Dual Spec.. please?

That’s what I did when dual spec came out in wrath. I had a holy spec for dungeons and raids and a shadow spec for questing and farming and I played more because of it. It’s not like this is new. I’m doing exactly what I did in original wow. The only difference is I don’t have to experiment and try things to know what’s fun for me. I didn’t try to quest in a resto spec with my druid in classic. I already knew it was no fun for me so I specced dps. When dual spec comes out I’ll have a resto spec to heal dungeons and a dps spec for questing and farming. Just like I did in Wrath a decade ago. In vanilla I tried to do quests and dungeons inside buildings with my hunter. With the dead zone I learned it was no fun for me. So in classic vanilla I just skipped any quest in a building and dungeons in tight spaces. I just did the out door quests and dungeons and waited for BC when they removed the dead zone.

What did you do? Start classic wondering what you’re gonna do? Either you have a poor memory or you didn’t play the original game much or at all.

Because it’s not fun for me to quest or farm in a holy spec and it’s not fun to spend all the time farming for the 100 gold respec cost.

Then you should have no trouble understanding that for some people having to farm an extra 100 gold every time they want to play another part of the game isn’t just a minor inconvenience to them.

To clarify, You’re stating that you don’t have enough gold to respec, and need to get it in order to swap to a dps spec right now correct?

Well that does lend to zyrs first point.
Except i do want to touch on a couple points.

if you do dungeons and raids as holy, you do get gold and mats from those correct? daily dungeon is some gold?

And then you swap to a dps spec to quest and farm. I’m not seeing the current issue. Are you saying that you don’t get enough gold from questing and farming as shadow to go back to holy for your raids and dungeons?


I still don’t have my epic flying mount. I’m still saving for that. Try again to understand that other people have different ideas of what is fun and not fun and that they play the game different than you do.

This is a deflection again, as I never brought this up. I’m asking you about things you have said.

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Yeah, but anyone can look at the full context which I’ve mentioned 1000x so far. You acting like this isn’t the case makes you look stupid, so maybe stop doing that. Unless you wanna look stupid, then go right ahead.

I could have written “merry Christmas” and you would have found an angle for a personal attack.


Well its not even christmas you dummy.


Many of your posts make it clear you think everyone should be able to have fun the same way you do. If they make different choices you think it’s because they’re lazy or don’t really like the game.

Really, would you mind showing those posts.

I’d really love to see all these posts ive made calling people lazy, or ever commenting on how i play the game.

It’s weird that you keep saying this.

What is this particular “style of playing the game” that consists of simply playing it to earn gold to do things you want to do?

Can this really be called a “way to play”, as much as it is simply…a gameplay loop that is inherently characteristic of the game itself?

That being said, I’m not trying to “force people to play my way”, I’d simply prefer them to…play the game at all to do the things they want to do. I mean, I don’t think this is mind-shattering stuff, nor is it sensible to paint it as being inconsiderate of others’ preferences.


It seems weird to you because you can’t comprehend that other people have a different idea of what is fun and what is not fun. You anti dual speccers keep telling everyone that the cost is a minor inconvenience. For you it may be a minor inconvenience but for other people it’s much more. I choose to spec holy for dungeons and raids and never respec because it’s not just a minor inconvenience for me. I rarely farm and never pvp because it’s not just a minor inconvenience. Some people make the opposite choice. They spec to pvp and don’t respec and don’t raid. Because the cost isn’t just a minor inconvenience to them.

I specced my druid dps because it’s not fun to quest or farm in a resto spec and farming 100 gold every time I want to heal a dungeon isn’t just a minor inconvenience to me. That makes the game less fun for me since I like to heal and less fun for other people spamming lfg looking for a healer. I’m not the only one who makes a choice to not respec but you remain clueless about anyone who doesn’t have the same view of what is fun and not fun as you do.

Except…your idea of fun that is the alternative to farming your gold or literally doing anything in the game that allows you to do that, is not playing/doing something else.

I mean, if you don’t like the game, don’t play it (which you pretty much already live by, so good on you).

Let’s not make the mistake of actually asserting that anyone is “clueless” as to why you want dual spec, lol. We know why you want it fella, lol, we just don’t care.

Your whines about farming being too hard for you to do simply meets a chorus of unsympathetic ears, that’s all.

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I’ve never personally attacked you or anyone on these forums.

Partially how I know is that I make sure I don’t. Secondly, personal attacks are reportable and I haven’t been reported for anything as of yet which tells me moderators don’t think I’ve made personal attacks.

You’re welcome to keep trying to paint me as something I’m not, though. I think it helps show that you’re trying to villainize those you disagree with without actually finding a tenable position to argue from.

Yes, exactly. And when many people do that it’s a problem for an MMO. It means that less people are playing the game so the world seems more empty. It means that people looking for a group, especially a tank or healer are drawing from a smaller pool of people. It’s not just less fun for me when I spec my druid dps it’s less fun for the people who are spamming lfg looking for a healer. Dual spec would make it easier for people to find a group. It would improve the game for everyone except people like you who get off on stopping people from playing any way different than you play.

They don’t just try to villainize. Some times they just call you a villain.

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See, here’s the thing.

it’s weird because no one is telling you how to play.

You say you don’t have gold for respecing. the person who suggests how to farm well isn’t trying to control you, they are trying to help you.

If you aren’t having fun in game, it seems quite self inflicted. you say you want to heal. so heal.
Why are you spending gold to heal when you like healing, just be in a resto spec? if you dont want to farm mats or herbs or w/e you do for gold, then dont, go heal dungeons or raids or whatever you like healing. the gold will come.

You clearly are stopping yourself. Its time you pull out a mirror or something because the person you seem to want to yell at for demanding you play a certain way is… you. and you seems to be making you unhappy.


Okay that’s fine, and the devs are being asked to change that system. Another way to put it would be that some people are whining that anyone who dares to suggest that dual spec would be an improvement isn’t playing the game right.

Right which has been done extensively, and noone can actually come up with a downside to dual spec beyond #nochanges.

You were doing so well too.
And i must say, No one can come up with even a single reason why dual spec would be beneficial.


/shrug I’ve never used change for the sake of change as a reason for anything without actually backing it up with real reasons.

Unlike people who usually very hypocritically and selectively use #nochanges when it’s convenient to them.