Dual Spec.. please?

Well that was another wall of projecting.

So much projecting.

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You could have pointed out the flaws in my reasoning, if you had the intellectual capacity to do that. Instead you said absolutely nothing in a desperate attempt to insult me. Which is laughable since I’ve made it clear I don’t care about you at all. You’re an example of the type of person I hate, not just on the forums but in the world. The world is full of people who were a dunce in high school and in college and never took the time to pick up a book and read in the years after. You epitomize that behavior here.

You can think what you want about my spelling fair enough But just because my spellings not the best doesn’t mean what I say doesn’t matter

Oh now you want to converse. I made many attempts previously and you shot back with strawman after strawman.

Sure thing there.

What exactly do you think you know about me?

You’re responding to someone who you have not told anything about how you play. so it’s not repeating.

You don’t know what Etc does or how they play, so you this statement really is just a shot in the dark.

As I’ve mentioned before, you clearly like to make yourself miserable. I suppose that is a challenge on its own.

This is on the verge of a savior complex.

How do you know this.

This is just all projecting.

You see it would be easier to make comments on what you said, if there was any substance to what you’re saying.


No, what you’re saying doesn’t matter because your understanding of the premise is wrong.

it has nothing to do with your spelling. Unrelated.

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No I don’t want to converse. I’ve read enough of your posts to know you’re not capable of honest and rational debate.

If you heal pugs with undergeared or inexperienced tanks you know that it can’t be done with a half dps half healing spec. The simple fact is in classic and BC classic there are many people who like to wait until they are well geared and over leveled for a dungeon. If you haven’t noticed that you must not be paying attention or you also like the easy runs.

Well I like to do dungeons and I like to help people gear up. I have all the heroic keys and get no gear upgrades from normal dungeons but I do them all the time, even ramps. I’ve done the elite group quests in every zone several times. I just did ring of blood tonight for about the tenth time. I’m a , to you because I think you are , people but in game I’m very popular because I’m a good healer and I’m always ready to help people out. I guess that’s another thing people like you can’t understand.

Even if you disagree with everything I’ve said it’s in no way projecting. You’re so clueless you don’t even understand what projecting means.

Well…not sure I really agree with that.

I would like to think I play TBC in the way the system seems to “intend” one to play. I very rarely respec.

So when I, one-off occasions, do get the liberal incentive to try something else for shiggles…it’s cheap. This actually happens even just playing the same spec, sometimes I swap around what my “flex points” are every now and then, and since I don’t respec like a wild-man all the time, it’s never that costly.

So, the dynamic of the respec cost decay seems to be somewhat favorable to my approach to spec permanence, and is very rarely ever 50g, even though I’ve respecced enough times for it to be 50g throughout the lifetime of the game.

To me, seems like working as intended, with the cost of respeccing presenting a very dynamic variable that, while different each time, is rarely ever detrimental to my resources.

So my experience doesn’t really line up with the original proposition: that the respec cost decay is “useless” or arbitrary.

There doesn’t need to be a choice for everything. Some paths are not actually a fork in the road where a choice needs to be made on wihich path to go down, but whether to move forward at all. Meaning, in this case, the “choice” is pay or don’t.

Honestly I’m not a game designer. Game designers designed the way it worked in the original version of the expansion we’re playing, so I trust them more than I do myself to come up with something better, so if pushed, I’d say “leave it as it is” as my final answer.

The same way I do for dual spec.

There are so many variables when it comes to implementing a thing, such as the long-term effect on the game in a million different ways across all the game’s systems, and who knows what else. I’m not prepared to consider all of those factors when hot-brainstorming a quick replacement to a feature that could be argued to be unnecessary by a layman.

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Oh, don’t worry too much, Faywaif is the kind of hypocrite that praises diversity and tolerance on one hand, but screams insults at anyone who has a different opinion than their crazy ideologies on the other… You know the kind of person. We’ve seen an epidemic increase of them in the last 4 years. Also the kind of person that says that they want change because it would help others, when in reality it’s just because they want free handouts for themselves. Same crowd as first crowd, really and a cancer to society.

Also, my apologies for missing a few days, but unlike the dual spec crowd, I have a job and a life, so, this is a reminder you didn’t get dual spec, and you’re not getting anything you cry for… ever.


weird, because i healed every dungeon while leveling with a feral spec, and only 21 points into resto. it can be done with a half dps spec.

Good for you.

oh there you go again. you can’t help it can you, you just have me all boiled down. could write my life story i bet.

Keep telling yourself that. Along with the false belief that people on the forums are forcing you to play a certain way.

But for a vast majority of people, is not working as I imagine as intended.

But the decay is present, which means the choice is actually pay or don’t right now, in time it will be cheaper.

I’m trying to become a game developer, so tackling these concepts is good for me. and I think there is decent value in the concept that delaying the decision can provide benefits in the form of cheaper costs.

they said they hate me.

And what is that exactly? what person am i?

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If pro-dual spec people are to be believed, the vast majority of people face a 0g respec cost because they a. refuse to pay it and b. just log out when not doing any instantly gratifying activities because dual spec doesn’t exist.

I personally think it’s probably somewhere in in the middle. Some people probably don’t do it very much (like me), and some maybe do it a lot (probably not as many, due to its cost and that’s…a good thing).

Neither of us have any real numbers on this, though, so it’s all speculation.

I mean if you want to be technical, that’s exactly how it works now.


Then you need to understand why certain game design decisions result in players simply not playing at all because believe it or not you don’t have a captive audience. And WoW itself should give you plenty of evidence that devs don’t always make perfect decisions and trying to double down on bad ones instead of fix them usually doesn’t work out.


