Dual Spec.. please?

ok so quit whining about dual spec, bud. we already have it for all intents and purposes, since 50g is very little money.


And I never used it as an argument, I just asked for if they could implement it…! :slight_smile:

Because it’s obviously different. TBC is a good game, but would be even better with dual spec in my personal opinion. And seems like, a lot of people do agree with me!

Wrong analogy!

Let me explain it to you with a far more appropriate example: If I have a delicious strawberry pie in front of me and ask for a little whipped cream, I don’t intend to turn the strawberry pie into a “whipped cream pie” (SL), I just want a little special extra to make the strawberry pie even more delicious!

Dual Spec is just the whipped cream for the strawberry pie (TBC).

It would be more like the game you don’t play. So, while I think you think it’ll be more fun, I think you’re wrong as there is a game with TBC content already that has all the qol features and you choose not to play it.

What I think will happen is people will burst through the content faster, build metas around spec swapping, not roll as many alts, and get bored of it quicker.

What am I basing this on? Well if you need to ask that then I need to ask, do you even play MMOs?

If making this game better requires making it more like an existing game with the same content, then why not play that game? I’d suggest because you don’t find it as much fun in reality. You like the idea of dual spec and the convenience but I don’t think it will do anything to keep you interested in the game, even though you think it will.

People say they don’t like the frustration of games like TBC but they flock to play such games and leave games that iron out frustrating RP elements, such as retail. Because regardless of what people say they want, the frustration keeps them hooked and ties the RP elements into the game.


yeah man, give us all instant teleportation to anywhere in the world. travelling is nothing but a time and gold sink.

Logic says you can’t argue against this. It’s nothing but a positive. If you disagree you hate freedom and fun.

If I could instantly teleport anywhere I might even decide to tank more. If you don’t support this you’re literally a demon and want to destroy PUG groups looking for a tank.

Hey, the playerbase has spoken. We want teleportation anywhere. I did a survey.

Also, you can’t argue against this because pallies got seals or something.

best regards,

typical forum guy


Yeah I have, you haven’t been listening to it.

There’s not just one reason there are a few.

  1. it is hard to implement without upsetting game balance.

How do we know? Because we know Bliz.wanted to in TBC originally but chose not to due to the difficulty. Hint, the code isn’t the difficult bit.


We have this. They’re called Mages. Oh, and Warlocks.

uh, yikes. not quite sweaty. I suggest you reread my post. It’s full of genius ideas.


I’ve read it. Again, Mages and Warlocks.

Also Druids by the way. We got that Moonglade port.

I’m just going to coopt other people’s posts and replace dual spec with instant teleportation to prove what a good idea I have. Here goes, this is a good one to prove how good my ideas are:

Well here’s the grim reality, sweaty. Blizzard did this for the overwhelming amount of casuals. They will likely do the same with instant unlimited teleportation. How will this effect your personal gameplay experience. Will you have a harder time buying materials because of this? Will you have a harder time finding groups?

Don’t speak for others, speak for yourself.


They don’t need to. During Classic LFG was full of Warlocks porting everyone literally everywhere.

I keep on telling you, this isn’t your idea at all. This was widely practiced. Now that we have stones outside all the major dungeons, nobody needs this anymore.

It’s unfair and gamebreaking that I need to rely on a warlock or a mage. Also, our druid town sucks.

This game will die without instant, unlimited teleportation. My guild has already quit, and there’s literally no one playing on mankrik. I’m not sure what’s worse: the fact that my demand for unlimited teleportation hasn’t been granted, boosts literally destroying the world, or famine.


Woah, he’s actually gonna die on that hill.

You mean it would be a little bit more like WotLK, one of the most popular expansion this game ever had (if not the most popular one)? Yeah, exactly!

Only because they add Dual Spec to TBC it will not become SL, it would become TBC with a very welcome mechanic a lot of people would appreciate.

You can’t compare it with retail, as retail doesn’t even has skill trees anymore - at least not that you could somehow compare with TBC skill trees. So finally stop this comparison, it’s not even you would compare apples with pears, but apples with rice balls!

I obviously do, but there is no law that says how a MMO has to be! MMO only says that a lot of people can play together in a virtual world. Everything else is just your personal opinion, which you are free to have, but which isn’t a general rule of how a game design has to be!

Don’t talk for other people, only because it’s maybe why you play the game. AGAIN: To be less frustrated is deffo not the reason why people play the game. That’s only what addicted people or masochists would do!

AND if you really think people play the game to farm the respec fee instead for the content they have to farm the respec fee for, you can’t be taken serious!

People farm the respec (among other grinds) to play the game. Grinds like that tie RP choices into the game as a whole. When those things get removed the RP elements get relegated to “flavour” and disjointed from the get itself in any mechanical sense.


Wrong! People don’t wanna farm, so a lot of people don’t play the game, which they would, if they would have dual spec!

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People don’t want to do any of the frustrating things they need to do to get to the reward parts - that’s how games work. Constraints vs rewards. TBC ties in a number of RP constraints so that RP and character customisation are tied into the overall gameplay and are not just “flavour”.

If you offered players the option of having to grind raid attunements versus just doing the raid they’d hands down choose the latter. But ultimately that would make the game one dimensional. It would decouple the raid content from the RP and quest lore and it would get completed much faster by more people and get boring quickly.

I know you like WOTLK more than TBC but, as you say, stop speaking for everyone else. Some of us like TBC, wait your turn.


good, if they want wrath they can wait for it and not screw up TBC


Exactly, which is the reason for this topic. Great you finally realized! But for some reason you think to be frustrated is somehow a great game design: IT’S NOT! It’s a terrible game design!!!

Why do you think so many people hate SL? One major reason is: the grind never stops. Daily quests every single fkn day. Torghast twice a week. Extremely alt unfriendly because of that. And so on! It’s frustration pure, based on your opinion people basically need to love it…

So why are they fleeing in droves? Because they can reskill quite cheaply? PROBABLY NOT!

Anyways, you have your opinion (which I think is stupid) and won’t change it. That’s fine, but no reason to continue this chat. I have said everything and I guess a lot of people do agree with it. Hopefully Blizz will pick it up, but from what you can hear, they are busy with other stuff currently…

What you call “screw up” a lot of people would call “enhance, improve, make it better, …”!

And if you don’t want to use dual spec, you wouldn’t be forced to, right! So why do you have to be such an egoistic piep instead of being a social guy who says “if it makes them them happy and doesn’t hurt me, …!

According to you.

Frustration when overcome leads to relief and satisfaction. If everything is easy it’s not fun. The frustration isn’t the fun bit but it is a necessary step for achieving the fun.


it doesnt matter if its good or bad, it wasnt in TBC. its in the very next expansion, wait for it and dont play TBC or play and dont complain about TBC.

yeah the boosts and store mount didnt affect my gameplay even though i didnt buy them either right? :roll_eyes: