Dual Spec.. please?

Dual spec would be amazing, I’m full pve prot so can’t have much fun on ST in open world and in pvp, DS would make my gameplay 10 times more enjoyable.

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Yeah, we both and the rest of the people in this thread, with already 144 posts within 30 hours are the prove for it, right. :clown_face:

Anyways: We (the people who are for it) named a bunch of good reasons (from our perspective) why it would be a good change. How about you let us exactly know why you are against it.

That argument lags behind, because also in TBC you were able to automate your game to a degree above 90%.

We already did. Alone in the opening post you will find the most solid reasons combined with examples! It’s not our fault you went over to “Mimimi, I don’t want it because, because, because I actually don’t know why.” instead of “I get your point but I see it differently.

I wrote exactly why it’s not needed. If you play soccer outside, I don’t need a citation that you are going to play soccer outside, the fact alone shows your intention.

Oh really, I would recommend to do your homeworks before such a claim:

Thanks for that man, saved quite some time for me.

Says the level 13 warrior? Okay.

most healers and tanks would love a duel spec


Shhh, history is bad!

Retail has that feature already. You have free access to that version of the game since you are currently paying for TBC. We do not need that in TBC.

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With “we” you mean yourself. There have been several polls that show a different picture, as Delimicus has posted above:

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It goes both ways.

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Again: If you play soccer outside, I don’t need a citation that you are going to play soccer outside, the fact alone shows your intention.

And if you have said before that you won’t play soccer, but I see you later playing soccer, I get the conclusion that you changed your mind.

Common sense, right?

You can find a lot polls here, all of them are in favor for dual spec (at least 60%):

That’s great!

I don’t want dual spec.

I understand that I am not important to you, nor is what I want.

I will likely stop playing TBC if it turns into a bunch of bored retail players constantly complaining about

“this sucks, that sucks, I need this thing, I don’t care about anyone else or what they want, I can’t find a group, we need crossrealm grouping, I hate dps players that play as tanks and take my loot, we need more changes to fix the terrible players and attitudes, etc.”

I understand that you don’t like the game expansion the way it is. However, you have options, you can wait for wotlk classic, or play retail.

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That is not my intention - but a good change hasn’t to be bad, only because it’s something you can find on retail.

It’s not even a retail feature, it’s a feature that came with wrath and a decision that was made during tbc. It’s still ingame over all this years because it’s what most players want.

So I am not asking for a lot of things to switch, nor do I ask for a retail feature. I am asking for a system that has been in the game since the most popular expansion this game had.

Is it too much to ask for? I don’t think so.

I do, but I would like it even more when I wouldn’t have to pay 50g each time I want to change my spec/talents to enjoy another game content or another spec within this content.

Can it be that you are just against it because it’s a feature that’s still ingame on retail and you don’t like retail? But feel free to give me a game based reason why you are against it. Why do you think it would be bad for the game? How would it affect your gameplay in a negative way?


thumbs up

I still say if you want to use the tank/healer situation as your excuse to squeek it in for the characters you actually play and want to utilize it on then the best option is for Blizzard to only allow it on classes that can perform those roles, and they can only be chosen inside of a raid or instance and will be locked out the moment they leave the instance.

You get dual spec for tanks and healers so as to fix the perceived problem.

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There are also people who want to play PvP and PvE, but it’s obvious that quite a few talents that are great in PvP are useless in PvE and vise versa.

I also made that clear in the opening post as I mentioned both scenarios.

You do not need to be best in slot in every facet of the game at all times. My arms warrior for example. My PvE and PvP talent setup vary so little I see a marginal DPS loss at best when I do PvE content. I can run dungeons, I can run heroics, and if I really want to raid that bad I’ll make the effort to pay for a respec.