I mean, you could just make dual spec usable in major cities for example. And even if not, lets be totally honest now: Who cares if they are doing a bit better with trash? The trash dies 2 seconds faster? What does that change?

I can’t see how that could be an argument against dual spec. To me, it just sounds more like you’re trying to pull any arguments out of your fingers.

Someone who is pushing for some pseudo PvE performance data will min max anyways. So another option to min max for 2% more damage during trash in form of dual spec is like you would argue:

Remove buff food please. I don’t want to be forced to eat buff food to min max!

It’s laughable that people in this thread think it is healthy for the game that so many dungeon runs end before the people even get into the instance with “LF1M Tank” and/or guildies telling each other “I’d love to run that, but there’s no tanks on” or “I can’t afford to respec costs because I’m saving for my epic mount”.

We don’t have an LFD system, so there’s no way to look for tanks out there that might be available that we just don’t know about, so we have to rely on making groups manually (something I despise already).

But in a guild of ~950 people, I’ve yet to see a single dungeon run, and the several times we’ve tried, the group always falls apart at looking for tank stage.

How anybody could see this as being healthy for the game is beyond me. They implemented Dual-Spec for a reason, it just took them until Wrath to come up with a way to make that happen. They didn’t want you respeccing your talent trees willy-nilly, no, but yet they did come up with an idea that would allow you to select two configurations, and stick with them.

You guys are mistaking the cost penalty of respeccing them with this notion that they wanted you to only DPS, only Tank, or only Heal. Allowing you to be able to choose 2 roles and swap between them is not mutually exclusive with locking your talent choices in, as was seen with the Dual-Spec system.

Just because it took them until Wrath to come up with the system and implement it doesn’t mean we couldn’t add it in here in TBC to make the game actually playable.

And someone above said “lol retail still has tank shortages” and to that, I’d have to say it is a really dumb argument, because with Dual-Spec and the ability to switch specs, you have more tanks available than you would without, no matter what.

If retail did not have the ability to switch specs, the shortage of tanks would be even worse than it is now. That, and you know, TBC Classic doesn’t have that toxic poison that is called Mythic Dungeons, and the dungeons are set up in a way that you aren’t pulling wall to wall pulls, so maybe more people might actually enjoy tanking, that and you’re more likely to go with guildies anyhow.

Either way, Dual-Spec would not hurt anyone. You still gotta make your talent choices meaningful, but yet you could also tank or heal dungeons while using your solo leveling spec outside of dungeons. Far more dungeons would get done, far less time would be spent LFM. Maybe not everybody would make use of this tool to do tanking or healing, but a number of people like myself gladly would.

But hey if you guys love spending hours LF1M Tank/Heal, I dunno what to say. I personally can’t understand the mentality.


Sure but you could argue that the amount of gold people have is in excess of what they had back in the day and thus the feature isn’t working the way it did originally as a result. I don’t really care either way tbh but I can see a valid argument for decay rate change.

But we are talking about tweaking and existing feature here which can be tuned and rebalanced and then reverted without much issues - as opposed to the OP which is talking about (effectively) replacing the respec feature with another completely antithetical one.


I would love to be able to switch between holy and prot without having to pay for it and reorganize my bars each time.

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Speaking as a protection palliden yes it does And I talked to many healers that say the same thing.

It’s a nightmare to quest as a tank or as a healer playing and simple

Yes, yes, you play whatever class/spec that fits whatever pathetic argument you’re trying to make. Illiterate genius on the internet and all that. You’re a level 27 DK nobody. End of story. Everything else and the people you “talked to”? Out of your rectum.

I am an expert in the medical field. Know why? I invented a cure for every disease on Earth… Twice. And it’s true because I say so on the internet.

Spare us your usual lack of any form of credibility.


Yup you’re completely one million percent right And it’s actually kind of funny too I have a lot of conversation with people that when we Talk about this.

And I even went as far to ask people on my Server Is in looking for group chat just to see what would happen.

And ironically enough the response was kind of funny Most people wanted it but the reason why they wouldn’t get saying anything about it on the form says.

They don’t think blizzard will listen Fair I do have some friends that do run in some hardcore guilds so

When I asked them about it they said oh yeah we would completely do it but that’s a hard corgauld And even they said yeah the casuals aren’t no it’s not going to affect you guys at all.

And realistically it wouldn’t even be that big of a deal OK we’re gonna clear trash OK before everybody drinks respect.

And that’s all it would be Now when I talk to my gillably at her I am in a casual Guild for the record

What she told me is She didn’t even think about it but it did not even something she would even consider.

I mean the default answer would be I guess if it were stuck on something maybe but you know.

At the end of the day it’s an offspeck and I’m not going to force people to carry around 2 gear sets with them.

If we’re stuck on something sure we could give XY and see a try but It’s not something I would ever enforce.

Those are the type of responses that I get are generally

Yes because clearly I’m not posting an alt because I completely don’t know that especially on the classic song is the classic side of things.

People completely can’t be hostile and mean it wouldn’t completely go as far as to mass Spam report you and get banned you’re right.

Not never happens Because the World of Warcraft player bases so kind and Is understanding and reasonable.

Yeah That’s why I’m totally not posting on an alt

Dual spec doesn’t fix the tank shortage.

We saw this in wrath-retail. Still a tank shortage with free spec changes, adaptive gear, tanking being even easier, lfd making grouping easier, exc.

Still a tank shortage even after many changes designed to “fix” it.

Want to not need to wait for a tank? Be the tank. Or you can make friends with tanks. Or you can go to a mega server. Or you can get the group to pay for the tanks respecs. 25g from each party member not including the tank is 100g, and you will have made most if not all of that back depending on dungeon, if you are doing the daily dungeons, loot drops, exc.

The current respec system isn’t what is holding people back.