Dual Spec.. please?

These aren’t different at all, if not inextricably linked. You use time to make gold. It’s a one way conversion.

So what people are saying is you already won’t expend the time to make the gold, and you’d have us believe that having dual spec will all the sudden make your time less valuable to the point that you will then expend that time to do things that will…invariably make you gold the way you would make it if you were expending time prior to dual spec?

Your argument is a dead end of circular logic.

Yeah, this 10x.

Just because you word things carefully in a way that isn’t a direct ad hominem attack, in a way that isn’t a reportable offense doesn’t mean you aren’t insulting someone. Blizzard’s moderation leaves much to be desired, and what they do and don’t act on is not the holy codex on what is and isn’t insulting to another. One can’t just handwave away all of their behavior away simply because they aren’t being immediately banned.

Real Sibyl System vibes with that logic…

For clarification, sibyl system is a fictional system in ‘Psycho-Pass’, ashow where everything everyone does is judged by their “psycho-pass” level judged by an AI that determines if a person is mentally unstable or not…higher the reading the more likely to be detained or even terminated on the spot by law enforcement.

Of course, the main antagonist ends up being a character who is able to remain completely mentally sound when committing horrid atrocities, so the sibyl system is never able to enforce the law on him, and so the philosophical conundrum presents itself: Is the person truly not wrong simply because the system doesn’t act on it? How do you detain or deal with a person who the system deems as law abiding despite committing horrid acts?

Anyway, it’s a good show haha.


I wonder who’s forum alt this is.

1 total post?
Agrees with change and makes false claims on how dual spec will effect the game?

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One is a clear example of a game feature being negotiated by players in a player driven economy. The other is an example of players petitioning the devs via the forums to intervene with said mechanics.

Nothing “despicable” about tanks selling services btw. The demand is there and people freely admit it’s easier to farm gold with a dps spec, so it’s decent compensation. Player solution to player problems.

So, the answer is obvious but it depends where you like to play wow - in game or on the forums …


Telling someone to git gud and farm gold LUL is not help.

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You’re right. I don’t know what prompted you to say this, but it’s true.

I warn about responding in this manor, or they might just reply like this.

Yeah, you don’t know.

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Or worse - “you’re hedging so you can’t be pinned down”.

Apparently, if you believe some posters, things can only be correct if you assert them hard enough.

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I’m getting bored with them,

Can you make a claim for me to dispute?

I’ll spend time doing dungeons which I think are fun to get an off spec dps set. But I won’t spend time working on that if there’s no dual spec. I’ll farm and quest more if there’s dual spec but I won’t if there’s a sunk cost of 100 gold before I even start farming. What if I only have an hour at the end of the day to farm? I might only break even in that hour when you count the 100 gold I lose to respec and the time it takes to respec my talents and bars. This isn’t confusing at all. Your posts just convince me all the more that you’re not very intelligent.

Yeah well it takes one to know one lol

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You ignore all my reasoning and respond to one sentence that points out your lack of intelligence. That’s because you have no rational response to the bulk of my post. Think you’ll find something to say now?

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You’re just another dishonest poster who does exactly what they wine about. You drone on and one about trolls and people just here to insult but you have to cap off every post with insulting someone’s intelligence or their supposed lack of human empathy or w/e it is you’ve chosen to conjure up in your head.

You’re a giant hypocrite, there’s almost no sense in engaging with you seriously.

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To your credit, you at least set out a definition before you did anything else in this post.

It just so happens to be a definition that Feywaif and many others are telling you they don’t agree with and have given ample reason as to why. Time != money. That time can (and often must be) used to make money, and that money can often free up time to do non-money related things, neither makes one the other. So treating them as so-linked to just blow through someone’s argument using a definition they themselves are not using is at best, a mere categorical error and straw man fallacy, but at worst, a deliberate misuse of communication to maliciously cut down anyone you disagree with.

Only if we accept your “time is money” premise… which we don’t. You don’t get to redefine the terms, particularly when it only serves to obfuscate rather than clarify, out from under everyone else and then place yourself neatly in the victor’s chair as a result of your manipulation.

Just because you feel insulted doesn’t mean the other person actually did anything wrong, and anyone getting their argument picked apart is often going to feel insulted. Toughen up, buttercup.

This isn’t a conundrum, as it is a very simple matter, it is a refutation of hyper-rationalized societies being intrinsically better than a society so-ordered towards the Good, that is actual morality independent of scientific limitations and myopia. Psycho Pass’ world substitutes actual morality with a measurement of “mental stability” while making the categorical error that because immoral acts are often coupled with particular mental activity, that the immoral acts MUST BE the particular mental activity.

The sheer irony of you praising a show that demonstrates the exact error you make earlier within its world-building.


Like that’s the only part of the game I like. If you post that you like pvp should I assume you don’t raid? in the same post that I said I like healing dungeons I followed it by saying that questing and farming in a resto spec is so unfun for me that I decided to spec my druid dps. You want to tell me how to play the game and your reading comprehension is so low you can’t even follow the conversation.

It’s condescending. I’ve been playing wow since vanilla through BfA. There’s nothing you can tell me about this game I haven’t tried. Have you played every class in a couple different specs? I have. You’re all just a bunch of arrogant little … that think every one must have fun the same way you do. Here’s the difference between us. I don’t boost but I don’t care that some people want to play that way. I didn’t stack world buffs but it didn’t bother me that some people did.

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And we’re the trolls here… lol

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You are. You receive exactly what you give. The difference is I make rational arguments before I tell you what I think of you and you just troll.

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Well druids have a few ways they can DPS. Do you like cat DPS with the energy/combo point mechanics, or do you prefer to cast spells?

Druids are great at hybridization. You can heal a dungeon pretty well going no deeper than gift of nature in the resto tree. That gives you all the essential scaling to lifebloom, rejuv, healing touch, and then the rest of your points can go into whatever style of damage dealing you like to use for farming.

I’m forced to make assumptions to fill in the gaps in what you’re telling me about your playstyle. If you don’t want me to do that, just share more about what you think is fun.

It doesn’t help either of us for me to be wrong about something. I’m open to any corrections.


And so you want the game changed in order to help you avoid the bits you personally don’t like and do more of the bits you personally do like.

You’re entitled to petition for that of course, but surely you can acknowledge that this is you attempting to dictate how the game is played. You would like the games intended design changed such that it suits your personal preference for skipping content you don’t personally like, no?

Not that it’s a hard lock either, the game only requires about 30min currently of you doing some stuff you don’t like to pay for a respec.


But again Is maybe that was their core philosophy Back in 2007 however I would make an argument look at all the changes that they have made right.

Because you can’t make an argument if you’re really gonna say well dual spack is bullspack goes against their design philosophy soda’s same faction battlegrounds whether it be better for the game or not that’s not the point that you’re bringing up.

The discussion is the game philosophy that’s why you think the respect would be bad insurin be in the game Because same faction battlegrounds and Is leatherworking changes and the geography enchanting changes were all part of that philosophy as a whole.

You can’t make the argument and say that dual spec goes against that philosophy and the other changes that they’ve made don’t.

So at that point the argument is is this beneficial to the span official to the game and the answer is yes the way people play the game now Is dual spack.

Is very much Needed Is people want freedom Is people like systems that give them choice And If there’s such a barrier to entry to try anything else people just won’t do it.

Is whether you play retail or not every single as people say meaningful choice has proven that

…you should reread the post before making a snap response like this, because you look abundantly foolish thinking this is what she said.