Dual Spec.. please?

In a store where you buy chicken daily and are just wondering about the possibility of turkey.

Pretty bold assumption there.

I’ve never not owned it. A change is, undoubtedly without much gray area, a change. I think I will stand by this statement.

Haha, aw, thanks guys.



Must you turn every piece of simple logic in to an incoherent mess?

Wanting dual spec instead of tri-spec is not “nuance”.

It’s just bias, pure and simple. There’s literally no reason tri-spec can’t be possible if dual spec is. You’re just terrified of showing you have a line in the sand somewhere because it completely contradicts your entire message.


It wasn’t simple logic. It was an incredibly stupid analogy. You’re pretty much the king of the stupid analogy here. It’s because you can’t do simple logic

I’ve never seen or been to a store dedicated to singular product like that. They usually sell related products at generalized stores, so some of these analogies are just untenable.


Tell me when you spot the meat products.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought so.

And this applies to dual spec how in a game that already provides a means to respec?

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It doesn’t. He retreated back to his original position again despite it’s inherent contradiction. He lives in an alternate universe, much like everyone who has an argument based on a lack of respecs even though respecs exist.

Adding a feature from another expansion inherently makes the product different from what is being promised or offered.

I was promised a recreation of TBC. Not TBC with WOTLK elements.

When I go to a vegan store I expect vegan food. Not vegan food with some meat in it.

I don’t think that was too difficult to understand but a’las sometimes I forget who I’m speaking to…


There’s no shame in just saying #nochanges.

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And Zipzo says, “I’m not #NoChange because I’m a special nuanced snowflake!!”

and then proceeds to talk about why he doesn’t want changes.

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Most people I talk to when you think of a hybrid class is generally those 3 but OK Secondly I’m 100% for dual spec I’m not 100% for try speck in fact I’m against that.

Is for the same reason dual spec gives you choice trispec gives you no choice There’s a very big difference between the 2.

Okay now this is rich.

How does tri-spec reduce your choice? Lol

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Triple chocolate brownie…

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mmmmmmm brownies

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Do you… hold your breath when you type?

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I mean how else would you explain the neural damage other than excessive oxygen deprivation.


Dual specs are a convenience, not a barrier. It helps to view things in their correct context instead of warping everything to fit your predetermined narrative.

If people are passing on BGs, arenas or dungeons because there are no dual specs its probably because they’re just not as interested in those parts of the game. Also, history has something to say about games that continually cater to the lowest common denominator.

In theory when Blizz added Conquest points to randoms and gave every PvPer the opportunity to get the seasons best gear it should have driven up participation and had everyone putting their best foot forward in BGs. In practice, it became hell for die hard battlegrounders because you had people coming for the easy, afkable gear and not the heart pumping pvp action.

When you lower the barriers to entry you get exactly what you asked for - an easier time that draws a different crowd less suited to the content. Now you’ve gone and mucked up the works - now more and more intervention is necessary until you reach a point where gear is no thought homogenized crud that comes out of an RNG lootbox instead of working towards something and buying it from a vendor with points you earned.

See, you think the problem is the game - its the players who cant enjoy themselves unless half the game is gift wrapped for them.


Simple Let me word it like this You have a plate There are 3 pieces of pizza in front of you The one example I say you can only have 2.

Is therefore you have to pick 2 of the 3 Versus If I just say you can have a 3 while there you go that choice is clear this is clear thus there is no choice really.

Let me put it in this terms to put a little bit more of a wow aspect I give you the option between beyond a respect between 2 You have an mean And off I give you 3 what does that make the 3rd one you’re off off

That’s why I say Is dual spec is choice trispec isn’t