Could you explain the logic behind tri-spec diminishing class uniqueness? more choices = more variety.
You no longer think of your friend as a Feral or a Balance druid. She is just a druid who can fill any role just like any druid. (Source)
If you were really serious about this statement, a character would be permanently limited to 2 of the 3 specs.
The intent of letting you remake choices was never supposed to be “I can swap to anything at a moment’s notice.” (Source)
It was supposed to be “I made a decision that now I really regret and wish I could make over.” (Source)
I do worry sometimes that dual spec solved a problem (talent points were a pain to rebuy) that no longer exists.
They started drafting up the idea of it in BC. Huge difference fleshing out an idea and making a huge design choice. And even then Wrath was in production, you can produce something in a previous expansion while working on the next. You have nothing from Blizzard that says it was absolutely meant for BC design. You however have Blizzard stating they have anywhere from 1 to 2 expansions in the works well ahead of time. This would include features. Stop trying to sell this claim for more than what it is. It was a concept idea they were fleshing out, nothing was ever said “Yeah we are doing this for TBC” it was said it was being worked on. Huge difference.
I don’t have the data to determine if you are correct or not, and what I’m about to post is based solely on my memory as I cannot track down the original interview source for documentation, so take it as you will.
During Wrath someone at Blizzard mentioned that most (I don’t remember the percentage cited) accounts never got to level 20. Your take on Wrath numbers could be completely accurate, but it also could have simply had a lot more churn than TBC. IE: 5 million people joined during wrath, but 4.5 million quit leaving the net gain so flat. Based solely on my own anecdotal evidence (I know, I know) I think that’s likely - to some degree. There were a lot of allegedly classic players who felt that Wrath was too easy and were very vocal about it. So maybe they’re the ones who quit?
It’s also possible that they could have released it during TBC but held off on it for the expansion release. While that wasn’t a terribly common practice for Blizzard at the time (compared to now when major changes seem only to happen with a new expansion).
Thats easy…Dual spec was brought in after a huge outcry and when it Came in LK along with many of the best changes the game had ever seen. WoW was at its mot popular with 12 million active subs far more than Classic and TBC
Have you ever done something stupid in your life you wish you could take back but you know you can’t? You have no proof that this isn’t a situation that Blizzard does or does not regret having made. Companies make bad calls all the time and in an MMO it isn’t a system that is so easily erased like you can in a sequel.
And if that is true, you don’t have to worry about dual spec would kill smite priest or something…! If it’s perfectly fine to not have the perfect build an option like dual spec wouldn’t change that. And if it does, it’s obviously not fine to don’t have the perfect spec…
So you guys killed your own argument. Either it’s not an argument against dual spec, or it’s obviously not fine to play some mixed builds, otherwise you don’t need to fear dual spec.
Im sure they regretted the mos popular expansion in the games history of which Dual Spec was a major improvement. In fact was so populat that they evemtually took out repsc costs completely so that anyone can play any spec they like at will
Thats called player choice and flexibility, bot good things for players and the game. No on is forced to play a spec they dont want, but if they do they are faced with a pointless gold charge to do so.
The design itself was made during TBC because of the player wishes during tbc. That’s why it was released with Wrath which was created around half time of TBC.
Easy to understand, right? I mean, if the idea wasn’t coming up with TBC based on the player wishes, why was it released with wrath? Exactly!
No need to wait though, if the system has proven to be a good change, regardless if it’s still a thing on retail or not!
Not really - the sub amount proved it! WoW had during end of wrath the highest sub counts over it’s whole history. That makes it, without a doubt, the most popular one.
And you sound stupid. Are you stupid? Ah, no, it’s the Tauren Enigmuh from Enigma again. Sorry guy, but stop talking to me. Your name combined with the guild and your race makes it impossible for me to take you serious!
Here’s easy, that type of game play was not intended in OG TBC. In fact it didn’t occur in wrath. It wasn’t changing your spec on the fly either.
What you are asking for is a feature you have in current retail.
As many other things that still made their way into TBC. Why are you not crying about the bug fixes, the daily hc quest and so on?
It also isn’t supposed to be like the original TBC. They already said before, they want TBC to be TBC but changed in favor to a modern gaming community. You can find the video link in this thread around the half where the designer said that during a stream.
See the problem is Blizzard claims to try to keep this original as possible. Dual spec was a big thing in Wrath and with dual spec? became the normalizing of specs and classes which is not happening in TBC. TBC classes and specs were pretty unique in how they worked on some levels. Another problem with TBC is people won’t play certain classes because they will be forced into tanking or healing. So without the normalizing of classes and adding Dual spec? To me you are going to hurt the population from several angles. The purest will take a break if not quit until wrath or not come back at all. Folks who wanted to try a class out but don’t want to tank or heal probably wont play either. Just seems like a huge request that isn’t needed for this expansion in my opinion.