Dual Spec.. please?


You’re a funny guy. Your Prot Paladin is using a seal that wasn’t designed to be used by Horde Paladins.

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So deal with it as you did then. The change wasn’t necessary then it’s not now. The players have other choices to deal with the problem. Joining a less hard core guild is one of them. Look, I’m not against the change. I’m not a no changer. I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. Please save me from my evil guild leader by making a change to the game so he can’t demand I go leather working is a bad argument. When joining a less hard core guild is the perfect solution

Actually this is ret. I seal twist. Hello.

My Prot Paladin is on Pagle Alliance. Nice reach there bucko.

I meant the Prot Paladin in your Karazhan run I’m looking at. Nice reach? What do you mean nice reach? Horde Prot Paladins are using a seal that they didn’t have in original TBC, so much for:

Cue Redheadchild coming in to argue against changes when he made hundreds of posts trying to get Guild banks into Classic. There is a TON of hypocrisy on this forum.

It very much was. Blizzard has a right to say that it wasn’t within the spirit or design of their game. Again, you make it sound like no company in the history of the world has ever gone back and fixed a design flaw. You know it as well as I do that drum spam was never their design, and that it was necessary to stop it from absolutely changing the meta just as the world buff meta changed the entire game and how it was approached.

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At a hefty cost to the player. It was designed that way to make an opportunity cost of chosing a spec. Tbc is designed to have opportunity costs. Look at the aldor/skryer factions for an example, want to be friends with one? Well now your hated with the other. Changed your mind who to be with? Enjoy having to turn in hundreds of items to a repeatable quest to change it. Gems and enchants are another example of opportunity costs. Want a specific meta gem? Well now you need to make sure you have the other color Gems to use it, oh and you can’t recover a gem after socketing it. Enchants are one and done, you don’t get to recover an enchant if you change your mind on what you want it enchanted with.

Chosing your spec is the same way, want to change it? Pay the price because specs have the opportunity cost when you chose them, to not be able to freely switch it later.


I’m team Leviathan, sadly we have no prot Paladin. But as I said before, TBC in no way, shape or form had any content that was specifically designed to utilize one seal over the other.

Wrath however was an expansion where entire class, dungeon, raid, and encounters were completely changed and designed for the sake of Dual Spec’s very design. Very big difference.

Of course they fixed design flaws. That’s what we’re asking for here. Respec costs were a design flaw corrected in wrath. Now the the game is being recreated we can have the fix earlier. Just like the pallys got their fix earlier.

The non tourist players will farm the gold. It’s the tourists that are having an issue with it and the game shouldn’t be changed for people that will be gone in 2 months anyway.


This isn’t a design flaw however. Blizzard had built this very game on your making choices and spec identity making it matter. Wrath of the Lich King dramatically changed it’s very design to accommodate dual spec. This was no design flaw, they completely changed the face of the game for Dual Spec.

No they won’t. They’re going to buy it online like has been the case for the last 2 years.

They know Blizzard isn’t going to do anything about it, so why stop?


You’ve had a Prot Paladin in multiple raids you’ve been in. You’ve had multiple, different Prot Paladins.

So then we should have Blizzard focus on just banning gold buyers instead of this “give me dual spec” debacle? I like it.


I’ve played this game since nearly the first day Vanilla was released. We don’t even know that you play classic or given the low level of your retail avatar, much retail

Yeah I just derped. I’ll give you that one. Pwn was our tank for a bit, and Equality was with us the other day though not guilded. So I will admit that our 10 man has no Prot at this time. And that doesn’t change that TBC did not make a design change around those two seals, nor was there any content that those seals specifically were designed around.

Dual spec however had a full expansion built for it.

At this point it doesn’t seem likely that will happen. We’re looking for reasonable doable changes that can improve the game not indulging in fantasy.

Sounds like asking for dual spec because you want it is also a fantasy

Every one always claims that the changes they don’t want are a fantasy. Until the change happens. Then they disappear from the forums rather than admit they were wrong.

No, I accept the argument but filter it through my own experience.

In this case I have a 20 year career in mathematics and software development. I can say point blank that programmatically implementing a dual spec is completely trivial.

I actually don’t believe that Ghost Crawler was claiming that programming a dual spec into the game was technically challenging. What I think he was driving at was that integrating it into a game not designed for it was technically challenging.

I believe they waited for the expansion as it gave them a chance to rebalance and overhaul the specs with dual speccing in mind.

Programmatically adding a second tab and a spec toggle to the character sheet is absolutely trivial - even back then, but it is not a trivial change in terms of game play and balance impact.

I’ve been in classic the entire time and have not bought gold. I haven’t bought gold since actual vanilla.

I did have my brother steal my gold from my character when we shared an account as kids though. That sucked, lol.