Dual Spec.. please?

Or it’ll be because they look at the impact of not having dual spec vs having it and decided adding it was actually better for the game, like they did back in the day when dual spec ended up being a massively popular feature.

What is this, and how does this translate to a necessity to add it?

Which they scrapped and pulled for something else eventually, so why not that instead?

The proof that its necessary is that they want it and think its good.

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Hmm… so you don’t understand that that would include more changes than just multiple specs?

Necessary is not a requirement for changes in TBC Classic, not sure why that confuses you.

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Not confused at all, Ive already agreed to this. Its bad news for you though because dual specs will never be implemented unless someone thinks its necessary for them to be implemented. Catch 22.

Blizzard’s definition of necessary might be very different than yours :slight_smile:

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Yeah? Name one.

Necessary only has one meaning. Dual specs dont fit the bill so you simply resolve the impasse by saying ‘necessary’ is a fluid term that is subject to individual interpretation. Its called magical thinking.

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Okay so what is your definition of necessary? And how have changes that blizzard has already made fallen into the necessary category?

Essential, obviously needed, the opposite of dual specs etc

Ask Blizz. Or simply read their posts on the changes. Its all in there.

So if blizzard adds dual spec it was essential? Your opinion is entirely dependent on what blizzard does not your own personal thoughts on the matter?

Essential to who though? You? Not likely. For them, they would have to at least think so. Dual specs arent gonna go in by fluke or happenstance if they do.

Again, as Ive said from day one, that reason doesn’t have to fit any ideal or be based on any kind of sound data or information. If they thought they could get another few million in sub fees and cash shop purchases from implementing it they might deem that necessary for them to do as a business. That doesnt make dual specs necessary for TBC though. It would be in spite of necessity, not because of it - as far as the game goes anway.

No no no, you just declared that anything blizzard adds is essential(even though blizzard has themselves said that is not required to makes changes to TBC Classic).

So if blizzard adds it you would consider it essential.

Oh so blizzard can and will make non essential changes?

Make up your mind. If blizzard makes a change is it essential?

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Perhaps but not for the reasons you think its essential. Seems like youre trying to suggest your interests and Blizzards interests would be the same. That is not and will never be the case.

Um I was already pressed into agreeing that Blizz can do anything they want up to and including closing WoW down indefinitely tomorrow. Its captain obvious stuff that doesnt need repeating.

Its also kinda moot because even though Blizz could nuke their servers from orbit if they were so inclined that still doesnt mean dual specs in TBCC are even a watercooler conversation for them.

If one had to guess right now its safe to say there’s no chance youre seeing dual specs in TBC anytime soon, if at all. Looks like you guys are beat tbh.

If im wrong Ill eat my words but it doesnt appear to be on their radar even if you think it should be based on all the inconsequential fluff you think is justification for holding that thought.

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I already explained it to you. Your essential is not the same as their essential. Your essential is not even essential to begin with. Blizz execs dont stay awake all night worrying about how the players feel about dual specs.

I don’t think dual spec is essential and I never claimed it was.

Blizzard execs stay awake at night worrying about how much profit they are making from WoW. If they feel lack of dual spec is costing them money well… I guess it becomes essential.

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You truly think that this is the case? lol

[quote=“Ziryus-pagle, post:6038, topic:1001694, full:true”]
I don’t think dual spec is essential I never claimed it was.[/quote]

You have said you think it would be a good and positive move with a lot of benefits and a whole bunch of other things in support of dual specs so you’re claim of not thinking its essential doesn’t line up with the rest of your post history. You’ve gone to great lengths to defend and promote this mechanic you think is non essential. Im calling BS as the evidence indicates.

Not for you though lol. Dont you get it yet?

Blizzard worrying about money is not the same thing as you* worrying about pug dps waiting in line for tanks and healers.

If/When Blizz does it to get more money out of you youre gonna be posting how you won the war for dual specs arent you? lol

But it is the same because ultimately player enjoyment drives how much money blizzard gets :slight_smile:

That doesnt mean the player is correct or dual specs are good - it just means Blizz knows how to pull your strings for extra income and youre all too happy to oblige them.

See boosts.