bots abusing it, faction and server population shifts made easy, people having a free profession alt, having to play with people who obviously knew nothing about the game or their class, more people rerolling to OP classes than would have otherwise, and giving blizzard the go ahead for more changes because the playerbase will clearly pay for it.
you shoulda just left your post unedited, this didnt help your argument
And I don’t choose to get frustrated, because I think it’s fun to be less frustrated after.
AGAIN: It’s a horrible game design and I don’t think it has anything to do with fun! If a movie is frustrating then I either fast-forward to the part where it gets funny or go straight to another movie.
Maybe they should play another “horribly designed” game like Dark souls and petition its developers to make it better. Heck there’s loads of frustrating old games out there still running that are just waiting for Xuxu to come in and fix them …
Quite charitable of him really. Playing all these horribly designed frustrating games and offering design improvements.
Bots would also be part of the game without the boost.
It’s not the possibility to boost that decide where people play. But deffo more people are playing because of the boosts!
Last but not least: They already screw up TBC in your opinion, so why are you playing it? It’s not TBC anymore! It’s another game! So your argument against dual spec is stinky!
So you can’t level up the normal way?
If you think people are playing games because they think it’s great to get frustrated and work in the game to be less frustrated, they either have a perfect and boring life, are mentally ill, or their motivation is deffo NOT “I have fun because I get frustrated!”
Seriously, ask anyone if his/her intention why he/she is playing games is, because they think it’s fun to get frustrated… It’s deffo not!
Fortunately not, as I don’t play them and the motivation for game design is differently as what your motivation is…! I only play this one and fortunately I also don’t see the game design here what you see.
I see a game that is fun to play without being frustrated. There are some frustrating aspects, respec fee is one of them and that’s why I opened this topic: to ask Blizzard to fix it! The rest is pretty fine and fun to play, even for people who aren’t addicted or masochists!
So why don’t you do us all a favor and piep off with your negativity. If they implement dual spec, you don’t have to use it and if the 50g are peanuts anyways, there is basically no reason left to not implement dual spec, as the gold sink was the reason in the first place…!
No, you said they chose not to because of the difficulty and made some vague reference to something you may or may not have heard. We’re talking about the company that scraps entire systems and events new ones every xpac, but ya, balancing a QoL feature that doesn’t impact any game mechanics, ya that’s ‘too hard to balance’
You keep having these 1/2 thoughts but not taking them all the way to the end.
How is this relevant to the mechanics of dual spec? hint: It’s not.
Because the development team was already working on Wrath? It seems like you have never worked on a large software project so it’s understandable you’d have no experience with how they operate.
Once TBC is launched and development begins on the next expansion the current release goes into maintenance mode with minimal resources allocated.
Not games but I worked for 17 years as a software engineer on large scale systems and now I’m a Sr. project lead so ya that’s why I’m asking you to be specific because you sound like a high school kid with only a basic understanding of the development process, or business in general.
That depends on the implementation - and finding an implementation that doesn’t impact game balance is not easy. For instance how do you ensure people don’t respec for specific bosses? That depends on how you implement it. Things like that require thought. I mean really it is so obviously true I can’t believe you’re not feigning ignorance …
You want dual spec - what kind do you want - implementation matters. Game balance is impacted by some implementations.
just please dont tell me youre one of those guys crying “SlIpPeRy SlOpE FaLLaCY” and using this argument at the same time.
Besides that change being absolutely minuscule and nothing compared to dual spec…
We tried to keep no changes, we really did, but Blizz wanted to #SomeChanges their way to monetization and yall hopped on board. But its cool, if you get your way all the negative changes will come as well eventually, because there will always be somebody crying about them on the forums.