Dual Spec.. please?


So you tried to claim dual spec would increase play time of people.
did you have anything else, or are you bound to only the one stance?


I’m not trying to claim that I’m flat out stating that’s the case for me and a number of other people, go read this thread and see how many other people have explained exactly why.

It’s still a claim. Not sure why that is even an issue.

And I brought up a counter point that you never really touched on. fasc did, good on him. but you deflected.

So I can only assume you had no counter, making your first point hold little value.

No it’s not, I think I understand my playstyle and how dual spec/lack thereof impacts it a lot better than you do.

Which was?

This has now entered the territory of more deflection.

I’m only kidding.

It’s a two part point. Since you’ve already established that you would rather log out than play, after receiving dual spec, why would i believe that you won’t get bored in a couple weeks. you’ve demonstrated that low barriers that you have all the ability to overcome are still deterrents to playing, so in a few weeks to a month, it sounds like you will end up back here, on the forums stating that you would rather log out than play the game in its current state.
And the second part to my point is that other people will come to that point. dual spec makes people more efficient at many tasks, thus they will consume content faster, and burn out faster, thus quitting/lowering play time.

Is your amount of increased play time going to overcome the number of people that likely will play less?


So your argument is you understand my playstyle and motivations better than I do?

Not a good argument, also not an in game argument about why dual spec would be bad, merely you attacking the character of those who want dual spec.

This is all more deflection. #ZiryusWantsAllChanges

And no, that’s not the argument.

Yes it is, you are literally claiming to know how I would react if dual spec were added.

Which as I understand my motivations and play style better than you do I can flat out say you are wrong. That’s not theory crafting or what if, you are simply wrong. And apparently quite a few other people feel the same as I do.

I get that you dislike actually dealing with peoples points, but i won’t be baited by your deflections.

If you can’t comment on the point i’ve made, that’s fine, but to me that really just means your earlier claim of increased playtime for blizz is just make belief.


Except you are working under the assumption that people are in fact actually going through all the steps to farm gold respec etc… now and they would stop doing so.

Which shows you are blatantly ignoring everyone explaining that that is not the case and exactly why it’s not the case. Your idealized play style is what is make belief.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at, could you expand on this?

I’ve never stated anything of this sort. What strange assumptions you’ve stated here.

You are the one trying to claim people would play less with dual spec which means you think they’re doing all the time sinks right now that dual spec avoids.

And that shows you are blatantly ignoring the people explaining why that’s simply not the case. So once again I know my play style and motivations better than you and you can’t tell me how I would react to dual spec.

This was not my point.

You’re sounding rather defensive about this.

Well if that’s all you’ve got, then I can only conclude that your claim of increased play time is all a fabrication. And since you don’t appear to have any other positive points, I guess that’s that isn’t it.

where’s fasc, his points might have gone somewhere.

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You did say that Shivana. You claimed people would play less because it’s efficient

You’re the one who keeps claiming people would play less with dual spec not me.

In your idealized world someone who wants to switch specs to do whatever spends the time farming gold for respecs, visits the trainer and then does whatever. Resulting in more time played.

In reality what most people end up doin is not only not doing the farming of gold, trainer visit etc… they also don’t do whatever it was they might have wanted that spec for. Ultimately resulting in less time played, which is worse for everyone if what they would have done was a BG or dungeon or something else group oriented.

This is correct. But zir is unable to stop deflecting to different points to avoid dealing with the one i brought up.

Making more assumptions.

This is not what i said.

Which makes all of this more deflection.

Edit:I’m going to bed, thanks for all the talks.

Been asking for this since vanilla, I’d like to PVP or do quests but I can’t spend 50g every damn 3 days, I want to do arena and pvp but can’t with a prot warrior. It’s just gate keeping half the game…

I mean, it hasn’t.

Nobody has been able to come up with a single upside to dual spec other than #somechanges.


Again you can’t conceive that fun is subjective and that others have a different idea of what is a low barrier to fun and a high barrier. It’s a strange sort of blindness. Action x is a low barrier to fun for you so it must be just a minor inconvenience for everybody. Is it a lack of empathy or some type of narcissism?

I like to level. I like the slow leveling process and I’m not happy they nerf leveling in the previous expansions when ever a new one comes out. It makes the game less fun for me. But for other people leveling is so boring they’d rather sit AFK at the entrance of a dungeon while paying a mage to play the game and create xp for them. I have no difficulty understanding that fun is subjective and people play different ways. I never paid for a boost nor have I taken advantage of the free boosts that were offered on my server. Going on a boost run isn’t fun for me and the reward of fast free xp isn’t a sufficient pay back for the boredom of sitting afk at a dungeon entrance. But I get that other people have a different idea of what is fun for them. I’ve never tried to stop boosting and force other people to play the game like I play the game. You think every person has or should have the same interpretation of fun as you do. And you want to stop them from having fun their way.

Yet as much as I enjoy questing and leveling I hate doing it as a resto druid. So I specced her dps. I like healing but I won’t do it because I like questing to. Without dual spec I’m forced to make a choice. I chose to spec dps, not heal with my druid, do less dungeons. It’s the most fun choice for me with my druid but less fun than I’d have if there was dual spec. And it makes the game less fun for other people as they spam lfg for hours sometimes looking for a healer.

I think the main argument is that if the fun is high it would take a high barrier to keep a player away. Most people like raiding The Eye but the attunement is difficult and presents a major barrier, so there are players that would love to raid TK but can’t because they haven’t overcome the attunement process yet. At the same time, many players have been able to overcome the barrier and raid TK weekly, so the barrier isn’t so high that it’s unreasonable - and I’ll concede, it can be quite tough for some players to complete their attunements.

Compared to that, 50g and a trip to the trainer is a miniscule barrier for a max level player. If you’re level 10 and you’re expected to farm 50g to change your spec, I understand, that would be ridiculous. To say that this barrier is unreasonably high is just being overly dramatic. Just like saying that dual spec is the difference between logging off and playing the game. It’s not believable. It comes across like a child that will say anything to get candy.

The idea that even a low barrier is unnecessary is another matter. That’s a reasonable stance. The natural response to this stance is to refer to the original design intentions but that too often gets wrongly dismissed as a #nochanges stance.