s not authentic to the product. Simple as that.
Sounds like a normal experience for you. You already did that when you joined a guild with people who didn’t want to play with you, benched you, and only let you join so they could use you for free dmt buffs and other free stuff.
Patrick Dawson: “No changes” being our guiding principle for WoW Classic made it very easy to make decisions on it. We just went to the reference client and went to that. But one thing we learned as we went through the release of the content in Classic is that [no changes] may not always be in the best interest of the players. Putting back in things like spell batching made the game feel a little less crisp. It was authentic, but it’s not what modern players want. The community today is so different from what the community was back in 2007 that it had us take a different philosophy with Burning Crusade, where we actually started to allow ourselves to make some changes that were in the best interests of the players that will continue to develop alongside the community.
I dont think you get it, gold inst the problem the GUILD pays for every respec we do in raids, every pvper that I know buys gold.
Why make your player base jump those hoops for that ?
But hay, being benched because I don’t want to do something is very different than being benched because they never intended to let me into the raid to begin with.