What this is about is people using the “tank healer” argument as leverage to get it for what they really want. Their other characters. Let’s be real here, you and everyone else knows that you aren’t creating tanks or healers with your solution. Those hybrids already have the ability to be a solution to the problem. If they want to DPS then they should roll a pure DPS class and be done with it. All your “solution” does is invite the weekend warriors who will only tank or heal for themselves when they cannot drain the resources of the server. “Oh man, 25 minutes no tank. I GUESS I’ll do it.” Proceed to finish dungeon, back to DPS spec and they again are looking for a tank. This is not creating a consistent supply of tanks and healers.

Those who want to tank, are tanking. Those who want to heal, are healing. Those of you who piss and moan making excuses as to why you won’t do it, will never be a solution no matter what Blizzard does.

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People need to go out into the game world and “do stuff” to collect gold to pay a respec fee.

Or they group up with others to accomplish things in the game because they are the wrong spec at the time.

Dual spec eliminates the need for those things.


A dps character just switches to tank spec to beat the wait time. They aren’t geared for it, they don’t care about gearing for it, they roll need on the dps gear against the dps that had to wait for the group. They make the dungeon run a pain to heal and this healers don’t enjoy it and stop pugging unless they absolutely have to. Or they quit playing.

Less people grouping because it’s less fun. So people need Blizzard to fix that now. They start asking for cross realm groups. Or auto grouping. Resulting in less engagement with other players, doing dungeons becomes a chore to get gear and people get more impatient and less tolerant of each other.

People get tired of other players gaming the system to get ahead and ask for other things, like personal loot systems, vote to kick, deserter debuff…

At that point the server community is nonexistent, people don’t want to do anything outside their circles, pugging is horrible…

And people ask Blizzard to fix it.

I’ve done this before. I came back to just play TBC and it’s just…tiresome to see the same arguments to fix the game repeat themselves, as if it’s totally gonna be different this time.


I don’t think that’s up to you to decide neither is the difference as small. There a quite a few hybrid specs used in PvP as the utilization is often useful in PvP but barely used in PvE (mostly raids). So you lose a lot of dps on some classes if you want to play both aspects of the game.

You need to see it differently: Why would the raid pick someone who has semi optimal talents if they want to progress? And wouldn’t you feel sorry for you raid if you knew you could do better if you wouldn’t play PvP and therefor have optimal PvE talents?

Are we really supposed to exclude us completely from a content to not get disadvantages? Shouldn’t the game be designed in the favor that we can enjoy any content we want, at any time? A few arena games shortly before you go offline is not worth it, if you have raid the next time you login, as this short journey into the other content would cost you 100g.

There will never be a perfect solution, but any solution is usually better than avoiding the problem and come up with basically no solution. :slight_smile:

You still need gold for a lot of other things like repair cost, enchants, gems and so on. With a respec fee you are actually just harming people who want to enjoy more than just one content, which results in people doing less stuff they would actually like to do as they don’t have the gold and time to farm it.

So the disadvantage you mentioned is even getting bigger without the system, because only a very small number of players are willing to farm the gold for the respec fee.

The decision to come up with dual spec was made during tbc and implemented with Wrath.

When you don’t want the same thing again, why do you decide to play TBC? The discussion about a respec system is as old as the game itself.

If you truly want to progress then you make the personal effort to make any changes necessary for that progress to happen. Complaining to Blizzard that they need to absolve you of all responsibility for your decisions so you don’t have to put effort into doing what you want to do is not a solution. I’ve raid lead, I’ve been a raider, I currently am a raider. If progressing is important to me I will make the effort to succeed.

And it isn’t a solution at all. What the servers need are a raw creation of tanks. They don’t need a pseudo 1:1 trade on occasion for when someone else can’t snipe a tank. You need a DPS permanently removed from the DPS pool to consistently fill a role of a tank at all times to get an actual solution. Dual spec didn’t fix it on retail, CTA didn’t fix it on retail. If you want to tank or heal. Then tank or heal.

If you want to succeed then get off your duff and do what is necessary to succeed. It’s a simple concept.

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Sure, but you could also ask the devs to help you out with it.

Again: Isn’t a game supposed to let you enjoy the game in any aspect you want without harming you or give you huge disadvantages? I think it is!