Dual Spec.. please?

I never commented on what is and isn’t fun, and I haven’t commented on what i like or dislike, so all of what you are saying is again projection.

Since i’ve never commented on fun, what you are saying is made up stories.

If you’re up for commenting on what I’ve said, that would be great.


how about you comment on what i’ve said, and stop making up things that i haven’t?

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I have, very extensively but you ignored every word of it. I’ll make a shorter version. You said to ziryus:

List what those low barriers are and explain with objective reasons why your personal opinion of them as low barriers must be considered objectively a low barrier by everyone. Explain why it’s impossible that they might consider them a high barrier to having fun in the game.

I still don’t have my epic mount and you’re suggesting I should spend the gold I’m saving to get it to respec. And every respec requires a respec back so it’s 100 gold total. I know lots of max level players who are still saving for their epic mount. I have low quality gems in my gear and no enchants. I can’t afford the bis gems and enchants yet. I’m not the only person playing the game in this position. What you see as a miniscule barrier I see as quite large. That’s why I never respec. It’s just amazing to me that you people can’t understand that other people play differently than you play and have a different opinion of what is fun or not fun and to what degree they find something not fun. You actually think your purely personal opinion is objective fact. It’s hilarious

Your quote cut out some essential context

I am trying to be as objective as possible by comparing it to other barriers rather than my own personal values. Presumably, if the respec cost is high for you, the TK cost must be much, much higher. Therefore, even for you, the respec barrier is relatively low compared to the TK attunement barrier, even if the respec barrier is high when you compare it to your own personal values.

What exactly are you [not] respeccing for anyway? I don’t want to assume, but I get the impression you want to be able to switch to a dps spec for solo farming and questing?


Dude, you just did a post that made no other point than that I look stupid … obviously you were solidly on point there with no hint of playing the man. /sarcasm

Your posts are littered with it - even when not actually replying to me or Zipzo, you name drops us as “stupid”, “contradictory”, “arrogant” etc…

Oh, you carefully craft the wording of your many digs at people in order to not breach the ToS? /bravo


By your value system only. They are different costs. One is a cost in gold the other is a cost in time. Every time I respec I have 100 less gold and every quest on the path to attunment I end up with more gold. You’re using the same value system boosters use. Paying gold is a low cost for a boost and the time spent leveling is a much much higher cost. So paying a mage saves time, a more valuable thing to them. Unlike you I’m not criticizing those who choose a different play style but I have a different value system so I don’t boost.

Even if I don’t plan on raiding TK I’ll still end up getting attuned for it. In the normal course of my game play I’ll eventually do all the quests and heroic dungeons several times and get attuned or at least close to it.

I’m lumping gold and time in the same “cost.” Gold is essentially equivalent to either spending less time doing something not fun (farming/grinding) or spending more time doing something more fun (literally anything else besides instanced pvp).

So it’s not the same value system as boosting vs. leveling.


Because we have a different idea of what is fun and not fun and you believe everyone should have fun the same way you have fun there’s no way we can communicate and reach understanding. For example you see having to do heroic dungeons to get attuned as part of a very high cost attunment process. I see it as a benefit. I like healing dungeons and the fact that everyone who wants to get attuned for TK must do a few heroic dungeons means I’ll more easily find groups to do those dungeons.

Well, I did ask you what you wanted to respec for because I wanted to understand how you interact with the game and what activities you consider fun. But you blew me off which makes reaching an understanding hard.

To make my intentions clear, I’d like to advise a talent spec that lets you do all the fun things you want to do without making you feel like you need to frequently change your spec.

I also enjoyed attuning for TK.

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Gold is a game resource, when you consider there’s no token system it is part of a closed gaming system. It’s similar to other resource management in the game and it’s generation is directly an output of time where effort and player attributed value are factors.

I think it is valid for Etc to refer to gold expenditure loosely as an equivalence with playtime as it is a function on time spent.

Time and gold are not separate self contained features or costs, one is a product of the other. All things in the game cost time, either directly or via gold or some other resource.


Hilarious. You can’t advise me on that because it would be based on what you consider fun and what isn’t fun for you and your value system is different than mine. And I’ve played this game from the first few weeks vanilla was released through to BfA and I’ve played every class in a few different specs and every race. There’s nothing you can tell me about the game that I haven’t already tried.

No, it would be based on what you consider fun. That’s why I’m asking you. It think it’s unfair to keep saying I’m ignoring what you consider fun when you won’t even make an effort to explain that to me or anyone else.


respeccing cost is too high, but zir has stated they are not short on funds at all. they can afford to respec many times, simply chooses not to. Which is fine, that’s what they wanna do. To clarify, the cost isn’t too high for them, because they can easily pay the cost without spending time farming. they just don’t want to.

you’re projecting pretty hard here.

Can you point out where they mentioned that?

Can you point out where they said that?

If you would stop projecting what you think our values of fun are, and just responded to what we said, there might be some understanding.

oh look at that.

how dare you apply such a basic concept.

Thats not how advise works.

I would suggest you stop trying to help them. apparently trying to be helpful is attacking their fun.


Either I genuinely help them or I reveal to neutral observers that they don’t want to be helped, they just want the candy. It’s win-win.


I have many times explained it and you didn’t get it because we have a different idea of what is fun. You just keep repeating the same arguments based on the ways you have fun and ignoring what I post.

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Not to me you haven’t. Could you quote? Or copy-paste? Or just re-explain?

I know you said you liked healing dungeons earlier in our discussion, but you only need one spec to be able to do that.

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Can you seriously just quote where etc explains what is fun to them?

You mean very patiently asking you questions to understand your point of view?

I challenge you to describe what etc or I view as fun.

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I agree.
And adding to the points you made, it would help with the tank shortage. Respeccing isn’t only an issue because it is so expensive but also because you have to travel to the class trainer and reset your talents. I’m raiding on a holy paladin. It’s difficult enough for her to go through dailies to make gold, but then to add making gold for respeccing… it’s just not realistic.

Solving the tank shortage would also help with the despicable custom of tanks that takes more and more over - selling ‘tank services’. Since when should it be acceptable to pay a player for playing their class in a group? I can assure you that was not the case in original TBC. What we would do occasionally was helping a player cover the cost of changing specs to tank and back to dps/heal. But we would not pay anybody to play their class in a group.

So what is more disturbing the experience of playing tbc? Having to pay a player for tanking or being able to switch between two specs?
I think the answer should be obvious.

(edited for typo)

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if it didnt help in wrath and beyond what makes you think its going to work now?


can you describe why this is a bad thing? Or is this just a gut reaction that you didn’t question?

there is irony here.

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