Dual Spec.. please?

What are you talking about? I was writing out a response to you about how much I agree with what you were saying when I got distracted by a mob I was killing on my Alliance Paladin and I decided to kill it by using Seal of the Martyr and…

…wait, where did this seal come from?

great argument, way to repeat yourself again.
and you talk about not taking glinda seriously :laughing:


What argument?

Dude, I was literally fighting a mob while we were having a conversation and got distracted by it. Had to kill the thing by using Seal of the Martyr and was really trying to figure out where this spell had even come from.

Anyway, you still want to talk about whatever it was we were talking about? I try not to get off-track, I just get really into the game sometimes.

While this thread I was making was disputing the points brought up by the pro-dual spec people (and not just the weak “I want it” type of arguments) It doesn’t really fully give you what you are asking for but it does show in it’s refutations many reasons why it would be a negative.


Mostly the reasons I am against it is:

  1. Eliminates the Niche hybrid builds bring to a raid
    “Why bring the feral druid that can tank and DPS in one spec when we can just bring a Prot Pally that can dual-spec swap to Holy or Ret” Also other builds will sacrifice 100% optimal performance in a given role to be able to perform 2 roles with 1 spec and just swapping gear

  2. New Meta for everyone to have 2 specs in raids ready and available. This obviously won’t affect your pure DPS classes (Hunter, Mage, Warlock & Rogue) but for any class that can perform 2+ roles you will be expected to be able to do so. Also certain bosses have different comps needed (which kind of goes back to point 1) Like for instance if we go into Karazahn only Netherspite needs 2 tanks and only Nightbane needs 3 healers. Aran however needs 0 tanks. In a world without dual-spec hybrid builds where people can swap gearsets and perform a role within the same spec are more valuable for these fights outside of the raid norm.

Compromise I am willing to make:
I would be OK with Dual-spec as long as you are locked to your spec once you kill a boss in a raid. You can still switch your spec outside of the raid but if you try to change or enter in the opposite spec from which you are saved you’ll be prevented.

No, this is just another vague statement that has no substance.

Me: What’s 2+2?
You: LOL what a silly question, it’s super obvious why would i even bother answering it?
Me: then answer it if its so obvious and silly
You: Obviously they’re both integers and math is a system of numbers where we can combine two integers.
Me: okay but what’s 2+2?
You: I just gave you an answer, you aren’t listening!!!

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Wait, you made a thread that both establishes and eliminates strawmen in the first post?

Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of anyone responding to it?

Very clever analogy! Love it!

I don’t get what you mean? I was intentionally not wanting to argue strawmen posts because those are low-hanging fruit and don’t add any value to the discussion.

The entire outline of your thread is you writing up a series of statements and referring to them as “arguments” and then you writing theoretical responses to these statements that only support your original presupposition.

There is absolutely no difficulty in winning an argument if all the parameters exists entirely within your head.

I was writing the points that I have seen parroted by many people throughout many dual-spec threads. I was just documenting the list of arguments I had seen and refuting each of them individually.

lol, well said


i love how you keep missing the point and embarrassing yourself lol


I see that. And you were doing so in a way that supported your own arguments while neglecting anything of substance from your opposition thereby making yourself look wise and all-knowing.

Folks repeat some of the same lines due the fact that false assertions are constantly brought to the forefront of any discussion.

“Dual spec is not a retail feature” is a perfect line to repeat given how often the line “go back to retail” or words to that affect are used.

How you keep posting on a throwaway alt? Yeah, I love that too. Keep it up, it really adds substance to whatever it is you say.

fact is, you have yet to articulate any reason why instant, unlimited teleportation to any location should not be added to the game.


Mmm, the fact is that those delicious :heart:s constantly being added to every pro dual spec thread are really messing with my ability to care about whatever it is you have to say.

I like the idea of Dual Spec. It should be added into TBC and used as a gold sink. Make it 2000 gold and then you can go to the trainer in any major city to reactivate your 2nd talent tree. If you want to change either Talent tree 1 or 2 after the 2000 gold, its 50g per respec like normal.

still waiting.
not sure why you’d be against instant, unlimited teleportation to any location. i would tank more, as I would have to spend less time traveling from dungeon to town to dungeon ugh, so tedious. don’t you want more tanks??


You: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Me: :thinking:

it’s not bait dude. I sincerely think adding instant, unlimited teleportation to any location would be really beneficial for the game. if you think otherwise for some reason, I’d love to hear why.

Oh, well, in that case…